Forum Replies Created
OMG!!!! It works without having to add images at the bottom of the post. I just tried it.
Thanks for the quick answer. Is it possible to offer both the featured image as the default and the other image options as well?
another related question — the suggested dimensions use a different convention than what I’ve become accustomed to. The plugin suggests to use images that are 1200px by 630px
Normally I would read that to mean 1200px wide by 630px tall. But your plugin is indicating the opposite. Am I right?
Also — I uploaded an image using the suggested dimensions and then tweeted it but didn’t see the image in the tweet. Does it take time for the image functionality to be read by Twitter?
I see it — thanks so much. This is great but it would be better if it just used the featured image as a default. And thank you for getting back to me so quickly
I purchased the Ultimate Social Media plugin specifically because the plugin website said it would include images in social media posts — now you are telling me that that wasn’t completely true and that I have to spend more money to get the twitter images to post? Am I correct?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Table fulle PageI found the checkbox. It worked. I unchecked the “Enable Horizontal Scrolling” option on the individual table that I had embedded in the page. Now the table fills the entire width of the page as desired.
Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Table fulle PageHello,
Thank you for replying.
Please explain where is the checkbox on the “Edit” screen of the table?
Can you send me a screen shot. I don’t know what check box you are referring to.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Table fulle PageI am using the Genesis platform theme with the Metro Pro child theme. The theme comes with a full page option. I selected the full page option (see img)
but the table will not fill the page. What is interesting is that when the page loads, momentarily, you can see that the table is loading to fully fill the page but a second later it reverts back to only using a portion of the page.Tablepress table
I also am not getting the PinIt button when I hover over an image. Here is my site:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AgentPress Listings] Taxonomies not listed in the AgentPress Listing widgetI figured this out. After registering the taxonomies, you must populate them in order for them to appear in the widget.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AgentPress Listings] Taxonomies not listed in the AgentPress Listing widgethere is my site
To anyone following this thread —
Looks like there may be a conflict with another plugin. Not sure yet. TinyPNG is checking but if any of you are having similar problems and are also using the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin – that might be the issue
Think I understand why support@tinypng could not connect with me. He was hitting the “reply-to” button when responding to my email. Somehow, Yahoo has the wrong reply-to email address for me. I have searched everywhere I can to change this. It isn’t in profile or any of the other settings. And Yahoo makes it almost impossible to contact anyone who might be able to help with this. So I’m pretty sure that that was the problem.
To everyone following this thread, I finally received an email from [email protected].
We have not figured out why it took so long to connect but at least we’ve finally established a line of communication.
Will keep you posted.
Thank you [email protected] for connecting with me.
I have searched through my email. I’ve found nothing. Perhaps you are sending to the wrong email address. But I know Voormedia has my correct email address because I received the receipt from when they debited my credit card yesterday.
I will go to my email and search now. I have been searching for anything from the sender “TinyPNG” or from “Voormedia”. Please tell me who the sender is so that I can search. I have lots of emails. I’ve been looking for a response everyday.
To be fair, the plugin was working great the first month but then it stopped compressing all images but kept charging me. I ran a compression last night. It said it compressed 199 images. But when I navigated away from the page and then went back to the media library, the images that were being shown as compressed reverted back to not being compressed and –I have not confirmed this –but I suspect my account was charged (sorry, this is getting under my sking).
I haven’t confirmed it because everytime I try to access my account on the TinyBNG website, I’m directed to a page that asks for my email. When I give it, an email is sent to me that contains a link to my account. It also says, “In the future you can access this page again from the Developer API section of the site.” But this sends me back into the same loop.
Please let me know what to search for in my email.
Thank you for responding.