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  • Thread Starter smkyle1


    Well, I installed the commercial version. I had to work with Daniel Perez quite a bit but finally got it installed. I paid the 55 Euros because I wanted the stats but turns out the stats aren’t what I was looking for.

    Thread Starter smkyle1


    I know now, because Daniel Perez contacted me, that I was uploading my csv the wrong way. If you don’t want to have to activate each subscriber on-by-one, set confirmation to “no” when uploading the csv file.

    thank you Daniel

    The same thing happened to me but Daniel Perez contacted me and sent it to me via email.

    I haven’t installed the commercial version yet because I want to make sure I don’t overwrite the fix PBP_Editor provided for the problem of adding articles.

    I’ll let you know what happens.

    PBP_Editor Thank you!!!

    You fixed my problem and saved me many hours of frustration.

    Thank you so much!!!

    I downloaded and installed the WP Smart Image plugin. I’m using WP Version 2.8.5
    In the “settings” area I clicked “Show Thumbnails in RSS Feed”.

    Still, I’m not getting any images in my RSS feed even though I have images in all of my posts.

    What else can I do?

    Here is the code that I loaded:

    Plugin Name: WP Smart Image
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This plugin helps you to set the image layout of your site in a very easy way.
    Author: Darío Ferrer (@metacortex)
    Version: 0.3.3
    Author URI:

    /* Copyright 2009 Darío Ferrer ([email protected])

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    if ( !defined(‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’) ) $plugin_dir = str_replace( ABSPATH, ”, dirname(__FILE__) );
    else $plugin_dir = dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) );

    if ( function_exists(‘load_plugin_textdomain’) ) {
    if ( !defined(‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’) ) load_plugin_textdomain(‘wp-smart-image’, str_replace( ABSPATH, ”, dirname(__FILE__) ) );
    else load_plugin_textdomain(‘wp-smart-image’, false, dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) );

    if ( isset($_REQUEST[‘wpsi_agregar_datos’]) ) wpsi_llenar_bd();
    if ( isset($_REQUEST[‘wpsi_remover_datos’]) ) wpsi_vaciar_options();
    if ( isset($_REQUEST[‘wpsi_borrar_postmeta’]) ) wpsi_vaciar_postmeta();

    $wpsi_configuracion = get_option(‘wpsi_configuracion’);

    add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘wpsi_options_page’);
    add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘wpsi_cargar_archivos’);
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘wpsi_cargar_header’);
    if($wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_activar_metabox’] == 1) {
    add_action( ‘do_meta_boxes’ , ‘wpsi_agregar_metabox’ , 10, 2 );
    add_action( ‘save_post’, ‘wpsi_guardar_metabox’ );

    function wpsi_options_page() {
    add_options_page(__(‘WP Smart Image’, ‘wp-smart-image’), __(‘WP Smart Image’, ‘wp-smart-image’), 8, ‘wp-smart-image’, ‘wpsi_options’);

    function wpsi_options() {
    // Convirtiendo en variable todo lo que hemos metido en la base de datos
    // Turning to variables all thing we’ve set on the database
    global $wpsi_configuracion, $_POST;
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
    if ( isset($_POST[‘wpsi_ruta_img’]) ) $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_ruta_img’] = $_POST[‘wpsi_ruta_img’];
    if ( isset($_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_mini’]) ) $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_mini’] = $_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_mini’];
    if ( isset($_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_medio’]) ) $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_medio’] = $_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_medio’];
    if ( isset($_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_grande’]) ) $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_grande’] = $_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_grande’];
    if ( isset($_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_full’]) ) $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_full’] = $_POST[‘wpsi_reemp_full’];
    if ( isset($_POST[‘wpsi_texto_alt’]) ) $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_texto_alt’] = $_POST[‘wpsi_texto_alt’];
    if ( isset($_POST[‘wpsi_texto_title’]) ) $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_texto_title’] = $_POST[‘wpsi_texto_title’];

    $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_rss’] = $_REQUEST[‘mostrar-rss’] ? 1 : 0;
    $wpsi_configuracion[‘custom_compat’] = $_REQUEST[‘custom-compat’] ? 1 : 0;
    $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_activar_metabox’] = $_REQUEST[‘wpsi-activar-metabox’] ? 1 : 0;


    echo ‘<div id=”message” class=”updated fade”><p>’.__(‘Options updated’, ‘wp-smart-image’).'</p></div>’;
    echo $texto_error;
    if($wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_rss’]) $rss_checked = ‘checked=”checked”‘;
    if($wpsi_configuracion[‘custom_compat’]) $custom_compat_checked = ‘checked=”checked”‘;
    if($wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_activar_metabox’]) $wpsi_activar_metabox_checked = ‘checked=”checked”‘;

