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  • lol, k, but the point remains, when u take his post in it’s whole context and dont get fixated on the word translucent (which even he pointed out his uncertainty over the word), he’s not looking for translucent/tramsparent… is he? like i said, i dont know either. a touch of ambiguity plagues this thread.

    either i misunderstood what redhouse painter was after, or saurus has. me, i wasnt looking to make images transparent, nor was rehousepainter i dont think. we just need the image to be displayed across the whole page, with teh text over it. ie, the image needs to be the background.

    if i’m wrong and misinterpreted redhousepainter’s original request, i’ll quietly back outta this thread and make my own.

    i too am looking for a way to display my images as the backgrounds in posts, rather than the small incumbersome method currently in use. i want to get the image in the background with the text etc sitting ontop/infront of it.

    i was thinking maybe some clever code in the css where the background colour/image code usually goes, or maybe some custom field when making the post. …?

    if only it were as simple as adding a background in html. isnt there some simple line of code that we can add to the post which would over-ride the stylesheet background just for that post?

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