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  • Thread Starter smarxer


    Oops, we crossed. The first thing I did when I got to my dashboard was click the update. I just saw something briefly on the screen about JW Player, but by then the update was already in progress. The update finished, then I clicked on “details” in the description so I could find out what I should have checked before–about JW Player. When I tried to go back to dashboard I got the 500 error, and was unable to access either the back end or the front end until I disabled the plug-in. url is

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Update: I was able to recover version 2.1, and my site is back up with all the videos displaying again. Should I ignore this latest plug-in?



    Nope. It doesn’t go there! That hides my MCEeditor!



    jamiemthomas, For the technically challenged–like me– Is there a specific file this script goes in? I only see one js file in the plug-in, cognito-forms/tinymce/plugin.js Is this where this script is supposed to go? If not, can you be specific as to where we should add it?

    By the way, I LOVE this plug-in and will be leaving 5 stars as soon as I get everything functioning.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    I was doing some edits in Business Directory, I’d done several, then when I clicked save on the umpteenth one, instead of saving, I got a block from WordPress telling me to select my language. I refreshed my browser without saving, and a WordPress splash screen came up with the arrow to start my installation. So I closed my IE Edge. Then I tried to log-in with Firefox. It did the same thing, and when I refreshed it gave me a 503 screen. So I closed that browser. Maybe I’m paranoid. After a few minutes I logged back in, (my dashboard this time) and tightened up my security settings. I haven’t had any more trouble and there were no warnings from my security software. (except I think I got security settings too tight because I can’t export my csv files now. I have to use FTP to grab them from my file directory). I haven’t had any trouble since. The site has been in Maintenance mode for a few days, and still is. My WP is set to update automatically, and I use 4.3.1.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    OK. It’s strange, because it’s worked 4 out of 5 times in the last several hours. I’m in Maintenance Mode now — attempting to find a simple log-in plug-in that doesn’t send registrants to admin panel. I suspect the numerous plug-in installs/uninstalls may be what’s switching the search on & off in Edge.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    LOL. It quit. It doesn’t work on your demo site either tho.. It’s still beautiful on Firefox. And the search is fine there.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Found it! I removed the search function code I’d added to the custom php file. That did the trick. Thanks again. That’s one important piece out of my way now.

    I’m going back to your tutorial for some more help–and to sign up if you have a newsletter or feed for any other tutorials or tips you may publish.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Shoot. I suspect I may have made some critical errors when I was trying to get rid of “array” on my Evolve theme when I lost the footer. I tried several things–including some file changes, deleting, reinstalling, reinstalling WordPress, anything I thought might help. I finally just deleted everything to do with the theme–and got Longevity.

    My Edge Developer always shows 13 errors. HTTP404: NOT FOUND – The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (XHR)- https:/, then 12 that start https:/stylesheets/shared/reset.scss, (then sizes.scss, extends.scss , animations.scss, forms.scss, and color.scss. Then, stylesheets/main.scss, block-user.scss , note-common.scss, actions.scss, overlay-bars.scss, and spinner.scss. And #13, This is since my trouble prior to Longevity. I don’t have a clue what all that means, and no time to figure it out since everything seemed OK–except I thought it strange I had to use function.php custom to activate search.

    Maybe I should try cutting that customization out, and see if the new search element will work? Any ideas of what all that Developer stuff means? LOL search is the least of my problems at the moment. I had to go into Maintenance Mode trying to configure s2Members plug-in to work with my Business Directory plug-in. I just want to leave…go chase some cows!

    Thread Starter smarxer


    That happened quick! I need some help though. It looks and works beautifully on Firefox, but on my main IE (Edge) browser, it looks pretty–but is dead. You can see it at At first I was afraid maybe I did something awhile back–I had to use my custom functions file to get Search to activate. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I did some research, then copied and pasted some code–and it worked–so I left it alone.

    But then I tried Firefox, and the new Search is perfect there, so the custom functions may not be the problem.

    Again, I am so excited about this classy search–and so impressed by your quick attention. Thanks again!

    (Also, I want you to know your tutorial on setting up the front page was a HUGE help to me, and what finally got me going after I high-centered on Evolve theme!)

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Oh man! That is totally awesome! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to try it. Once this sandbox site is approved, I plan to purchase Longevity Pro since your customer service is 2nd to none, not to mention the theme is exactly what I’ve been searching for…would have saved me tons of time and frustration had I found it a few months ago.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Thanks. I’m hoping to have this done in a week…or 2…so maybe I’ll wait for a bit. I’m already working via a child theme, plus I copy any code changes to notes on my hard drive. I have a page of code I copied via Developer for that search bar–I just don’t know how much or what parts–or where–to put it. But I could send it to you if that would help.

    Interesting about the background image. I have a 24″ monitor, and it covers good. I use the newest MS Edge browser, but I’ve looked at it with Firefox too. What were you looking at it with? I’ll go ahead and plug in that code though so I’m “covered” ??

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Thanks–I just edited it, but maybe it needs to wait a few minutes because it doesn’t show the change.

    And yes, to the right. I only have a couple of icons so it will fit nicely. The one at the link in my first post is a perfect match. One of the rules I copied is below, and may be one of the keys. I would have just tried it with Custom CSS, but there were more rules-
    /*media all*/
    .header-searchbox {
    height: 22px !important;

    I can get the basic search field that sits in the sidebar, and in fact have it activated. It just looks…crude I guess, compared to the little sleeker ones you see around–and isn’t on the front page. I had started out with Evolve, and loved that feature (icons and search neatly tucked away–but handy–in the top corner.

    My site is a sandbox I’m using to rebuild the official site, but it’s open if you want to see the basic structure:

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