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Thanks Cais. To change ALBUM thumbnails that are 91×68 to 150 x 150 I changed file package.module.nextgen_basic_album.php in /plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_album/
On about line 340 or so, I changed the line from
$image_gen_params = array(‘width’ => 91, ‘height’ => 68, ‘crop’ => TRUE);TO
$image_gen_params = array(‘width’ => 150, ‘height’ => 150, ‘crop’ => FALSE);
This gives me album thumbnails that use a maximum of 150 pixels and maintain the original aspect ratio.
I’m not sure if that change is what’s causing the layout to be the way it is, or if the layout is just a byproduct of the layout style (masonry perhaps?), but I’d like a bit more vertical space between rows so it’s obvious which gallery has which name, and a more consistent “rowlike” layout.
I spent several hours last night looking at all the CSS files containing “album” and trying to figure out how to change the inter-row spacing and such, but had no luck. I found some old discussions of people doing this and used the code they suggested but wasn’t able to replicate their results.
I even went back and changed a bunch of gallery covers to landscape images so the thumbnails would be a more consistent aspect, and got this image. Now they’re more orderly, although still very tight vertically…
Is there a CSS setting I can change to add vertical space? If so, I’m wondering if adding a bit of space might help with making the overall album thumbnail layout more orderly…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Photo Upload LimitsNot a big issue. Thanks Jacob.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Album Visual HierarchyCan someone tell me how to move a topic from resolved back to not resolved? Never mind. Found the dropdown… It SHOULD be not resolved again…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Album Visual HierarchyI understand Jacob. As busyMom said, having easier visuals for navigation would be nice, but I can understand you not seeing my point. For me, the collapsible table is slow since I have to keep hitting little black arrows to open things, but it’s not a huge deal yet. Once I have a couple hundred albums I suspect it’ll be more of a problem, but if the other umpteen users that are using your tool haven’t run into this, it’s not a big deal.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Titles on Images in Fancybox on NextGEN GalleryFound it. And as usual it’s ’cause I’m a dufus… They kept talking about “templates” and I kept LOOKING for the “caption” template… S’not that. It’s a template you select in the gallery settings. Once I finally did THAT, the change to the gallery-caption.php file worked and I have titles………
I have NO idea how to keep that file from getting clobbered in the next update – maybe I’ll ask that question later!
Thanks for the help.
AH… I THINK the light just went on… The “green button” you were talking about is the thing on the PAGE that has me answer questions and sticks a gallery on the page, right? That’s EXACTLY how I do it on BOTH systems…
I even went out and INSTALLED TinyMCE thinking it would do some kind of magical editing…
OK, I THINK I also understand the “template” thing now. In the imagebrowser settings I have imagebrowser-gallery.php set now. I THINK that will make SOMETHING show up.
<heavy sigh>As I said earlier, every time I THINK I’m starting to get the hang of this I find out just how much I DON’T KNOW!!!!!!Thanks for the help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Initial User Question from a very new userJacob, I’ve had a couple people go in and play with images. And both were VERY pleased with how much easier navigation is now. I”m not sure if everyone will like the buttons on hover, but so far my testers are really happy…
Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Titles on Images in Fancybox on NextGEN GalleryGood grief. Now I’m going back and forth between this forum and the fancy box one to ask questions… From the OTHER forum they’d like to know if there’s a current equivalent of the Code field that apparently used to be in the other settings?
And, is a parameter similar to %GALLERY_NAME% like %IMAGE_TITLE% that produces the image title.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Titles on Images in Fancybox on NextGEN GalleryThanks for the reply… As you can probably tell, I’m REALLY new at all this. The information in the faq doesn’t appear to be usable any more:
“Go to your Settings > Media admin page and switch OFF the FancyBox Auto-gallery option;” – there doesn’t appear to BE an Auto-gallery option“Go to Gallery > Other Options and set the Lightbox Effects option to “No lightbox” and click on Show Advanced Settings;” – I don’t see any “Advanced Settings”
“fill the Code field with class=”fancybox” rel=”%GALLERY_NAME%”” – I don’t see any code fields.
Yes, I’d PREFER not to edit plugin files. But, no titles on the images, no use NextGen Gallery. I HAVE to have a way for users to identify images. And it has to be something that’s automatically populated.
I haven’t found anything that looks remotely like “code field” anywhere in the gallery settings or the Other Settings, so I’m not sure if it’s gone or what.