    <div id=”wpsi-contenedor”>
    <h2><?php _e(‘WP Smart Image Options’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h2>
    <ul id=”wpsi-caja” class=”wpsi-pestanas”>
    <li class=”wpsi-selected”><?php _e(‘Settings’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>

    • <?php _e(‘Parameters’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘About’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <div id=”tcontent1″ class=”wpsi-contenido”>
      <form action=”<?php echo attribute_escape( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ); ?>” method=”post” id=”wpsi-form” class=”clase-wpsi-form form1″ name=”wpsi-form”>
      <h3><?php _e(‘General options’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
      <p class=”descripcion”><input type=”checkbox” id=”wpsi-activar-metabox” name=”wpsi-activar-metabox” value=”1″ <?php echo $wpsi_activar_metabox_checked ?> /> <label for=”wpsi-activar-metabox”><?php _e(‘Activate editor box’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”explicacion”><?php _e(‘If checked, you don\’t need to sort images from menu anymore. You will can choose directly the image you wish from post editor through a sidebox. One little field per post will added in your DB _postmeta table. The activation of this function will not modifies any configuration you have been set before’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.</p>
      <p class=”descripcion”><input type=”checkbox” id=”mostrar-rss” name=”mostrar-rss” value=”1″ <?php echo $rss_checked ?> /> <label for=”mostrar-rss”><?php _e(‘Show thumbnails in RSS feed’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”explicacion”><?php _e(‘Check this box if you want to show thumbnails in your RSS feeds. Otherwise leave it blank’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.</p>
      <p class=”descripcion”><input type=”checkbox” id=”custom-compat” name=”custom-compat” value=”1″ <?php echo $custom_compat_checked ?> /> <label for=”custom-compat”><?php _e(‘Activate compatibility with’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘Max Image Size Control plugin’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”explicacion ultimo”><?php _e(‘Max Image Size Control plugin’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘adds the functionality to change the max image size each category and post. Even you can create extra sizes. Now you can integrate the power of both plugins’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.</p>
      <h3><?php _e(‘Replacement images’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
      <p class=”descripcion”><label for=”wpsi_ruta_img”><?php _e(‘Replacement image path’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” name=”wpsi_ruta_img” id=”wpsi_ruta_img” value=”<?php echo $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_ruta_img’] ?>” /></p>
      <p class=”explicacion”><?php _e(‘Change this path if you like to custom image folder location.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <div class=”wpsi-separador wpsi-linea”></div>
      <div class=”wpsi-izquierda linea-abajo”>
      <p class=”descripcion”><label for=”wpsi_reemp_mini”><?php _e(‘Replacement image for thumbnail size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” name=”wpsi_reemp_mini” id=”wpsi_reemp_mini” value=”<?php echo $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_mini’] ?>” /></p>
      <p class=”explicacion”><?php _e(‘Set thumbnail filename to show in case it not exists one on your post.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <div class=”wpsi-derecha linea-abajo”>
      <p class=”descripcion”><label for=”wpsi_reemp_medio”><?php _e(‘Replacement image for medium size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” name=”wpsi_reemp_medio” id=”wpsi_reemp_medio” value=”<?php echo $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_medio’] ?>” /></p>
      <p class=”explicacion”><?php _e(‘Set medium size filename to show in case it not exists one on your post.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <div class=”wpsi-separador”></div>
      <div class=”wpsi-izquierda linea-arriba”>
      <p class=”descripcion”><label for=”wpsi_reemp_grande”><?php _e(‘Replacement image for large size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” name=”wpsi_reemp_grande” id=”wpsi_reemp_grande” value=”<?php echo $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_grande’] ?>” /></p>
