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    Maybe this is the wrong plugin for me Nothing I can do seems to stop the “Previous Post in xxxx” I can turn off or on the post title, but that is all I want, the post’s title and not the identifying words.

    I guess I can always modify her plugin but do you know of a plugin that would do what I want, and that is just show the title (and link) of the previous post and the title (with link) of the next post

    Thread Starter singleton


    Thank you alphaoide

    The instructions say Each function has the following parameters you can pass to it: $showtitle (true | false) true if you want to include the title of the post in the link (see below for how this looks if set to false). Default is true.

    So I tried <?php previous_cat_post($showtitle(false)); ?> but I got Fatal error: Call to undefined function: () in /home/www/ on line 20

    It works without the $showtitle(false) but it generates stuff I dont want

    Thread Starter singleton


    I am very new to WP (I guess that is obvious), but AFAIK I have not installed any plugins. I just noticed that my wp-content folder seems to have three plugins: hello.php, markdown.php, and textile1.php.

    Is it normal for me to have them, and do I just add any other plugins to that folder?

    Somewhere I saw something that indicated that one could, and possibly should, separate WP from their Blog. Is this a good idea (and where are the instructions on doing that), and would this mean that I could have several blogs on my server, with just one copy of WP, and would the plugins be installed once, for all blogs, or would each blog have its own plugin folder?

    Thread Starter singleton


    On the MtDewVirus how do I add that plugin?

    On the ‘type=postbypost&limit=20&format=html’ that worked. Thank you.

    Why did the ‘postbypost’,’20’, ‘html’ not work? It is what I saw in one of the doc files for postbypost

    Thread Starter singleton


    Which is the better choice: editing the source, or a custom function/plugin

    If I go with editing the source, is there a way of doing it within WP (like the Theme Editor)?

    My WP is installed on a Linux server, but I do my work in Windows. I tried opening the file and my editor asked if I wanted to convert it to DOS format. If I did that, and did the edit, would it work, or would I need to convert it back to unix?

    If I did it with a custom plugin, is there pattern code for such a plugin?

    And is it true that PHP is an interpretive language, i.e. I dont have to compile anything after modifying the code?

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: See New Theme
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    Yes I know how to change rights, either with chmod or with FTP (I never heard of CPanel) – although 666 sure sounds evil <grin>

    The real question is, is it a good idea (from a security standpoint) to make the files writeable (666 would let ANYONE rewrite it, not just owner or group). Also is there any want to automatically switch templates (like could I set it to switch templates at midnight, and then go to bed)

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: See New Theme
    Thread Starter singleton


    Is Themes Editor where you would edit it? It says “If this file was writable you could edit it.” Is that just a matter of setting rights, and is that a good idea, or should I edit it offline?

    This is somewhat unrelated, but is there any capability you know of where one can change themes automatically, like on a date?

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: See New Theme
    Thread Starter singleton


    Oops, I figured it out. I needed to do it in Themes, not Themes Editor

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: See New Theme
    Thread Starter singleton


    Yes, in Theme Editor (a dropdown box) with Select next to it

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    Yes the themes folder contains multiple folders, each with a bunch of php files and a style.css

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    In reply to: See New Theme
    Thread Starter singleton


    No change. I even tried a different browser. Still get the default theme

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