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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Hi,
Sorry, I did in the last time soooooooooooooo much and had success and not success, that I cannot more say, what I did and what not. This is bad, I know.But I changed the theme, because the previous “devenir en gris” gave me serious problems with Internet Explorer. Not with Firefox.
Hence I dedided to change the template to “Jakarta”. It is not that plain as the old one was, but very nice and a lot of technical stuff, what I like (for example the possibility to make the font bigger or smaller for the user).
Then I took the new Plugin from Alex, as reported and everything is fine now for me.
Below the calender I have managend (wow, I am proud, though I took only some codeline from devenir and pasted it into Jakarta’s sidebar.php) to let display the last themes and last comments under the calendar.
If you mean this, I can post here this code.
See my new page at for all the help, what I could get from here!
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Hi Mike,
thanks a lot for your answer.
At the same time Alex Tingle has also answered on now he has made an update for his Eventcalendar2 now I tried this new plugin and … everything seems to work as I wanted.
This is great.What I will do, is, I will study and try your suggestions, but maybe some problems are gone with the new plugin.
I will report it here, when I have news, again thanks, Mike, for your great work.
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Mike, hello,
though there is the danger, that I do stress you, I give you this message here, what I posted to the Future Post – blog.
MAYBE your (for me still not understandable) “category-2.php” could be a solution for this???
Here the text:
I think, this plugin is very good. But one BIG problem I can see. I do not know, is it not possible or do I understand something wrong.If I set the line
$futuresingleonlya€??if set to true (default)then I can see NO post from the future. I can see the day in the calendar is red and this is fine, but if I click on it, I can not see the post. How I could see this by a permalink, sorry, I understand not.
If I set the line to false, then everything is GREAT, BUT all the events in the future are in my page (index.php) at top, and this is not good in practice.
Say, you define some birthdays and events in the future (some monthes ahead) and a user posts an actual post (theme, thread), then first all future events appears and the danger is big, that the actual post will not be seen.
Did I undstood something wrong? How could I solve this?
Thanks realy for hints.
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Mike, hi,
good news: now your plugin works as before and also the “Future post”. I do not know, it it is correct, but I changed in Future post the line in actual:
$content = preg_replace(“/AND post_date_gmt <= .+/”, ‘AND 1’, $content);and this works. All is no OK except this:
I placed your line for call to get_event_calendar in the mainpage.
Then for example I create a new post and set it to 26.06.2005.Everything works then, but this posting is then at the top of the main page, even a user posts a new post afterwards.
Maybe with your “category-2.php” I could prevent this, I hope.
You see, I think, to the final target it is now still only a short step.Now it is still to early to cry HEUREKA ??
best wishes
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Mike, I believe, that the SQL-error from the “Future post” could come from a problem with “. I have posted this, see here: hope, there comes some help, let’s look.
So this seems to not your “fault”.It would be nice, if you could give me, when you have time, an answer about the question 2 above (category-2.php).
I see, your page works again, fine!
I showed it to a friend, he was impressed, but he asked me one thing, what I could not answer:Is it possible, to use your system like a “normal calendar”? This means, he would prefer to see only one month (instead of 3 or six) and for going to the next month, there should be a button for the next/previous month.
Is this possible, or my personal addional question, why you choosed your “design-solution” with 6 monthes visible?Thanks again
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Hello Mike,
Hey, cool! I make progress, with your help of course!1) Yes, I did the same options like you in “future posts”, but definitively this plugin works not here on my computer, it shows allways the same MySQL-error like I posted before.
2) Your plugin works!! Now I know, why the days worked not! I simply had used the entry <?php get_event_calendar(13,’mon’,3,True,1); ?>
but without having a real entry in the category with ID 13.
When I entered one, then everything with your plugin works FINE except:a) When I have for example an entry for 26.06.2005, I can see this, when my cursor moves over the day in the calendar. But when I click on it, then the main page says “no entry for this date”.
I think, this is, because I cannot activate “Future post”, is this correct?
Then, finally, one single point about your whole system I understand not:
It is your sentence “It uses a customized category-2.php”.Where do you have this file, and what is in it and how it works?
I used your monthes in my sidebar, and you are right, this does not fit.
Hence I tried to call to get_event_calendar on my main page (index.php) and this worked great. At the top of the page three monthes were created.
