Forum Replies Created
the user should be able to see all members of RED in FORM_RED (=”list all members of RED”) while he has the primary role BLUE. Only if he has primary role RED, he is able to display all members of RED in FORM_RED.
Hi @aswingiri,
thank you for your proposal! Indeed I see an influence of the role priority. If prioritize BLUE in this way, than I can see the results in FORM_BLUE, but no longer anythin of RED. ??
My hope is to find a solution where both forms can display both user roles – independent from the role priority…
Now I have replaced the old code snippet by the updated source_trace.php and didn’t modify functions.php.
Supergood! Now it works in two ways:
1. Here comes the desired line from the umroles.html:
[21.02.22 07:08] PHP Notice: Trace rename of UM role: ‘um_mitglied-consilium’ Name WP old: ‘Mitglied Consilium’ Name WP new: ‘Consilium’ Name UM meta: ‘Mitglied Consilium’ UPDATED2. And what I didn’t expect: “Mitglied Consilium” has also been renamed end-to-end to “Consilium”.
Seems to look like a solution. ??
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support!
ThomasOne stupid request from my side before I start to modify functions.php:
Where can I add the snippet in the functions.php? After the last line?
My 3 last lines are:
}// endregion
new OCEANWP_Theme_Class();
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by simpacker.
The snippet is installed and activated. And there arises still no HTML when I rename one or more user roles.
It becomes embarrassing for me because you invest a lot of effort to find a solution for me. ??
But unfortunately: No HTML page…
Is it perhaps a part of the solution that there will be created no html-page [mydomain]/wp-content/umroles.html ? Does it mean that the code is not be executed…?
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by simpacker.
Good idea, but unfortunately not successful. :-/
Is there any option to change the display name via the php admin frontend?
It seems that the desired display name “Consilium” is already stored anywhere in the database. As mentioned above, “Consilium” is displayed in the User Role Editor, while I deactive Ultimate Member.
Yes: um_mitglied-consilium
Via the plugin “code snippet”.
Execute snippet anywhere. Priority = 10
WP display name = UM display name = “Mitglied Consilium”
Is perhaps the blank/space responsible for the misbehaviour?
Okay, I did it as described. I’ve implemented the snippet via the Snippets Plugin, and activated it.
But there are unfortunately no changes on the behaviour of the User Role Editor. :-/
Hi MissVeronica!
Thank you very much for you great response and effort!!
Unfortunately I’m not firm enough to understand the php code, and so I’m not able to parametrize the variables of the code. I would really be happy if you could fill out your code with the above described example with ALPHA and BETA… :-/
The role ID could be “um_TESTVAR”.
Thx! Thomas
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Wrong font in Editor since WP 5.9Hi,
unfortunately I wasn’t successful. Even after deactivation of ALL plugins I got the same result: Wrong font type in the editor.