Hi Mike – love your plug in. Sent a support ticket too on your site with all of my site details that I’m working with. BUT I am having issues with 1) at first having issues with the Google Form not even appearing on page with the short code – supposedly due to a Google error about too much search traffic (https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/86640?hl=en ) — but Google clean up tool and Antivirus found nothing. 2) turning on CAPTCHA appears to have fixed that too much google search activity problem BUT turning on CAPTCHA now has caused another problem with the optional confirmation page I created not getting redirected to – ONLY the Google confirmation text appears. Plus, is CAPTCHA supposed to provide a box to complete at the end of the form? If so, it does not. Everything else seems to work fine in terms of being able to enter data on the form and have it appear in the Google sheet. Working in WordPress 4.5.3 and using the “older” version of Google Forms (clicked on the “Running Man” – thanks for that resolution too)