Forum Replies Created
hey @mafcz thanks for raising this.
We haven’t heard much about this, we’ll investigate and hopefully fix soon.
hey @marksa, we’ve successfully patch this the other day.
Thanks for raising this! Apologies for late reply.
— Smartsupp
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smartsupp – live chat, chatbots, AI and lead generation] PHP 8.3hey @pouzarm, thanks for your message. We’ll include it in the next batch of fixes.
Thanks a lot for raising this!
— Smartsupp
hey there, apologies for late reply, if you want to use 1 account that’s not possible.
You’d need to create 2 accounts to achieve that.
Best regards,
Thank you for reaching out and we are very sorry for the late reply to your question.
Unfortunately, we are providing only the API and we cannot help you with the installation itself. As it is an advanced feature (API) it should be done by your developer or someone with technical knowledge who should implement it on your website.
I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. However, if you have a specific question regarding the installation, please contact our support team at [email protected] and they’ll be happy to help you.
Have a great day!
Thank you for reaching out and we are very sorry for the late reply to your question.
Regarding the issue that you mentioned, if you still experience the problem with the installation, could you please contact our support team at [email protected] and send them all the details concerning the problem? They’ll be happy to help you to investigate what could be the cause of the issue.
Thank you and have a great day!
- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Smartsupp.
We have started an analysis of changes introduced by Google in speed measurement and their impact on our chat box. That resulted in changes in the cumulative layout shift. Those changes are already available.
We do not expect to stop here. We plan to implement more changes that will increase chat box performance as well as its user-friendliness in configuration.
To get more information on how to optimize chat box, we do speed measurement and feature usage monitoring. In the speed measurement, Smartsupp works with an agency specializing in speed optimization of webs and e-shop to better target improvements in the chat box.Feature usage is focused mainly on the JavaScript code of the chat box and how the chat box is constructed. Redesigning of this part may not only improve performance but also user-friendliness in the configuration of the chat box.
Unfortunately, performance optimization is not a quick task, but it requires long term focus and changes are introduced in small chunks during the whole year.Thank you for your understanding.
Hello @gsosab
thanks a lot for your review. Really appreciate you are satisfied with our product.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smartsupp – live chat, chatbots, AI and lead generation] Leftover codeHi,
we checked your website and we found no Smartsupp chat code there. Please let us know here or to our support email [email protected] more information if you can still see the chat somewhere. Thank you.
thank you for your message. We are aware of it and we will make some improvements. We will inform you once those improvements are finished.
you can use this website, which will tell you whether or not your website is using CSP:
If you are not using CSP, you can ignore the previous email.Have a nice day!
there was an issue with the plugin, luckily we have managed to fix it, so everything should be working again.
We apologize about the issues.
We’ve looked into it. The problem seems to be the Campaign banner at the bottom of the page. If you could just lower the z-index of the banner for a value lower than 1000000 then it should be working all right
Here is a screenshot of the problem:
Dobry deň,
vo WordPress plugine je navy?e iba automatická identifikácia prihlásenych náv?tevníkov na webe, tak?e ju nemusíte nastavova? manuálne. tejto funkcie je úplne jedno ?i pou?ijete plugin, alebo si na web priamo vlo?íte kód.
in this case, you just need to insert the script for the respective language to each of the language versions of your website. You will find the script in our developer docs here: