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Thanks WP All Import,
I guess the issue is that GEO MY WP doesn’t store the address in the wordpress database, it uses it’s own database so I cannot populate the correct fields in the GEO MY WP database since it is not a taxonomy, term or custom field in $wpdb.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Prepend '#' Sign to Text Box on Form SubmissionI know I can do this by installing bootstrap but whenever I include the bootstrap.css it completely wrecks my theme and layout.
Anyone know how to achieve this without bootstrap?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to Sort Query Results By Meta Key/Value?Hey AJ,
Thanks for your response, but I have already read the codex for WP_Query and still cannot figure out the correct function. I have tried just about everything and still can’t get it to sort correctly.
I have tried:
elseif ( $orderby_value == 'highest_rating' ) { $meta_key = 'rating_avg'; $clauses['orderby'] = $wpdb->postmeta.'meta_value DESC';
As well as:
elseif ( $orderby_value == 'highest_rating' ) { $meta_key = 'rating_avg'; $clauses['orderby'] = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta meta_key ORDER BY meta_value ", $meta_key ) );
It seems like the orderby value “meta_value” isn’t working correctly even though I have tried multiple ways of including ‘meta_key=keyname’.
Anyone know what I’m doing or not doing correct?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to add a NEW sidebar to the homepageIf you want to use a plugin rather than creating and assigning a different sidebar to different pages manually than I would suggest that you download Custom Sidebars.
Here is the link:
It is super easy to use and has a great UI so no coding is required. You simply create as many sidebars as you want in “widgets” and then assign whichever sidebar to the current post/page from within the edit screen (there will be a metabox on the bottom right of the screen).
Hope this helps!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Create New Taxonomy Term from Frontend User Form Value?I figured out how to create a new term for my taxonomy with the content that the user enters into the form text field using the following function:
$term = FrmProEntriesController::get_field_value_shortcode(array('field_id' => 144, 'entry_id' => '40')); wp_insert_term( $term, 'instructions');
But the issue is that while this function will create a new term within the taxonomy “instructions”, it doesn’t actually populate the entry’s “Instructions” taxonomy, it just creates an empty term with no posts attached.
So how do I get the new term to actually attach to the entry as the “Instructions” taxonomy?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Display a Custom CSS Button on Page?That is what I thought originally but the author of this code had it ‘a_’ instead of ‘a.’
But thank you for your help Craig, I got it working by just dropping the anchor tag.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Display a Custom CSS Button on Page?I thought I needed to use “a_” for the anchor tag? Should I just be using “mybutton” in the css?
Thanks William,
How would I label the CSV fields in order for the default WordPress importer to know which info to populate?
For example, if I need to import the street, city, state, state (long), zip code, address, and google formatted address into GEO My WordPress how would I label these fields in my CSV file prior to import?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GEO my WP] Help Importing GEO Info in Bulk CSV FileThanks for the reply Eyal. It’s not exactly ideal… but I will give this a shot.
I think that worked, but now I can’t get the multi-select values to display on the frontend search results where is says “Search results for — ” ”
I am using the following function in my
file to display the terms used in the query:add_filter( 'get_search_query', 'uwpqsf_var', 20, 1 ); function uwpqsf_var($s){ if(is_search() && isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] == 'uwpsfsearchtrg' && isset($_GET['uformid']) ){ if(isset($_GET['taxo'])){ foreach($_GET['taxo'] as $v){ if(isset($v['term'])){ if($v['term'] == 'uwpqsftaxoall'){ }else{ $termname = get_term_by('slug',$v['term'],$v['name']); $var[] = $termname->name; } } } if(!empty($_GET['skeyword'])){ $var[] = $_GET['skeyword']; } $return = ''; if(!empty($var)){ $return = implode(' | ', $var); } return $return; } }else{ return $s; } }
How can I edit the above function to include the terms selected from the multi-select?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Featured Images] "Refine Your Selection" By Taxonomy?Okay thanks Martin. Is there a way to do a free trial before I purchase to make sure it does what I need? Or if not then do you offer refunds if I purchase and it doesn’t work for me?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Sort CategoriesHey Chad, you are correct this plugin can indeed custom sort categories and taxonomies through query and I finally got it working! Thank you very much for your help Chad!
Hey TC.K I just realized that while I can select multiple terms on the frontend it doesn’t actually search for all of the terms selected, it only uses the last term selected. For example, if the user selects Red, Blue and Green in the multiselect box the only term that will be queried is Green.
Any ideas?
Never mind, I just targeted the multi-select field in my style.css and changed the height.
Thank you again for your help TC.K, you are awesome!
Switched to the plugin Ultimate WordPress Query Search Filter it has all of the capabilities I needed without needing to edit any code.