Solved Issue 4 on the list, edited coppermine-brower.php on the plugin directory and ommitted these lines and it took out listings of all other users…
so remove this
/* insert other users albums */
print “d.add(2,0,’Other Users’,”,’Other Users’,”,$icon,$icon);”;
$users = cpg_db_get_all_userdata();
if ($users) foreach($users as $user) {
if ($cpg_user && $user->user_id==$cpg_user->user_id) {
$iid = $arbitrary_offset+$user->user_id;
print “d.add($iid,2,’$name’,”,’a User’,”,$picon,$picon);”;
$albums = cpg_db_get_albums($user->user_id);
if ($albums) foreach ($albums as $album) {
if (cpg_can_access_album($cpguserid,$album->aid)) {
$iaid = $arbitrary_offset+$user->user_id*10000+$album->aid;
print “d.add($iaid, $iid, ‘$title’, ‘javascript:openAlbum($album->aid)’, ‘$description’, ”, ‘img/icons.gif’);”;
and logged in users cant see member list in coppermine/wordpress