      <p class=”explicacion ultimo”><?php _e(‘Set large size filename to show in case it not exists one on your post.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <div class=”wpsi-derecha linea-arriba”>
      <p class=”descripcion”><label for=”wpsi_reemp_full”><?php _e(‘Replacement image for full size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” name=”wpsi_reemp_full” id=”wpsi_reemp_full” value=”<?php echo $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_full’] ?>” /></p>
      <p class=”explicacion ultimo”><?php _e(‘Set full size filename to show in case it not exists one on your post.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <div class=”wpsi-separador”></div>
      <h3><?php _e(‘Default alternate text’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
      <p class=”descripcion”><label for=”wpsi_texto_alt”><?php _e(‘Default ALT attribute text:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” name=”wpsi_texto_alt” id=”wpsi_texto_alt” value=”<?php echo $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_texto_alt’] ?>” /></p>
      <p class=”explicacion”><?php _e(‘This string will show with “alt” attribute in case you have been not assigned one through your image panel.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <p class=”descripcion”><label for=”wpsi_texto_title”><?php _e(‘Default TITLE attribute text:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></label></p>
      <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” name=”wpsi_texto_title” id=”wpsi_texto_title” value=”<?php echo $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_texto_title’] ?>” /></p>
      <p class=”explicacion ultimo”><?php _e(‘This string will show with “title” attribute in case you have been not assigned one through your image panel.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <p class=”enviar”><input type=”submit” name=”wp_smart_image_enviar” value=”<?php _e(‘Update options »’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” class=”button-primary” /></p>
      <form action=”<?php echo attribute_escape( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ); ?>” method=”post” id=”wpsi-remover-datos” class=”clase-wpsi-form form3″ name=”wpsi-remover-datos”>
      <fieldset class=”wpsi-advertencia”>
      <h3><?php _e(‘Managing data’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
      <p><?php _e(‘<span class=”aviso”>Warning!</span> If you click the wrong button, you will loose all you have been set manually.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
      <p class=”submit”>
      <input type=”submit” title=”<?php _e(‘Remove plugin database info’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”wpsi_remover_datos” OnClick=”return confirm(‘<?php _e(‘Sure you want remove plugin database entry?’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>’);” value=”<?php _e(‘Remove data’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” />
      <input type=”submit” title=”<?php _e(‘Populate/Restore plugin database info’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”wpsi_agregar_datos” OnClick=”return confirm(‘<?php _e(‘Sure you want populate plugin database entry with default data?’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>’);” value=”<?php _e(‘Populate/Restore data’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” />
      <input type=”submit” title=”<?php _e(‘Delete post_meta info’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”wpsi_borrar_postmeta” OnClick=”return confirm(‘<?php _e(‘Sure you want delete post_meta info? This will delete all configurations you have been set through editor! Better think twice buddy!’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>’);” value=”<?php _e(‘Delete post_meta info’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” />
      <div id=”tcontent2″ class=”wpsi-contenido”>
      <form action=”” class=”clase-wpsi-form form2″>
      <h3><?php _e(‘Parameters’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
      <table class=”wpsi-tabla”>
      <th class=”letra” colspan=”3″><?php _e(‘Image parameters’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
      <th class=”nombre1″><?php _e(‘Parameter’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
      <th class=”nombre2″><?php _e(‘Value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
      <th class=”nombre3″><?php _e(‘Behavior’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
      <tr class=”vacio”>
      <td colspan=”3″> </td>
      <tr class=”gris”>
      <td class=”codigoAzul”>$size</td>

