Forum Replies Created
Apologies to the forum, @jdembowski and especially @rattus.
There is no excuse for being nasty.
I will say this however, THIS NEW VERSION REALLY SUCKS!!!
Why would you make a new version that is incompatible with the previous version.
Your old version degraded gracefully if flash was not installed and showed the pictures correctly. Why would you not keep this feature even if it is a complete rewrite?
This is going to cost me a ton of money and time.
crud – it is a browser issue (not sure what yet)
works on my pc with firefox and edge
fails on my pc with chrome just on my pc – i get a blank area where the gallery should be – the rest of the page displays ok. i disabled all extensions, still fails, certainly not you problem…
works on my wife’s macbook with safari
works on my wife’s macbook with chrome- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by signcarver. Reason: added description of failure
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by signcarver. Reason: additional description of chrome issue
@rattus – still struggling please see code below
i copied the webview directory and files to the both sites just in case
/aplusezdockcom/wp-content/flagallery/before-and-after/webviewi also copied the skins directory to both sites
\ezdockcommon\wp-content\plugins\flagallery-skins\<!– remote site DOESN’T WORK ( –>
<div class=”flagpm_photo_show flagpm_w960 flagpm_focus_maximized flagpm_diskeys flagpm_keyboard_active”>
<div class=”flagpm_photo_wrap has_next_photo has_prev_photo” style=”height: 563px;”>
<div class=”swiper-container swiper-big-images swiper-container-horizontal”><!– local site WORKS ( –>
<div class=”flagpm_photo_show flagpm_w960 flagpm_w640 flagpm_w480 flagpm_focus_maximized flagpm_diskeys flagpm_preload”>
<div class=”flagpm_photo_wrap has_prev_photo has_next_photo”>
<div class=”swiper-container swiper-big-images”>- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by signcarver.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by signcarver.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by signcarver.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by signcarver.
@jdembowski – i agree with you.
However, i have worked with Rattus over the years without an issue.
Of course, this is no guarantee that something couldn’t go wrong.
I just want to say that this particular author has been trustworthy for me.
My particular issue is caused by many sites pulling from a common site for their galleries. Hence the reason for using the iframe structure. Rattus has helped me in the past with these issues.
I still don’t have the gallery issues sorted out on the slave sites, but thanks to Rattus, they are working on the common site.
i can’t see the gallery on aplusezdock, only on ezdockcommon
Below are the changes Rattus made and then the subsequent changes i made
* Under all of my flagallery galleries (public_html/wp-content/flagallery/gallery-name/webview) Rattus created a new directory called webview. This directory appears to be a clone of the parent directory (gallery-name). I’m guessing that it is a default directory used by the new 5.1 Version of flagallery
* Under ezdockcommon > Dashboard > GRAND Pages > Before and After, i changed the skin to PhotoMania
* Under ezdockcommon > Dashboard > FlAGallery > iframe > Photo Gallery iFrame Generator > Choose skin: > Mosiac
* The Embed iFrame code is <iframe src=””; allowfullscreen allowtransparency width=”100%” height=”500″></iframe>
* i pasted the new iframe code into the file ezdockcommon > ez-includes > ez-contents > ez-beforeandafter.html
* i uploaded ez-beforeandafter.html to the server
* i bought the GRANDPackPlus license for
* i can’t get the gallery to work on either or
* Do i need a license for each slave site? If so, i want to get the galleries working on one site before i buy multiple licenses.I totally get the flash thing.
I need the iframe because these galleries are shared by 4 other sites that pull them from a common site.
FYI – @stephenturner – my version 4.4.8 uses the lightbox correctly.
I apologize if i have the “vendor” terminology wrong but surely you understand the point. Somehow a developer puts his plugin on this site. I hope that WordPress vets the developer and plugin to some degree.
It isn’t a question of whether someone intentionally uploads a bad version. It is a fact, though, that it happens. If you happen to use that plugin in multiple sites, you are screwed.
Why wouldn’t you make it a requirement. The vendor surely has the “last known good version” that was released and tested. How difficult is is that he provides that version?
It would have solved the problem many of us had with BestWebsoft’s gallery plugin that broke many sites.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by signcarver. Reason: correct spelling error
- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by signcarver. Reason: spelling error
@richterd – THANK YOU! – Your workaround worked for me also.
Hoachim – totally my fault, was another plugin. changed my rating to 5 stars and said “never mind”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tabby Responsive Tabs] Tab and accordion on the same pageThank you!
yep – same issue
Forum: Plugins
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