Clean easy to read.
But “An investment worth making”? don`t tell me that I will figure that out for myself. Show me your value. When I can see the value you provide then I will know the investment is worth it.
I would prefer to not bring up the whole idea of Worth or Investment, Unless you are an investment banker. Show me the VALUE.
Speaker coach Patrica Fripp (Sister of guitarist Robert Fripp) Talks about the I : You Ratio. Your first paragraph does a great job of the I:U raitio but your tag line should say it too.
“Your Trade Show Expert”
“Your Trade Show Success Secret”
“Trade Show Like a Pro”
“We Know Trade Shows, So You Don`t Have To”
“We will sweat the details for you”
Hope that is helpful.
Have a look at my site and let me know what you think.