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did you find a solution? I have a similar problem ??
- This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by skeg0.
Dont know if this helps, but the search menu won’t show even when selected in the Edit Directory page.
Creating the custom template in the original ultimate-member plugin directory (not overriding in the custom theme) produces the same issue.
Thanks for your replies!
I believe what you say about it being 3 per row is true – but only if the size of the page allows like in a full screen template. My member directory is currently contained in a column of around 600px in width and when not using the custom template, each profile card is the same width as the profile cards in the ultimate member demo directory. It is also responsive to window size changes so making the window small results in just one per row etc.
However, when using the custom template, the profile cards are a lot smaller in width than what is the default, and the layout is no longer responsive so changing the screen size doesnt change the number per row – its always 3.
You mentioned changing the pagination in edit member directory – but I do not see this option when editing the member directory? so I presume I have misunderstood.
So because the default values aren’t being adhered to im sure there is either a bug somewhere as I have followed the customising rules exactly, or a step is missing somewhere.
I have also tried using a different theme (wordpress 2016) with the same results so can rule out it being a theme conflict.
Something isn’t quite linking correctly to the css or the js. Perhaps I could force the width of the profile card?
Thanks for your help! This is the code I am using which comes directly from the members-grid.php UM template and im pasting it into
<?php /* Template: Members Grid Custom */ ?> <div class="um-members"> <div class="um-gutter-sizer"></div> <?php $i = 0; foreach( um_members('users_per_page') as $member) { $i++; um_fetch_user( $member ); ?> <div class="um-member um-role-<?php echo um_user('role'); ?> <?php echo um_user('account_status'); ?> <?php if ($cover_photos) { echo 'with-cover'; } ?>"> <span class="um-member-status <?php echo um_user('account_status'); ?>"><?php echo um_user('account_status_name'); ?></span> <?php if ($cover_photos) { $sizes = um_get_option('cover_thumb_sizes'); if ( $ultimatemember->mobile->isTablet() ) { $cover_size = $sizes[1]; } else { $cover_size = $sizes[0]; } ?> <div class="um-member-cover" data-ratio="<?php echo um_get_option('profile_cover_ratio'); ?>"> <div class="um-member-cover-e"><a href="<?php echo um_user_profile_url(); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr(um_user('display_name')); ?>"><?php echo um_user('cover_photo', $cover_size); ?></a></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($profile_photo) { $default_size = str_replace( 'px', '', um_get_option('profile_photosize') ); $corner = um_get_option('profile_photocorner'); ?> <div class="um-member-photo radius-<?php echo $corner; ?>"><a href="<?php echo um_user_profile_url(); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr(um_user('display_name')); ?>"><?php echo get_avatar( um_user('ID'), $default_size ); ?></a></div> <?php } ?> <div class="um-member-card <?php if (!$profile_photo) { echo 'no-photo'; } ?>"> <?php if ( $show_name ) { ?> <div class="um-member-name"><a href="<?php echo um_user_profile_url(); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr(um_user('display_name')); ?>"><?php echo um_user('display_name', 'html'); ?></a></div> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('um_members_just_after_name', um_user('ID'), $args); ?> <?php do_action('um_members_after_user_name', um_user('ID'), $args); ?> <?php if ( $show_tagline && is_array( $tagline_fields ) ) { foreach( $tagline_fields as $key ) { if ( $key && um_filtered_value( $key ) ) { $value = um_filtered_value( $key ); ?> <div class="um-member-tagline"><?php echo $value; ?></div> <?php } } } ?> <?php if ( $show_userinfo ) { ?> <div class="um-member-meta-main"> <?php if ( $userinfo_animate ) { ?> <div class="um-member-more"><a href="#"><i class="um-faicon-angle-down"></i></a></div> <?php } ?> <div class="um-member-meta <?php if ( !$userinfo_animate ) { echo 'no-animate'; } ?>"> <?php foreach( $reveal_fields as $key ) { if ( $key && um_filtered_value( $key ) ) { $value = um_filtered_value( $key ); ?> <div class="um-member-metaline um-member-metaline-<?php echo $key; ?>"><span><strong><?php echo $ultimatemember->fields->get_label( $key ); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $value; ?></span></div> <?php } } ?> <?php if ( $show_social ) { ?> <div class="um-member-connect"> <?php $ultimatemember->fields->show_social_urls(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="um-member-less"><a href="#"><i class="um-faicon-angle-up"></i></a></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php um_reset_user_clean(); } // end foreach um_reset_user(); ?> <div class="um-clear"></div> </div>
I also get this same issue – did you find a solution?
Thanks pratikyashco,
I find the documentation for delving into customising templates a bit sparse – I have created a custom template, but I think the easiest thing for me to do is to somehow add custom fields into the $tagline_fields array – is this possible at all? or do I have to hardcode the custom field value in the custom template? So instead of iterating through the tagline fields array as so –
if ( $show_tagline && is_array( $tagline_fields ) ) {
foreach( $tagline_fields as $key ) {
if ( $key && um_filtered_value( $key ) ) {
$value = um_filtered_value( $key );?>
I can just somehow grab the custom field that I need to (though I am unsure how to do this)
Many thanks in advance!
I was able to solve the issue eventually.
For me, the browser console error was relating to a 404 on wp-admin/admin-ajax.php.
Turns out that the hosting provider had a ModSecurity rule enabled on this file which was preventing access. They removed the rule for the domain which sorted the problem.
Not found a solution yet, im in the same boat. Really need to use this plugin! Im thinking its server related – i have tested with a new installation and the standard wordpress theme with no luck.
I am using the following values in my htaccess file:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
</IfModule># END WordPress
php_value memory_limit 256M
php_value 5000
php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 5000
php_value max_input_vars 5000perhaps we could see if we have anything similar?
Yes, fresh WordPress and no other plugins apart from UM.
I’m not using bluechip hosting provider – a smaller provider in the UK (Nethosted) so am thinking its a setting that I need to adjust.
Yes, I’m using the default WordPress theme.
Is there any recommended/required php/server settings?
Many thanks!