    • 'mini'
    • 'med'
    • 'big'
    • 'full'
    • 'custom[<?php _e(‘number’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>]'

    <p><?php _e(‘Affects the size of the image’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>

    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'mini':</span> <?php _e(‘Thumbnail size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'med':</span> <?php _e(‘Medium size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'big':</span> <?php _e(‘Large size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'full':</span> <?php _e(‘Full size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'custom[<?php _e(‘number’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>]':</span> <?php _e(‘Shows custom size you have been set previously from ‘, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘Max Image Size Control plugin’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘You must install and configure this plugin before using this parameter. Otherwise will returns Medium Size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.

    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla1″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’med’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla1.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘using’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘Max Image Size Control plugin’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla12″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’custom0′) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla12.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”blanco”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$type</td>

    • 'link'
    • 'single'
    • 'url'
    • 'direct'

    <p><?php _e(‘Affects the presentation of the image’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>

    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'link':</span> <?php _e(‘Image linked to post’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'single':</span> <?php _e(‘Image without link’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'url':</span> <?php _e(‘Only image URL’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'direct':</span> <?php _e(‘Image linked to its full version’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.

    <tr class=”blanco tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla2″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($type=’url’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla2.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”gris”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$wh</td>

    • 'css'
    • 'html'

    <p><?php _e(‘Adds width and height attributes to the image. Supposing the image has 100px X 100px’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>

    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'css':</span> <span class=”codigoTipo”>style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"</span>
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'html':</span> <span class=”codigoTipo”>width="100" height="100"</span>

    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla3″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($wh=’css’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla3.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”blanco”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$class</td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Any value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Adds to the image the attribute’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> "class"</td>
    <tr class=”blanco tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla4″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($class=’foo’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla4.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”gris”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$cid</td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Any value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Adds to the image the attribute’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> "ID"</td>
    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla5″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($cid=’bar’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla5.focus();;” /></p>
    <th class=”letra ultima” colspan=”3″><?php _e(‘Link parameters’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <th class=”nombre1″><?php _e(‘Parameter’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <th class=”nombre2″><?php _e(‘Value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <th class=”nombre3″><?php _e(‘Behavior’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”gris”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$aclass</td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Any value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Adds to the link the attribute’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> "class"</td>
    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla6″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($aclass=’foo’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla6.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”blanco”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$aid</td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Any value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Adds to the link the attribute’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> "ID"</td>
    <tr class=”blanco tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla7″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($aid=’bar’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla7.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”gris”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$rel</td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Any value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></td>
    <td><?php _e(‘Adds to the link the attribute’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> "rel" al enlace</td>
    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla8″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($rel=’foo’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla8.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”blanco”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$target</td>

    • 'blank'
    • 'parent'
    • 'self'
    • 'top'
    • 'js'
    • <del datetime=”2009-07-19T10:53:40+00:00″><?php _e(‘Frame name’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></del>. <?php _e(‘Replaced by parameter’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <span class=”codigoAzul”>$targetname</span> (<?php _e(‘see below’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>).

    <p><?php _e(‘Adds to the link the attribute’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> "target":</p>

    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'self':</span> <?php _e(‘The linked url will be opened’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘in same window’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> (<?php _e(‘Default value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>).
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'blank':</span> <?php _e(‘The linked url will be opened’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘on a new window’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'parent':</span> <?php _e(‘The linked url will be opened’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘on parent frame’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'top':</span> <?php _e(‘The linked url will be opened’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘using full window size’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.
    • <span class=”codigoAzul”>'js':</span> <?php _e(‘The linked url will be opened’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘in a new window through javascript. Very useful for DTD Strict websites’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.

    <tr class=”blanco tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla9″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($target=’blank’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla9.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”gris”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$targetname</td>

    • '<?php _e(‘Frame name’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>'

    <p><?php _e(‘Adds to the link the attribute’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> "target" <?php _e(‘with custom frame name. It overrides "$target" parameter if both "$target" and "$targetname" are present’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>

    • <span class=”codigoAzul”><?php _e(‘Frame name’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</span> <?php _e(‘The linked url will be opened’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> <?php _e(‘in the frame named as you have been set here’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.

    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla10″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($targetname=’foo-bar’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla10.focus();;” /></p>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <th class=”letra” colspan=”3″><?php _e(‘Function parameters’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <th class=”nombre1″><?php _e(‘Parameter’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <th class=”nombre2″><?php _e(‘Value’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <th class=”nombre3″><?php _e(‘Behavior’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></th>
    <tr class=”vacio”>
    <td colspan=”3″> </td>
    <tr class=”gris”>
    <td class=”codigoAzul”>$mode</td>

    • 'return'

    <p><?php _e(‘If set, prepares the function to be passed through PHP parameters’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>.</p>
    <tr class=”gris tr-ejemplo”>
    <td class=”ejemplo” colspan=”3″>
    <p class=”ejemplo-explicacion”><?php _e(‘Example’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>:</p>
    <p><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copiatabla11″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($mode=’return’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copiatabla11.focus();;” /></p>
    <h3><?php _e(‘More examples’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
    <p class=”descripcion”><?php _e(‘Thumbnail, no link:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copia5″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’mini’, $type = ‘single’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copia5.focus();;” /></p>
    <p class=”descripcion”><?php _e(‘Only image URL, medium size:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copia6″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’med’, $type = ‘url’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copia6.focus();;” /></p>
    <p class=”descripcion”><?php _e(‘Thumbnail, linked to original image:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copia7″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’mini’, $type = ‘direct’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copia7.focus();;” /></p>
    <p class=”descripcion”><?php _e(‘Adding custom CSS styles:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copia11″ value=”<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($class=’the-class’, $cid = ‘the-id’) ?>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copia11.focus();;” /></p>
    <p class=”descripcion”><?php _e(‘Setting a dynamic CSS background:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <p class=”formulario”><input type=”text” readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copia8″ value=”<div style="background: url( <?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’med’, $type = ‘url’) ?>) no-repeat;"></div>” size=”24″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copia8.focus();;” /></p>
    <p class=”descripcion”><?php _e(‘Setting MEDIUM SIZE image and respective FULL SIZE url code below it (ImageShack style):’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <p class=”formulario ultimo”><textarea readonly=”readonly” title=”<?php _e(‘Click to select code’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>” name=”copia9″ rows=”6″ cols=”60″ onclick=”javascript:this.form.copia9.focus();;”>
    <div class="img">
    <?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’med’) ?>
    <pre class="code">
    <?php if(function_exists(‘wp_smart_image’)) wp_smart_image($size=’full’ , $type=’url’) ?>
    <div id=”tcontent3″ class=”wpsi-contenido”>
    <h3 class=”wpsi-logo”><?php _e(‘WP Smart Image’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> – <?php _e(‘Essential resource for web designers’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
    <div class=”wpsi-acerca”>
    <h3><?php _e(‘With WP Smart Image you can:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>

