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  • Thread Starter Taro


    Sorry for late replay: i made the change

    // add region category to main queries
    add_action('pre_get_posts', 'tg_set_region');
    function tg_set_region( $query ) {
      if ( get_option('page_on_front') == $query->get('page_id')) return;
      if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) {
        global $region;
        $explode = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        $cat = $query->get('category_name');
        $region = $explode[1];
        if ( '' != $cat ) $cat .= '+' . $region;
            else $cat = $region;
        $query->set('category_name', $cat);
    // go to region home page if a home page request from same site
    // region determined from referrer URL
    add_action('init', 'tg_home_by_region'); // deze had ik er uit gehaald
    function tg_home_by_region( $query ) {
      if ( array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER ) && 0 === strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], site_url('/'))) {
        $explode = explode('/', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
        $region = $explode[3];
        if ( "/$region/" != $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] && '/' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) {
          wp_redirect( site_url("/$region/"));
    // alter category and tag links to be compatible with global $region category
    // add_filter('term_link', 'tg_alter_term_links', 999, 3 ); // deze heb ik er nu uit gehaald
    function tg_alter_term_links( $termlink, $term, $taxonomy ) {
       global $region;
       if ('category' == $taxonomy ) {
          $termlink = site_url('/') . $region . '?category_name=' . $term->slug;
       if ('post_tag' == $taxonomy ) {
          $termlink = site_url('/') . $region . '?tag=' . $term->slug;
       return $termlink;
     * Outputs prev/next nav links for custom query pages
     * @param array, $args, the same $args used for the page's main WP_Query
     *			The args array must include an 'offset' argument, relying on 'paged' will not work.
     *		string, $next, text for next page link (optional) default "Older Posts"
     *		string, $prev, text for previous page link (optional) default "Newer Posts"
     * @return none, outputs prev/next nav links with region_page URL parm inside a div with
     *		class 'search_page_nav', anchor links have class 'search_page_next' and 'search_page_prev'
     * @globals $_GET['region_page'], used to determine current page number. Page 1 assumed
     *		if 'region_page' is not set.
    function tg_custom_query_nav( $args, $next = 'Older Posts', $prev = 'Newer Posts' ) {
    	// determine pagination parms
    	$s_page = isset( $_GET['region_page']) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['region_page']) : 1;
    	$pppage = isset( $args['posts_per_page']) ? $args['posts_per_page'] : get_option('posts_per_page');
    	if ( -1 == $pppage ) return;
    	$prev_off = ( $s_page - 2 ) * $pppage;
    	$next_off = $s_page * $pppage;
    	// check for more posts
    	$args['no_found_posts'] = true;		// just get a count
    	$args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true;
    	$args['offset'] = $next_off;
    	$query = new WP_Query( $args );		// get next page post count
    	$ct_next = $query->post_count;
    	$args['offset'] = $prev_off;
    	$query = new WP_Query( $args );		// get prev page post count
    	$ct_prev = 1 < $s_page ? $query->post_count : 0;
    	// output links
    	echo "\n<div class=\"search_page_nav\">";
    	$link = remove_query_arg('region_page');
    	$nxt_link = esc_url( add_query_arg('region_page', $s_page+1, $link ));
    	if ( $ct_next ) echo "\n<a class=\"search_page_next\" href=\"$nxt_link\">$next</a>";
    	$prv_link = esc_url( add_query_arg('region_page', $s_page-1, $link ));
    	if ( $ct_prev ) echo "\n<a class=\"search_page_prev\" href=\"$prv_link\">$prev</a>\n";
    	echo "</div>\n";
    Thread Starter Taro


    Hi Michael, Its already beter than some months ago.

    I big plus would be the search in the admin. It can only search for Title. It would be nice to search for (at least) address, city and country. I wouldn’t mind if it can search in all fields (maybe a selector would be a option).

