All of the following is for importing your live site to your localhost (WAMP). WAMP is free. You can also play with WordPress without a live site to get the feel of a live site.
First of all what patv is saying is right. All files for WordPress gos it the C:/wamp/www/somesubdirectory/{your WordPress files}
So if you haven’t yet, get WAMP and install. When you get to the site, you’ll see many different languages. Pick yours.
You will also need a free text editor. A good one to start with is Notepad2.
Now the tutorial.
This is a XAMPP tutorial. Follow it other than the XAMPP part. The two important parts are the wp-content from your live site and the phpMyAdmin.
I hope this helps some out there. It did me and I’m running WordPress locally and phpbb from my live sites.