David, I took your advice and used the ‘basic’ feed The only remaining ‘error’ was the nesting of the h2 tag. I changed the lines
677, 679 and 693 of cg-feedread.php to
$output .= “<h2><span class=’feedTitleGraphic’>”.$lf;
$output .= “<h2><span class=’feedDescription’>”.$lf;
$output .= “</span></h2>”.$lf;
respectively and now it validates quite happily as xhtml transitional.
Anyone trying to do this should remember to delete the files contained within the cache_feedread directory otherwise you won’t see any difference.
Also in the block style feed if you change
start_block(“RSS FEEDS”, “feedread”, “li”); to
start_block(“RSS FEEDS”, “feedread”);
everything validates OK.
(I am using the default theme for WP 1.5.1)
Si ??