Hi, want to make sure about recurring..
Q1) there will be instances where it will be 1.90/month charge recurring for 3 months then 10/year charge recurring every year
can i use like that below shortcode right?
[wp_paypal button="subscribe" name="Package" a1="1.90" p1="3" t1="M" a3="10" p3="1" t3="Y" src="1" button_image="subscribe4.png" return="https://www.mydomain.com/thank/"]
Q2) How can i add trial period 2 in the PayPal subscription button?
Q3) recently, you latest version showing “Added support for variable subscription price.” What is this and how can i use it?
Best Regards,
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by smk2002.