    I also used the following function with plugin “Admin columns”

    add_filter( ‘manage_edit-post_sortable_columns’, ‘my_sortable_post_column’ );
    function my_sortable_post_column( $columns ) {
    $columns[‘column-taxonomy’] = ‘column-taxonomy’;
    $columns[‘column-meta’] = ‘column-meta’;

    //To make a column ‘un-sortable’ remove it from the array

    return $columns;

    Thread Starter Taro


    The url still has the region when i remove ‘pre_get_posts’ the only thing that will be removed is the menu where we use $region.

    If the original URL without the ‘pre_get_posts’ action can be made to have the region in it again, like it was originally, then all the other elements will fall into place. I don’t know how that was accomplished

    Rather easy: I made a page called “benelux” and “worldwide” and linked all pages to these pages.

    Thread Starter Taro


    When i remove add_action('pre_get_posts', 'tg_set_region'); the menu will not use the 'menu' => $region, it will get the basic menu. And the basic menu is showing home and worldwide at the moment. I did not configure the basic menu.

    I removed the comment out add_action('pre_get_posts', 'tg_set_region'); so the menu is working again.

    Thread Starter Taro


    i wouldn’t call it a fix ?? it did remove the region in total…

    Thread Starter Taro


    That fixed the login problem. Did not fix the riderect to “worldwide/region-search”.

    Thread Starter Taro


    the only redirect in the htacces is for the custom login page.
    I had some problems when i tryed to login. I can login to the admin but the wp-login screen did not return me to the homepage.

    I removed your function code and it did work again. There is a problem with the function code…

    Thread Starter Taro


    The search works!

    I cant’t find a 301 redirect with sample or region in the name… Both benelux en worldwide pages are online with the a template.

    Thread Starter Taro


    I did add the line. When i search for “basel” i get no result. The permalink also changes to ‘worldwide’ when it should be ‘benelux.’

    <?php if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
    			<?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
    			<?php while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
        					  $the_query->the_post(); ?>
    Thread Starter Taro


    I think i misunderstood your reply and removed the $args = array on the posts template. But i think you wanted me to replace it on the region-search.php.

    I changed back the posts format on the test-page.php(benelux/sample).

    So now i replaced the following on the region-search.php

    <?php $args = array(
    			   'category_name' => $_GET['category_name'],
    			   'posts_per_page'=> 6,
    			   's' => $_GET['term'],
    			$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    			if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : ?>


    if ( isset( $_GET['region_page'])) $s_page = $_GET['region_page'];
       else $s_page = 1;
    $search = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['region_search']);
    $pppage = 6;
    $args = array(
       's' => $search,
       'category_name' => $region,
       'posts_per_page'=> $pppage,
       'offset'=> ( $s_page - 1) * $pppage,
    if ( 1 != $s_page ) {
       $args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true; // stickies only on 1st page
       $args['post__not_in'] = get_option('sticky_posts');

    pastebin region-search.php

    I got a error on line 63 and 67

    Thread Starter Taro


    Ok im back again, lots of work made; some changed to the website and i needed to secure the website(all known logins are removed)

    I made all the new code changes i have put it on the benelux/sample page. The following code is now placed on the test page

    Thread Starter Taro


    I didn’t have time to test the code yet. I changed the post page to benelux/news

    Not sure if this is a problem for the code…

    Thread Starter Taro


    That would be because the query args do not account for pagination. Did you place that on archive.php? The template that I assume is used for If so, the only added code from the theme default should be global $region;

    I did not add it on archive.php. I made a custom page template with header for this page. See here the code for header and page on domain/benelux/

    I will change the code on Sunday. Ill try to get all the options on the sample page(s).

    Thread Starter Taro


    Tryed that code but the pagination will not load the correct posts. It loads the same 6 posts again

    Thread Starter Taro


    The following link (logo link) redirects to the first page. But i like it to redirects to the current home region page… Is this posible? I know i can put ‘/benelux’ but this is for the standaard header.php
    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">

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