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  • Thread Starter sirdexter


    Everything works fine now. It was the browser caching problem. Thank you.

    Thread Starter sirdexter


    Thank you for your help.

    I managed to change styles in mammoth-editor.js in mammoth-docx-converter-plugin and it works fine:

    "p[style-name='Code'] => pre.wp-block-code > code:separator('\\n')",
    "p[style-name='Result'] => pre.wp-block-preformatted:separator('\\n')",

    But it doesn’t seem to work after I installed the mammoth-options plugin and added both lines there. I installed WordPress on localhost to check it. This is the file:

    function MAMMOTH_OPTIONS(mammoth) {
        var styleMap = [
            "p[style-name='Custom Heading 1'] => h1",
            "p[style-name='Custom Heading 2'] => h2",
            "r[style-name='Custom Bold'] => strong",
            "r[style-name='Custom Italic'] => em",
            "p[style-name='Code Block C'] => pre.language-c:separator('\\n')",
            "p[style-name='Code Block JavaScript'] => pre.language-javascript:separator('\\n')",
            "p[style-name='Code Block'] => pre:separator('\\n')",
            "p[style-name='Code'] => pre.wp-block-code > code:separator('\\n')",
            "p[style-name='Result'] => pre.wp-block-preformatted:separator('\\n')",
        function setParagraphStyleNameFromFonts(fonts, styleName, skipStyleNameRegex) {
            return mammoth.transforms.paragraph(function(paragraph) {
                var runs = mammoth.transforms.getDescendantsOfType(paragraph, "run");
                var isMatch = runs.length > 0 && runs.every(function(run) {
                    return run.font && fonts.indexOf(run.font.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
                if (isMatch && !skipStyleNameRegex.test(paragraph.styleName)) {
                    return {...paragraaph, styleName: styleName};
                } else {
                    return paragraph;
        return {
            styleMap: styleMap,
            // If a paragraph is entirely made up of runs that use monospace fonts,
            // update the paragraph to use the style "Code Block" if it doesn't
            // already have a "Code Block" style.
            transformDocument: setParagraphStyleNameFromFonts(
                ["consolas", "courier", "courier new"],
                "Code Block",
                /^Code Block/i

    Shouldn’t it work the same as before?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by sirdexter.
    Thread Starter sirdexter


    I changed it to 5 stars for your quick professional answer. But take a look at why it happened. I have my main domain without redirection for a few months before I noticed, so it could have affected my rankings.


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