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  • Theme Author simplethemes


    Hi, I apologize for the inconvenience. This won’t happen with future updates. Your widgets should still be available in the “Inactive Widgets” section, however.

    As for the pagination, are you using the WP-Pagenavi plugin or native? Can you post a link to what you have? It should look like this:

    Theme Author simplethemes


    It could be the WP sanitization is stripping out the javascript.

    If you could post your a.) parent theme functions.php as a snippet to (or similar) and b.) the code you’re wanting to insert, I may be able to provide you with the action hook so that you can insert this a little more reliably.

    Theme Author simplethemes


    The 2.1.0 update includes better support for native pagination as well as wp-pagenavi. This should solve your problem as soon as the update is approved.

    Theme Author simplethemes


    Hi, in order for Skeleton to be accepted into the theme repository, I had to remove the shortcodes as this is referred to as “plugin territory”.

    They shortcodes are available as a companion plugin here:

    add_theme_support() and remove_theme_support() simply enables/disables the core WP features to be used. There is also a good bit of PHP and CSS that goes on afterward which specifies usage and deals with the callbacks in hooking it all into a theme.

    As you can see the options and parameters are fairly limited. The theme options framework in Skeleton is much more robust in that it controls a lot more functionality – such as typography colors, fonts, font-weights, specified element backgrounds, and basic feature enabling via UI.

    That said, if you copy options.php into your parent theme, you can add your own options and if you like, write the functionality into your child theme via it’s actions hooks.

    Hope this helps.

    Not sure what you’re trying to achieve, but if you want to remove the theme options from client view, you could add this to your child theme as well:

    function optionsframework_add_page() {
    	// Commenting out the line below removes the theme options from view.
    	//$of_page = add_theme_page( __('Theme Options', 'options_framework_theme'), __('Theme Options', 'options_framework_theme'), 'edit_theme_options', 'options-framework','optionsframework_page' );
    	// Load the required CSS and javscript for later use?
    	add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'optionsframework_load_scripts' );
    	add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'optionsframework_load_styles' );

    If you’re using Skeleton 2, you can remove the theme options styles from wp_head in a child theme like so:

    function remove_skeleton_styles() {

    The other actions you’re referring to are from the native WP theme customizer. Skeleton has its own theme option controls at Appearance → Theme Options.

    I had the same question, and using the help from this post:

    I was able to modify my function to do something similar:

    // Check to see if NextGen Gallery is present
    function get_image_path() {
     global $post;
     $id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
     if(stripos($id,'ngg-') !== false && class_exists('nggdb')){
     $nggImage = nggdb::find_image(str_replace('ngg-','',$id));
     $thumbnail = array(
     } else {
     $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id,'full', true);
     $theimage = $thumbnail[0];
     return $theimage;

    This should do it.

    #sidebar li.current-cat {
    	font-weight: bold;

    I believe you have to know the width of the menu in order to center a floated list.

    .ot-menu {
    	line-height: 1.0;
    	float: left;
    	margin: 0px 205px;
    	width: 540px;

    Paul, It’s been awhile since I’ve looked at the code. I’ll be going through it again soon and will let you know.

    If I remember correct, the theme has options for the user to select sidebar configurations on each Page/Post (left,right,wide). I believe this was my main issue (which wasn’t at fault to the BP theme framework). I could have done away with those functions and went with a more “static” conversion. Jambo was my first BP theme, so I’m going to try it again soon. Thanks.

    I had the same thoughts when creating Jambo for BuddyPress. I ended up copying everything over and just adding my own markup.

    While there are lots of hooks to extend the core functionality, there were some key parts of the markup which needed to be modified that otherwise couldn’t be “hooked”.

    I haven’t had any issues. If someone reports a problem I can just do a diff on the files to track it down and apply the patch.

    Thanks for following up aizatto. I’m testing with the twentyten theme.

    When using this plugin with the Widget Context plugin, I get fatal errors. I can’t really complain too much here, because the above plugin is only tested with 2.9.2 so I tried using Widget Logic instead. There are no fatal errors when using Widget Logic, however the classes plugin has no effect on the markup.

    There appears to be a common conflict with any sidebar plugins performing an interception to the widget UI.

    Same error here. Anyone have a workaround for this please?

    Thread Starter simplethemes


    Thanks, I found this page which outlines the fallback process a little better.

    For anyone else with this same dilemma, I’ve posted my code for reference:


    <!-- begin navigation -->
    <div id="navwrap">
      <div id="nav">
        <?php st_navbar(); ?>
    <!--/end navigation-->

    (sthemes_topmenupages and sthemes_topmenucats assumes a fallback theme admin panel option is also used to output comma separated values)

    // WP 3.0 Menus
    function mytheme_addmenus() {
        register_nav_menu('top-menu', 'Primary Navigation');
    add_action( 'init', 'mytheme_addmenus' );
    function st_navbar() {
        if (function_exists('wp_nav_menu' ))
          wp_nav_menu( 'menu=top-menu&depth=2&menu_class=sf-menu sf-navbar&fallback_cb=st_navbar_fallback' );
    function st_navbar_fallback() {
      $topmenupages = array(
      'include'      => get_option('sthemes_topmenupages'),
      'depth'        => 3,
      'sort_column'  => menu_order,
      'hierarchical' => true,
      'title_li'     => __('')
      $topmenucats = array(
      'include'      => get_option('sthemes_topmenucats'),
      'depth'        => 2,
      'title_li'     => __('')
      echo "<ul class=\"sf-menu sf-navbar\">";?>
      <li <?php if ( is_home() ) { ?>class="current_page_item"<?php } ?>>
      <a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php _e ('Home', 'smpl') ?></a>
      echo "</ul></div></div>";
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