Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Buttons] [Plugin:: WP Buttons] Twitter Follow Buttonbtw, would like to help fund the costs of the the Twitter updates as this plugin is very useful for our site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Buttons] [Plugin:: WP Buttons] Twitter Follow Buttonbtw, Twitter also has the option for including the tweet count along side the tweet button (similar to what Facebook and the Google +1 provide). You can see info here:
It would be great to have that included for consistency across the buttons as currently the count is not showing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Buttons] [Plugin:: WP Buttons] Twitter Follow ButtonThanks for the quick reply. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: AJAX Report Comments] Formatting on 3.0@aethus: Thank you for sharing your fixes. I was having the same issues and this sorted it out for me (specifically the status_header(200)..
Love to get this back into the distributed copy of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scissors Continued] BMP images not being resizedAgreed. The point of plugins is to extend WordPress’s native functionality. GD library, which most servers have present, supports bmp conversion to jpg format. Incorporperating optional GD support will allow scissors to manage a larger number of formats and covert/resize them according to the admins desired output.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scissors Continued] BMP images not being resized@wrool: Agreed that .bmp files consume a lot of space. While the majority of writers know enough to convert to JPG, some do not.
Was hoping that the scissors plugin could automate the resizing and possible conversion to JPG automatically to prevent the extra steps of going through a 3rd party tool or webservice.
They upload an image of any size/type and scissors converts it to the configured type (JPG, etc) and size (600×480, etc) automatically.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Wiki Component] [Plugin: BuddyPress Wiki Component] Abandoned?I spoke with the developer not so long ago. The product is not abandoned by any means, but he is currently swamped with his full time job.
If you are looking to financially invest in the project, I suspect you can have the “tweaks” developed by a 3rd party developer and contribute them back to the community and depending on the changes they can be incorporated back into the public release of the plugin.
Out of curiousity, what are the “tweaks” you are looking to have done?
@donncha: Thanks for the reply.
I ask as we typically see 3,000 concurrent users online during our peak (which lasts 3-5 hours) so we’re always looking for opportunities to reduce any performance impacting processes.
At those levels can I assume that mod_rewrite would be more efficient or would it still be negligible?
@donncha: Is this the recent SVN update I just saw posted (337197)
You mention that cached files with encoded characters in the directory name are served by PHP, is this a new change to the plugin or has it always been this way?
Any ideas of the performance implications of this change? I ask as the majority of our URLs have some form of encoded characters. Where we see oddities is when there is a mixed character set (starts with english, ends with chinese, etc) which results in multiple directories being created as you describe here. Trying to decide if we’re better in the long run to switch to all english based URLs and take the potential SEO hit or what creative options there are.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Super Cache] Not deleting cache on comment post@bigsite: Where are you located at geographically?
I’m currently in Taiwan running a “bigsite” (pun intended) of around 4 million/visitors 20 million/pageviews a month. Sounds like we may be tackling some of the same unicode and traffic related challenges with wordpress. Love to swap notes. Couldn’t find a way to PM you here so if you are interested drop me a note {my user name here} @
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: plug-in: Network Publisher – updating existing posts?I have the opposite question, would be great if it were configurable whether edited posts are reposted via Network Publisher..
It would be great if there was a checkbox on the post form giving us the ability to Post or not Post via Network Publisher. This would allow us to have the choice during initial publish or republish whether we want it broadcast to our networks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to disable wp_cron via page loads and run it manually instead?Marcm
If you have not already found this, in your wp-config.php:
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); //Disable page load cron
You will then need to create a cron that regularly calls
wow thank you. seriously rock’n response time.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HyperDB IssuesI suspect the access rights for your users are not set correctly. Specifically check to see if they are set to allow remote connections (ie. not localhost or
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] [Plugin: WP Super Cache] Permlink Structure ErrorI would advise against just using /%postname%/ as your URL structure.
You can read a bit about it here:
“For performance reasons, it is not a good idea to start your permalink structure with the category, tag, author, or postname fields. The reason is that these are text fields, and using them at the beginning of your permalink structure it takes more time for WordPress to distinguish your Post URLs from Page URLs (which always use the text “page slug” as the URL), and to compensate, WordPress stores a lot of extra information in its database (so much that sites with lots of Pages have experienced difficulties).”
For a balance of performance and SEO I typically recommend: