Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: RSS feed for each categoryIn trying to debug the code I put echo $cats and got Array, I put echo $num and got 1 (I have 7 categories), and inside the loop I did an echo of $cat and got nothing
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: RSS feed for each categoryOtto42 I tried putting your last bit of code in my sidebar and got nothing. I am on 2.4
I really dont need a list of all feeds, I just need the feed for one particular category
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Seperate RSS feeds for Different CategoriesI would love to get a feed address for one of my categories but does not seem to work. Is that not what was meant by <>/archives/category/<category>/feed
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t login new userSorry about that. It was a case problem.
I added user Author, and was trying to logon as author
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Current theme previewI don’t understand Michael’s solution, since if I just built my new theme, it would not be in the WordPress Theme Viewer site, would it?
In terms of vkaryl’s comment, I was even stupider (if that’s a word) than that. I created the snapshot.png file, and it was in the proper folder ON MY HD, but I forgot to upload it to the server (I am almost certain I remember doing that, but maybe I messed up and put it in the wrong folder on the server or something, but it certainly was not where it needed to be.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Random ImageI came up with my own solution:
<img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/rule<?=rand(1,5)?>.gif”>
randomly selects rule1.gif, rule2.gif,… rule5.gif
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Random Imageflashfader seems to load a flash slideshow, and multiple-random-img seems like overkill, because it is designed for pulling n images from a m (n<m) database
I really need to find a numeric tag I can do a modulo on, and let it generate a number to append to a file name, as described above.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Random ImageAll I saw was PhotoPress which did a LOT more than what I wanted, and seemed to only provide one random graphic inserter
I need something that I can use more than once in a template (use one gets images 1a, 1b, 1c and use two gets 2a, 2b, and 2c)
I am pretty sure the modulo approach I suggested would work, if someone can tell me of a tag that is numeric, and how to use php to form the name of an image that will then be displayed
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Calendar previous and nextWhat I was remembering is the link moshu gave.
What is the advantage of doing that separation? Does it make it easier to just copy in a new version of WP and retain any mods one made in terms of plugins and theme changes?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous and Next postI just figured it out. The tags only show up on display of a single post. I was looking at them on a list of all posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous and Next postI tried what Lorelle gave me for scriptygoddess since that is what I tried at the start, and got a few function not founds, and a few names of the categories.
I think moshu is right, I should stick to the existing tags, and just get the previous and next tag irregardless of category. But the question is why they are returning null strings.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous and Next postThere must be something I need to do to make the previous_post() function return something.
I tried the string that oriecat suggested, and just got ||
I used the string IanD suggested and got absolutely nothing (in other words I put x before the string, and y after the string and got xy)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous and Next postIt did not help me (I must be dumber than even I thought)
The first link was where I got the code I tried
If you got it to work, can you give me the exact string out of your index.php file?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous and Next postYou make a good point
But <?php next_post(); ?> does not show anything.
Do I need to do anything to activate it?
<?php previous_post(‘« « %’, ”, ‘yes’); ?>
| <?php next_post(‘% » » ‘, ”, ‘yes’); ?>Just shows the “|”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous and Next postI may have to settle for those two tags
What I wanted was the previous and next in that category, I just dont want the string “Previous Post in xxxxx” where xxx is the category.
If x and y are categories, and my most recent posts were
x post1
y post2
x post3
y post4
x post5If I am looking at post 3 the tags you reference would give me post2 and post4
What I am looking for is post1 and post5, but I dont want the specific string Previous post in x post1, I just want post1