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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Problems Logging In to BlogAh, that’s right! Must have been left over from before I deactivated and reinstalled the blog on my host.
It appears that one could fake a bunch of comments by registering several different usernames and emails on one’s computer then, right?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Problems Logging In to BlogTried the Forgotten PW feature but when I go to my blog now I get an opportunity to add a comment with a prefilled userid and email address.
Boy, this is confusing.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Problems Logging In to BlogOops, I was editing my post while you were reading the original. I’ll try the forgot pw feature…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Basic Concept of Pages and Posts and CategoriesThanks. I think I’m slowly getting it now. So if I I have a website (I do, it’s, I could recreate each html page as a (php?)”page” in my blog. Then if I have categories that correspond to the pages, readers could view the page and add their comments, right? At least it sounds practical to me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Weird symbolMaybe you could try using a hex editor to take them out. Make sure to back up your file first! Start by taking 2 or 3 out and see what happens.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: 50 Databases – Is That A LotThanks. AN Hosting offers “unlimited” databases. I never did trust a salesman ??
Is in any way “better than” AN Hosting? The website tool, for example?
i have a blog at and, now that I have a host, i would like to transfer everything (look, posts, etc…)
I’m starting out with blogging and was considering creating my blog at May I ask why you are moving away from
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: username & password lostDon’t know if it’s the same problem, but all of a sudden I can’t get to the Dashboard in the admin screen. I am asked for userid and pw and none of my ids and pws work…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Using to Host My BlogThat’s what I was thinking. And I thought I’d it a preliminary name until it is ready to go live. If I do that, I shouldn’t have too much trouble changing the blog’s name. Or will I??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Pros & Cons of Using WP on or Other ServerNo, that’s not it, but it contains the information I was looking for. Thanks for the help!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Yahoo Small Business Won’t Upgrade Server for 2.2.2Okay, I’ll give that a try. Thanks for your help.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Yahoo Small Business Won’t Upgrade Server for 2.2.2For Drmiketemp:
Thanks for the link to the upgrade process, but upgrading assumes (I assume) that WP is already installed somewhere in my portion of the server disk (i.e. somewhere in
And I have not done that yet – I’m using an installation of WP that Yahoo has made available to all its users. So-o-o
Looks like I need to create a subdirectory such as and then install WP 2.2.2 into it.
Is that the right place to start?
TIA, Skeezicks
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Yahoo Small Business Won’t Upgrade Server for 2.2.2I’m staying with Yahoo because it gives me a website with no ads or other distractions, and because it does provide free tools (i.e. Sitebuilder and WordPress).
I’ve mucked around with WordPress a bit to get my blog going ( The only way I could get the blog up was to use the Yahoo dialogs. I don’t have the basic concepts yet for WP that would let me do what I want, but that will slowly change.
Sure would be nice to see a write-up explaining a bit about “under the hood” i.e. what the various WP files are used for, a bit about their parameters, etc. something like “Inside Windows” for example.
Yep, I boo-booed. Yahoo provides 2.0.2, not 1.9 like I wrote. Well, once I understand how the WP files interact I’ll be a lot closer to learning how to use WP itself.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How Do I Link to Blog from Webpage?Thanks for the replies. I was finally able to get the blog working after deleting it and reinstalling (Yahoo-style) it. I guess I did a no-no during the first few installs, so this time I documented every step I took in a notepad file and voila, it worked!
Now if I can just keep my fat freckly fingers out of it, I think I will do okay. Thanks again for the help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: SPAM control with WP-Ban, Akismet, Worst Offenders pluginsThanks for the post!