Sibi Paul
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNSo, if I use Litespeed Ent.
This issue will not be there, correct?
is this is something the difference between OLS and LS Ent?
Apache-compatible rewrite rules and Fully Apache compatible
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNThis is Required When I use OLS Only?
or this Required in Litespeed Ent?
Why WP Romeo Solve this without any header modifications?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNReport Number is Not Showing there.
So, I took the report Summary from there.
Server Variables SERVER_SOFTWARE = LiteSpeed DOCUMENT_ROOT = /home/ X-LSCACHE = on,crawler LSWCP_TAG_PREFIX = f35 WP_SITEURL = NULL WP_HOME = NULL WP_CONTENT_DIR = /home/ SHORTINIT = false LSCWP_CONTENT_DIR = /home/ LSCWP_CONTENT_FOLDER = wp-content LSCWP_DIR = /home/ LITESPEED_TIME_OFFSET = 19800.0 LITESPEED_SERVER_TYPE = LITESPEED_SERVER_OLS LITESPEED_CLI = NULL LITESPEED_ALLOWED = true LITESPEED_ON = true LITESPEED_ON_IN_SETTING = true LSCACHE_ADV_CACHE = true LSWCP_TAG_PREFIX = f35 Wordpress Specific Extras wordpress version = 5.3 siteurl = home = home_url = locale = en_US active theme = GeneratePress active plugins = array ( 0 => 'gp-premium/gp-premium.php', 1 => 'litespeed-cache/litespeed-cache.php', ) LSCache Plugin Options version = radio_select = 1 auto_upgrade = false news = false purge_upgrade = false cache_priv = true cache_commenter = true cache_rest = true cache_page_login = true timed_urls = timed_urls_time = cache_favicon = true cache_resources = true mobileview_enabled = false mobileview_rules = Mobile|Android|Silk/|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera\ Mini|Opera\ Mobi cache_object = false cache_object_kind = true cache_object_host = localhost cache_object_port = 6379 cache_object_life = 360 cache_object_persistent = true cache_object_admin = true cache_object_transients = true cache_object_db_id = 0 cache_object_user = cache_object_pswd = cache_browser = false cache_browser_ttl = 2592000 login_cookie = check_advancedcache = true use_http_for_https_vary = false debug_disable_all = false debug = 0 admin_ips = debug_level = false log_file_size = 3 heartbeat = true debug_cookie = false collaps_qs = false log_filters = false public_ttl = 604800 private_ttl = 1800 front_page_ttl = 604800 feed_ttl = 0 403_ttl = 3600 404_ttl = 3600 500_ttl = 3600 purge_by_post = -.A.D.F.H.M.PGS.PGSRP.PT.T.Y excludes_qs = excludes_cat = excludes_tag = instant_click = false css_minify = false css_inline_minify = false css_combine = false css_combined_priority = false css_http2 = false css_exclude = js_minify = false js_inline_minify = false js_combine = false js_combined_priority = false js_http2 = false js_exclude = optimize_ttl = 604800 html_minify = false optm_qs_rm = false optm_ggfonts_rm = false optm_css_async = false optm_ccss_gen = true optm_ccss_async = true optm_css_async_inline = true optm_js_defer = false optm_emoji_rm = false optm_exclude_jquery = true optm_ggfonts_async = false optm_max_size = 1.2 optm_rm_comment = false cdn = true cdn_ori = // cdn_exclude = cdn_remote_jquery = 0 cdn_quic = false cdn_quic_email = cdn_quic_key = cdn_cloudflare = false cdn_cloudflare_email = cdn_cloudflare_key = cdn_cloudflare_name = cdn_cloudflare_zone = media_img_lazy = false media_img_lazy_placeholder = media_placeholder_resp = false media_placeholder_resp_color = #cfd4db media_placeholder_resp_async = true media_iframe_lazy = false media_img_lazyjs_inline = false media_optm_auto = false media_optm_cron = true media_optm_ori = true media_rm_ori_bkup = false media_optm_webp = false media_optm_lossless = false media_optm_exif = false media_webp_replace = false media_webp_replace_srcset = false hash = wKjZcDYCorpDlHKlRwWqOUgkTjTw9aNm nocache_cookies = nocache_useragents = crawler_include_posts = true crawler_include_pages = true crawler_include_cats = true crawler_include_tags = true crawler_excludes_cpt = crawler_order_links = date_desc crawler_usleep = 500 crawler_run_duration = 400 crawler_run_interval = 600 crawler_crawl_interval = 302400 crawler_threads = 3 crawler_load_limit = 1 crawler_domain_ip = crawler_custom_sitemap = crawler_cron_active = false esi_enabled = false esi_cached_admbar = false esi_cached_commform = false litespeed-cache-vary-group = array ( 'administrator' => '99', 'author' => '0', 'contributor' => '0', 'editor' => '0', 'subscriber' => '0', ) litespeed-cache-exclude-optimization-roles = array ( ) litespeed-cache-exclude-cache-roles = array ( ) litespeed-optm-css = litespeed-optm-js-defer-excludes = litespeed-media-lazy-img-excludes = litespeed-media-lazy-img-cls-excludes = litespeed-media-need-pull = false litespeed-cache-drop_qs = litespeed-cache-cdn_mapping = array ( 0 => array ( 'url' => '', 'inc_img' => '1', 'inc_css' => '1', 'inc_js' => '1', 'filetype' => '.aac .css .eot .gif .jpeg .js .jpg .less .mp3 .mp4 .ogg .otf .pdf .png .svg .ttf .woff .woff2', ), ) litespeed-cdn-ori_dir = wp-content wp-includes /min/ litespeed-cache-dns_prefetch = litespeed-cache-cloudflare_status = false litespeed-log_ignore_filters = gettext gettext_with_context get_the_terms get_term litespeed-log_ignore_part_filters = i18n locale settings option litespeed-object_global_groups = users userlogins usermeta user_meta site-transient site-options site-lookup blog-lookup blog-details rss global-posts blog-id-cache litespeed-object_non_persistent_groups = comment counts plugins wc_session_id litespeed-crawler-as-uids = litespeed-crawler-cookies = array ( ) litespeed-adv-purge_all_hooks = switch_theme wp_create_nav_menu wp_update_nav_menu wp_delete_nav_menu create_term edit_terms delete_term add_link edit_link delete_link litespeed-forced_cache_uri = litespeed-cache_uri_priv = litespeed-optm_excludes = litespeed-excludes_uri = litespeed-media-webp_attribute = img.src img.retina_logo_url litespeed-optm-ccss-separate_posttype = litespeed-optm-css-separate_uri = /home/ contents: ### Rewrite Rules Added by CyberPanel Rewrite Rule Generator RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L] ### End CyberPanel Generated Rules. # BEGIN LSCACHE ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ## <IfModule LiteSpeed> RewriteEngine on CacheLookup on RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:no-autoflush] RewriteRule ^min/\w+\.(css|js) - [E=cache-control:no-vary] ### marker CACHE RESOURCE start ### RewriteRule wp-content/.*/[^/]*(responsive|css|js|dynamic|loader|fonts)\.php - [E=cache-control:max-age=3600] ### marker CACHE RESOURCE end ### ### marker LOGIN COOKIE start ### RewriteRule .? - [E="Cache-Vary:wp-postpass_b175cd0bdb3cfc5d19c6b6b29134bbc0"] ### marker LOGIN COOKIE end ### ### marker FAVICON start ### RewriteRule favicon\.ico$ - [E=cache-control:max-age=86400] ### marker FAVICON end ### ### marker CORS start ### <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font\.css)$"> <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </IfModule> </FilesMatch> ### marker CORS end ### </IfModule> ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ## # END LSCACHE # BEGIN NON_LSCACHE ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ## ### marker MINIFY start ### <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/min/(\w+)\.(css|js)$ RewriteCond %1/wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 -f RewriteRule min/(\w+)\.(css|js) wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 [L] </IfModule> ### marker MINIFY end ### ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ## # END NON_LSCACHE # BEGIN WordPress # The directives (lines) between <code>BEGIN WordPress</code> and <code>END WordPress</code> are # dynamically generated, and should only be modified via WordPress filters. # Any changes to the directives between these markers will be overwritten. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule> # END WordPress
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNAll Optimization Enabled or Disabled
Problem Same.
But, This Comes Only When CDN is enabled.
Kindly Go Through All My Messages above.
The actual trouble is in Browser Console is Here.
Access to font at ‘’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.
I can see Multiple errors Like this, All are CORS Policy.
When I disable CDN, these errors disappear and Problem solved.
when CDN is Enabled, Litespeed cache rewrites my htaccess file and adds this value
### marker CORS start ###
<FilesMatch “\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font\.css)$”>
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”
### marker CORS end ###when Disabled, this value also disappears.
Also, I have enabled Options in AWS CDN. according to the URL I shared above.
Today I created new Cloudfront Distribution FRESH according to the Best Practice.
The IRONY is When I use WP Rocket and Enable CDN… I could not see these errors…
Since Litespeed Cache is not a Paid Plugin…
It’s My Responsibility to Report errors…
That’s all Actually I did.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDN@stanleylitespeed Kindly check this and do reply asap.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNI Tested Multiple times
Multiple Domains
Multiple Server ( AWS, Digital Ocean etc )
Multiple CDN ( AWS, Key CDN etc )
Only This Error Comes When Litespeed Cache CDN Enabled.
WP Rocket + it’s CDN Enabled Works Good.
Can You Find out anything from these hints?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNmultiple errors showing in browser console is something like,
Access to font at ‘’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.
when I checked my htaccess file through Litespeed cache dashboard.
Then, I can see this code
### marker CORS start ### <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font\.css)$"> <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </IfModule> </FilesMatch> ### marker CORS end ###
I got a hint from here
I use AWS CDN, so I followed this tutorial
Litespeed Cache Plugin Missing Something?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNAccess-Control-Allow-Origin
This is something we missing in Litespeed Cache when Enable CDN.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNWhen I use WP Rocket, I could not see such errors ??
This Error comes Only When use Litespeed Cache + CDN
WP Rocket + CDN No Error
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNI found why this error happening.
I checked Console in Browser…
There I saw some errors ” CORS Policy “
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNKindly note…
When the Cache Plugin is Active but CDN is Disabled – everything works.
The error comes Only when, CDN is Enabled.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Top Nav Bar Search Button Disappearing After Enable CDNI have tried all those tricks before I post here.
Kindly Note: This error happens Only when I enable CDN.
if CDN is Disabled then no issue.
Same Problem, Please Anyone Help with Solution…