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  • Ζητ?τε πληροφορ?ε? και βο?θεια στο λ?θο? μ?ρο? κι ?σω? γι’ αυτ? δεν ?χετε λ?βει καμ?α απ?ντηση απ? ?ταν δημοσιε?σατε την ερ?τησ? σα?, πριν απ? 5 εβδομ?δε?. Εδ? ε?ναι η υποστ?ριξη εν?? συγκεκριμ?νου plugin για πολ? συγκεκριμ?νο σκοπ?: πληρωμ?? στην Eurobank μ?σω κ?ρτα?.

    Ελπ?ζω μ?χρι τ?ρα να ?χετε βρει απαντ?σει? στι? ερωτ?σει? σα?, αλλ? για παν ενδεχ?μενο καλ?τερο ε?ναι να ξεκιν?σετε απευθυν?μενοι εδ?:

    Επ?ση? πρ?σθετα για κ?θε ε?δου? επεκτασιμ?τητα του site σα? μπορε?τε να βρε?τε εδ?:

    Καλημ?ρα, υπ?ρχει κ?ποια ενημ?ρωση εδ?;

    Ποι? ε?ναι η συμβατ?τητα του plugin με την τρ?χουσα ?κδοση του WP (6.3.1) και WC (8.1.1)

    (Edit: To plugin σα? ε?ναι στην τελευτα?α ?κδοση (

    Επ? του παρ?ντο? στη δικ? μα? περ?πτωση αντ? να μεταφερ?μαστε στο περιβ?λλον τη? τρ?πεζα? για την πληρωμ? με την υποβολ? τη? παραγγελ?α? και μετ? ανακατε?θυνση στη thank you page, συμβα?νει το ακ?λουθο: Με την υποβολ? τη? παραγγελ?α? μεταφερ?μαστε επ? τ?που στην thank you page και στο κ?τω μ?ρο? τη? σελ?δα? αναγρ?φεται “Thank you – your order is now pending payment. You should be automatically redirected to Eurobank Paycenter to make payment.” το οπο?ο φυσικ? δε συμβα?νει ποτ?.

    Edit: Το site τρ?χει σε PHP 8.0.30. Δοκιμ?στηκε και η 8.1.23 αλλ? δεν ?λλαξε κ?τι.

    Edit: Επ?ση? δοκιμ?στηκαν τα Debug mode και Enable 2nd “payment received” email και καν?να απ? τα δ?ο δε φα?νεται να λειτουργε?.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Konstatninos.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Konstatninos.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Konstatninos.
    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Understood. Don’t worry, it seems like the issue has disappeared for the time being. If it comes back I will consider purchasing the Pro version, and reviving this thread. Cheers!

    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Hi Jules,

    Thank you for your prompt. I would be willing to do so, but I would much rather it if it was not accessible by everyone in the public domain, as my client would argue it contains private information. Could you please share another way to set up a form you could test maybe? Please let me know and I’ll set up everything for your convenience.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Hi @nielorit ,

    Thanks for the insight.

    Although it was not exactly clear from your answer, or the screenshot you provided, what should be the appropriate field to configure, I managed to find it (Time Offset). I set that to 1440 minutes (1440m = 24h) and removed the Minimum Date I had set before. It works wonderfully.

    The Minimum Time and Maximum Time fields I had already set to 07:00 and 18:00 respectively. The issue I would have with +1 days was that a user would submit a form at 23:00 for the 07:00 of the next day, leaving me no time to react. However I did not want to change the 07:00 to 18:00 time window, as that is the working hours of service. Hence why setting that alone would not be a good option in my case.

    Anyway, all is well now.


    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    This one is on localhost. Bub I reckon if you spin up a test installation and add this cf7 code below you will be able to replicate it on your end as well.

    <label class="cf__field-label">ΟΝΟΜΑ<span class="cf__required-asterisk">*</span>
        [text* your-name autocomplete:name] </label>
    <label class="cf__field-label">EMAIL<span class="cf__required-asterisk">*</span>
        [email* your-email autocomplete:email] </label>
    <label class="cf__field-label">ΜΗΝΥΜΑ<span class="cf__required-asterisk">*</span>
        [textarea* textarea-985]</label>
    <p class="cf__field-label">Γ.Κ.Π.Δ.<span class="cf__required-asterisk">*</span></p>
    <div class="cf__accepts-terms__container">
    <label class="">[acceptance acceptance-639 id:cf__accepts-terms__checkbox] Συμφων? και επιτρ?πω να επικοινων?σετε μαζ? μου σε αυτ? τα στοιχε?α.</label>
    [submit "ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ"]

    I have tested this on a brand new localhost installation also, and it behaves like described.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Konstatninos.
    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    I reckon you might not have to. I received key positive feedback from the current behavior. If need be I’ll touch base, and maybe link back to this thread. Thanks though. ??

    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Hi Abdullah,

    Thank you for the prompt reply. It is understood. Thanks for the tip. I’ll look into it moving forward.


    Thread Starter Konstatninos



    Thank you for writing back even after so long. Thank you for elaborating also, although by now I had reached to that conclusion through trial and error. It doesn’t hurt to have your verification on this nonetheless.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    There’s no need any more. I used a text block instead of the shortcode one, and it has worked. I reckon it was a Gutenberg thing instead. Thanks anyway. Cheers.

    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Hi Nick,

    Thank you for assisting me with this. Actually that is how I had set it up; a combination of filters into one group. That is why I had to contact you. It did not make sense to not work. Yet it doesn’t.

    What is even more interesting is it seems to be an issue with the counter actually, and not the actual filter. Here is a short clip where I demonstrate it in action. When I apply the first brand filter, all other brands appear to have zero items. But if I select a second brand regardless, then that quantity is included in the total items returned. The same goes with a third and fourth brands, etc.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Konstatninos.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Konstatninos.
    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Hi Jeff,

    Thannks, I will go through the process of troubleshooting this manually next, and should I run into issues that would require your further assistance, I will let you know.


    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for touching base. I was surprised that this was the case tbh. I’ve been running both a caching plugin, and BHFBB for over two years without any issues whatsoever. I did not expect this to happen after so much time.

    Although now that I think of it over, previously I was on a Litespeed Web Server host with the LSCWP plugin for managing the caching, and now I have moved the site to a new host with Apache, and I have been using WP Super Cache according to the theme’s owners instructions (Newspaper). Perhaps that might be the culprit?

    It shouldn’t be however. According to the link you shared both plugins should be compatible with each other. I had already configured the required cache settings as per the instructions for my case.

    I also followed the instructions for checking that the plugin is working correctly (the one including opening the forbidden path via a VPN or a proxy) and it appears to work as expected. I am not on Pro, so I can’t mess with the Threshold option, but I did get the following in my source code:

    <h1>You have fallen into a trap!</h1>
    This site&rsquo;s <a href="/robots.txt">robots.txt</a> rules explicitly forbid your presence at this location.
    Because you did not obey the robots.txt rules, further requests from your IP Address will be denied access.
    If you feel this is a mistake, you can access the site via proxy service and contact the administrator.
    <h2>Your Information</h2>
    <li><strong>IP Address:</strong></li>
    <li><strong>Host Name:</strong></li>

    What else is there to try?

    Maybe this post should be stikcy? It seems like more and more people keep looking for a workaround to what should work out of the box. Everyone opens their own ticket, and @shadowxvii usually replies with a link to here.

    Thread Starter Konstatninos


    Hi @caseproof ,

    Thanks for the advice. It works perfectly.

    Thank you.

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