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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comment notification emails stoppedI have the same problem. I have to use the WPAdmin to see if any comments are pending.
Thought it was just a peculiarity on my system (although there’s nothing peculiar about my system) but apparently I’m not alone.
I just looked at the WP-xxx.php files at my host and found one named wp-mail.php. I opened it using Code Edit and found a couple of
instances so I guess (I’m no programmer) wp-mail.php needs something out of the database wp-options table.
I went to that options table and found that the value for “mailserver_url” is my domain name.
I haven’t the foggiest notion how to get mail delivered there. I don’t even remember setting anything up for email at that domain. Maybe that’s my problem. Maybe it’s yours?
I just noticed a shortcut on my desktop that I named “BH Webmail cPanel” so evidently at some time or another I did go through some sort of email setup process. Anyway I clicked the shortcut and found an option for email forwarding in the window that opened so I entered a forwarding email address. Later I’ll post a comment and see what happens.
Before I closed that window to continue with this reply, I noticed that the two images named “Horde” and “Squirrel” were links. So I clicked the “Squirrel” link and lo and behold I was taken to another screen where I learned I had no new email. Well that’s at least a step in the right direction. Now I know how I can open my Squirrel mail, whatever that is.
Then I clicked the “Horde” link and found another and more comprehensive-appearing email applet. Unfortunately, it also contained no emails.
So WP 2.3.1 sure didn’t send any comment notification to either of those email addresses.
And that little experience revealed another layer of the onion – How does one specify which of the two email to use? Horde? Squirrel?? Guess I’ll have to tune in next week same channel same time to find out…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unwanted slashes when using apostrophesIf 2.3 fixes the problem, then 2.3.1 breaks the fix.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Weblog title field releasing apostropheI have the same problem. Searching on “apostrophe” reveals many, many folks have related, if not the exact problem.
It also reveals that either nobody has any idea what an apostrophe is, or nobody has a clue what causes the problem, or nobody wants to share his knowledge by posting a fix or a workaround.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Apostrophes in Weblog TitleAm I the only one of the thousands of WP users who has experienced this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Faster Way to Upload and Link to Docs?I guess what I’m looking for is a “Browse” button in the Insert/Edit Links dialog box. That would be ideal.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Faster Way to Upload and Link to Docs?Jeremy,
I found 80 pages of plugins, each with maybe 10-15 plugins. After reading through 3 pages I thought I’d leave a message here.
The link you provided contains quite a few I hadn’t seen before! I’ll browse through those too. Maybe somebody else reading this has a favorite or two.
Thanks for the links!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrading and consolidating inquiryHi Dan,
I too want to rename my tables for the same reason as you. Another thread on this exists as in which two people renamed their tables, updated their config files, and then had problems logging in.
I am curious whether you had the same problem. If so, the fix was posted in the same thread, and a third poster offered a script…
(If I knew how to link to a given thread I would have done so.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Renaming the WP- TablesAs you (or maybe it was somebody else here) said, you are “anal”.
But I wrote the book! ??
I’m working on a local setup of WordPress and XAMPP server, so if I booger something it’s no big loss. I’m just using it to practice and to learn. One thing I want to learn is how to change the names of the tables in WP and what other files I would need to edit in the process. That’s why in my initial post, I had hoped to be directed to some pertinent section of the codex and to the MySQL documentation, so I could get to the right area and read about it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Renaming the WP- TablesOK, I’ll do that. I believe what you’re telling me is that it is extremely hard and/or time-consuming to import data from one WP installation to another when thier “$table_prefix” strings are different. Is that right?
And thanks for the help!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Renaming the WP- TablesYeah. I think what happened is I installed WP after editing my wp-config file by using “SV-” instead of “WP-“. That produced the SV tables with the Hello World etc.
Then, because I wanted my blog files in the SV table structure, I imported an SQL file that I exported from my online blog (that consists of WP tables, by the way). But apparently that’s not the way to do it.
Any suggestions on how to get the data from the WP tables into the SV tables?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Renaming the WP- TablesI appreciate your comments. Let me put it another way…
My WP database contains 2 sets of tables. The first one has an SV- prefix and contains only the WP starter post and comments. The second one has a WP- prefix and contains the blog entries of interest.
I was thinking about exporting the WP- tables and importing them into the SV table structure. Must this be done table-by-table? Is this what you meant by “too much trouble”?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Import a 2.0.3 database into 2.3I just went through that hoop. Had blog on version 2.0.2, wanted to get to 2.3.
Exporting a database from one version of WP and importing it into a later version is asking for pain and great gnashing of teeth. This is because the table structures in WP vary from version to version. Later versions may even have tables not found in earlier versions, and vice versa.
What I did was update the existing 2.0.2 to 2.2.3. I followed the instructions available elsewhere in this site (i.e. in the Docs section).
First, I disabled all my plugins.
Then I used phpMyAdmin to export my entire wordpress database to an SQL file. This would be my database backup.
Next, I FTPed the entire contents of my WP installation (i.e. WP-ADMIN, WP-CONTENTS, WP-INCLUDES, and all the other files in that folder) to my local computer. That included the SQL file made earlier. This would be my WP file backup.
Then I deleted all those files and folders from the host except my wp-config.php file.
Next I unzipped the WP 2.2.3 package and FTPed everything up to the host, thereby replacing all the deleted files with the newer versions.
When that was done, I opened my browser and browsed to https://<mysite>/<mywordpressfolder>/wp-admin/upgrade.php and followed the instructions.
I then FTPed my custom-made theme file to the site, re-enabled the plugins and I was back up.
Next I used phpMyAdmin to once again export the database (don’t know if that was really necessary but WTH why not).
Those are the general steps I took. Your site is probably different so be sure you follow the instructions in the Codex.
The water is not as cold as it looks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best Way to Manage FilesYes, pdfs rule. I guess the real question is, are there site statistic applications that will talley pdf downloads as well as html page visits??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best Way to Manage FilesAny advantages of pdf over html? It’s about a 50-50 mix now so I’ll be doing some conversion anyway.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Version 2.2.2 – Upgrade to 2.2.3 or to 2.3?Thanks, I went to 2.2.3. I’m fresh outta consequences.