My BIGGER question is – I changed the php on my LOCAL PC. I GOT TITLES.. Just like I need. I made EXACTLY the same change on the server – same version of wordpress, same version of nextgen, same file, same line, same variable, and I still get NO titles… Is there something I need to do on the server to make it use the modified php? Or should it just pick it up?
Every time I start to think I’m getting an handle on this, I find out just how LITTLE I actually know…
“Using a template versus changing the Lightbox Effect’s display are two different functions.”
I don’t THINK I’m using a template. All I did on my local PC was change a line in a php file. Should I be using some kind of template – “Captions”, for example? Is that how I SHOULD be getting titles on the images in the lightbox?“If you are using the IGW (“green button”) in the TinyMCE editor’s visual tab “
I’m going to have to go find what this even is. I’ve never heard of TinyMCE and I have no idea what the “green button” is.“If you are using a shortcode, you will need to add the template=caption parameter.”
Here is the shortcode or whatever the thing is that defines the gallery on my LOCAL PC: <img class=”ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem” src=”https://localhost/nextgen-attach_to_post/preview/id–2821″ alt=”” data-mce-placeholder=”1″ />and here’s the one from the server: <img class=”ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem” src=”https://www.<nnn>.com/wordpress/index.php/nextgen-attach_to_post/preview/id–263″ alt=”” data-mce-placeholder=”1″ />
Other than where it find the stuff, they look the same to me. On the local PC I have titles. On the web server, I don’t.
If by displays you’re talking about he “FancyBox, Shutter, etc”, I tried all the ones that were there. The Fancybox seems like it would be the easiest for visitors to use.
But, am I missing something obvious to everyone else… It works on my PC, doesn’t give me titles on the server. Is there something I have to DO on the server so it’ll show the title? I GET the description below the image, AND under the thumbnail, but doesn’t that mean the php file I changed isn’t being used? Or is there something else?
I”ll go look at the captions template if I can figure out where and how I turn it on.
Thanks, Cais… I don’t think YOU complicated things – I think my newness and general ignorance are the larger problem.
The way you described the cover image is the way I eventually did it – purely by accident, but my workflow may be a bit convoluted:
Create Level 1 Album
Create multiple Level 2 Albums – these are the ones that need the cover images
Create several Galleries that will be attached to the various level 2 albums.
Go to album management, to a Level 2 album and drag the correct galleries to the album
Edit the album and select the logo image I want to use for the cover
Save the album and go back to gallery management
Select the gallery and exclude the image I used for the album
Repeat for each of the level 2 albums.I can’t just create the gallery, import the images, then exclude the one I want to use for the cover because when I go to the album, that image isn’t in the image list to select.
And I can’t wait until I put the albums on the page then use the “Sort or Exclude Images” because then the albums won’t display – I get a “No images found” message.BUT, at a later time, if I create an additional gallery and add it to a level 2 album that has a cover that is now excluded, when I update the album it appears to CHANGE the cover to one of the available images. SO FAR, when I’ve done that it doesn’t appear to change on the page, but I keep thinking at some point, when I’m not paying attention my covers are going to suddenly change to images in one of the child galleries…
BTW: I’m not sure if it will be a problem, but I’m almost guaranteed to have situations with at LEAST four levels of albums before I get to a gallery. Some of the album images will likely be from the gallery, but at least two of the four levels of albums are likely to use images I don’t want displayed in the galleries. Is this likely to be a problem?
Cool. I’ll give it a whirl.
BTW: In the realm of “seemed like a good idea”, at approximately 04:20 this morning – so it took me about 40 minutes – I managed to screw up the config.php file, cause it to be “0” bytes on the server, and do a couple other “questionable” things resulting in me UNINSTALLING WordPress on the server and reinstalling from scratch <heavy sigh>…..
On the GOOD hand, it cleaned out whatever artifacts were left from the 30+ different galleries and other plugins and tools I’ve tried over the past 3-4 weeks… Just me doing another of my frequent stupid human tricks…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Initial User Question from a very new userAwesome! You ‘da man!!!!
Hopefully, this’ll be my last silly-assed question and I can start adding content for-real and get this thing live!
Thanks again!
I suspect it’s probably not the brightest thing to do, but I woke up at 03:30 with the idea of seeing if I had “debug” turned on for WordPress. So, it was, and I just turned it off, and now I’m not getting the error on all my albums/galleries… At least not the ones I’ve checked so far.
Is this error a real problem or one I can safely ignore? And if it IS an actual problem, how do I fix it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Initial User Question from a very new userUnderstood. Thanks for your efforts.