Super.I hope, if you could give me some infos about this “category_2.php”, then I will do it in a manner, like you did on your fine site.
Yes, and just now I went to your site, but at the moment your server or something is down, because I get some badly error on your site.
I hope, you are online back soon and I hope, you have not a lot work with it ??Thanks in advance, Mike, and again, your system is very, very close to that, what I a am looking for.
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Hi Mike,
Sorry, I was busy. But now I made again a test:
I did as you said.
First I installed FuturePost (plugin).
Then I installed your plugin.
Both I could activate, that was new and great.Then I replaced my sidebar.php:
The line<?php get_calendar(); ?>
I replaced with
<?php get_event_calendar(13); ?>
Then my side created this error-message on the top:
“WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 16’ at ]
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM wp_posts WHERE 1=1 AND 1) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 16″Then I deactivated the Plugin “Future post” and the error disappeard, and the calendar seemed to be new, but I could not go to any day.
I know, it must be boring for you, but with this news, do you mean, I have an old MySQL and cannot use your plugin? But the good news is, I saw the first time, that both plugins seemed to work somehow, because I could activate them, and I saw, that the design from the calendar changed. Hence your plugins seemed to work somehow, though not properly.
Maybe, if you have still a hint or an idea for me, I would be thankful.
Thanks in advance.
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Mike,
only short, I have to go some hours … ??I changed now ONLY the name to eventcalendar2.php and now I could activate the plugin. So this was for sure a good tip from you – heureka!
The rest I will try an report later.
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Uh, hi, Mike,
that all sounds good to me, I have now more info to try. Thanks for this, I will try it in some hours and of course give you a feedback.
Best wishes
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Hi Mike,
Hey, I am very surprised to get so quick an answer, thank really for this.
You are right:
I putted your file as php in my plugin-folder.
Then I went to the “plugin manager” in WordPress and there I saw the new entry likePlugin: Event calendar
Version: 2.1
Author: Alex Tingle
and the description and finally the blue action for “Activate or not”.Now I tried to activate, Result: nothing, means, the monitor flickers, but the word “Activate” (Aktivieren) is still there, means, I cannot activate this plugin. I have 3 other plugins (IImage Gallery, IImage Browser and Searchcomment), all other went fine and there is written “deactivate”, what means, they are running.
Well, the next step, I altered my sidebar.php in my Theme-folder (devenir en gris). The line
<?php get_calendar(); ?>
I replaced with
<?php get_event_calendar(13); ?>
where the 13 is the ID from my category for events.
Now I tried to activate your plugin again, then my blog-site with the calender is messy and there is written into the blog-page this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_event_calendar() in /home/sinus/public_html/blogxx/wp-content/themes/devenir_en_gris/sidebar.php on line 9
——————This what happens. I have NOTHING changed in the stylesheet, because … errr, to be honest, I do not know where. Maybe this is the fault?
BTW: I use the newest wordpress 1.51. And as I said, after activating your plugin, it is not really activated, because the “plugin-line” is not “greenish” and the word “activate” stays there (instead of deactivate for a active-status).
I am very sorry, if I made some bad thing and it would be great, if you can find after this description my error.I thought also, maybe your 6 tables with the monthes have not space on my blog, but I guess, this is not the real problem.
THANKS in advance for think about my problem.
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Mike, thanks a lot for this.
I tried to paste your eventcalendar2+MMC.php in the Plugin-folder and changed in my sidebar the line
<?php get_calendar(); ?>
into your new
<?php get_event_calendar(X); ?>In my case into
<?php get_event_calendar(13); ?>But then I could not activate your plugin although it was on the list in WordPress to activate.
Hence I guess, I do something totally misunderstand.
Must I first “install” eventcalendar2??
In this case I have to read this.
Or do you have an easy step-by-step – “manual”.
I guess only, that some part of my misunderstanding is also my bad Englisch, sorry for this.I you or some of other user would be so kind and explain this to such a novice like me, it would be great and very friendly.
I do only know, you system with the upcoming events on your homepage is simply great!! I would love to “adopte” it.
Thanks for listening.
Best wishes from Switzerland
MarkusForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future events category & anotated calendar working!Hi Mike,
sounds really cool … and looks great.
But how can I do the same??
I am afraid, I cannot do this by myself ??
Thanks for any help
MarkusForum: Plugins
In reply to: Multiple Days EventCalendarWould be cool, please give us a chance!