    • <?php _e(‘Choose the image to show.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Choose between the four presets WordPress sizes: Thumbnail, Medium, Large and Full.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Link the image to the article or leave it without a link.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Showing images in the posts list, even if those images are not setting to appear in the content.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Get the image url instead of the whole tag.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Personalize the alt and title attributes if they haven't been configured already.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Add custom CSS classes and ID to properly handling the images through CSS, javascript, PHP and others web resources.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Add a link to the full version of the image from the thumbnail or the medium size one.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Personalize the generic images and its paths for all the sizes.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>

    <h3><?php _e(‘How to configure your images to be displayed:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>

    • <?php _e(‘Upload the images through your edition panel (required for database file association).’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘In the Gallery section, drag the image you want to show to the first position, then it will be in the cover, even if you don't use it in the content.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>
    • <?php _e(‘That's it.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>

    <h3><?php _e(‘Get support’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h3>
    <p><span class=”negrita”><?php _e(‘WP Smart Image main site’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></span></p>
    <p><span class=”negrita”><?php _e(‘Support:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></span> <?php _e(‘Spanish support’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> | <?php _e(‘English support’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <div class=”wpsi-creditos”>
    <h4><?php _e(‘They have been collaborated on this project’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h4>
    <p><span class=”titulo”><?php _e(‘Translating revision for version 0.1.1:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></span>
    PatomaS, álvaro Linares, Lucas Torres</p>
    <p><span class=”titulo”><?php _e(‘Javascript code for target _blank:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></span>
    Patxi Echarte</p>
    <p><span class=”titulo”><?php _e(‘Testing background image:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></span>
    Svilen Mushkatov</p>
    <p><span class=”titulo”><?php _e(‘Hard heuristic plugin testing:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></span>
    <?php _e(‘My grandma.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <p><span class=”titulo”><?php _e(‘Coffee and cakes:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></span>
    <h4><?php _e(‘Thank you!:’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></h4>
    <p><?php _e(‘To’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> Christian Van der Henst [Guatemala] (<?php _e(‘for his valuable achievements for the webmasters community, and for being a true example to be followed in this area’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>)<?php _e(‘To’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> Ernesto Graf [Uruguay] (<?php _e(‘for their constant support and friendship, and for being my teacher in CSS’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>)<?php _e(‘To’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> Helena Heidenreich [<?php _e(‘Spain’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>] (<?php _e(‘because her represents my first start in the web development area. To me your vote worth quad’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>)<?php _e(‘To’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> Arturo Peraza [<?php _e(‘Mexico’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>] (<?php _e(‘compadre, my brother from life and strict Linux teacher =P’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>)<?php _e(‘To’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?> Carlos de Sagarra [<?php _e(‘Spain’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>] (<?php _e(‘respectable abducted javascripter, and even more respectable friend’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?>).</p>
    <p><?php _e(‘This first plugin release is dedicated to the memory of Enrique33.’, ‘wp-smart-image’) ?></p>
    <div class=”wpsi-separador”></div>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>initializetabcontent(“wpsi-caja”)</script>

    <?php }
    function wpsi_cargar_archivos() {
    // Css y javascripts para el panel
    // Css and javascript for panel
    if ( !defined(‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’) ) $plugin_dir = str_replace( ABSPATH, ”, dirname(__FILE__) );
    else $plugin_dir = dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) );
    echo ‘
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”‘ . get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/’ . $plugin_dir . ‘/js/tabcontent.js”></script>
    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”‘ . get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/’ . $plugin_dir . ‘/css/estilos.css” />
    <!–[if lte IE 7]>
    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”‘ . get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/’ . $plugin_dir . ‘/css/ie.css” />
    <style type=”text/css”>
    #wpsi-contenedor h3.wpsi-logo {‘;
    if( WPLANG == es_ES)
    echo ‘background: url(‘ . get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/’ . $plugin_dir . ‘/img/logo-es_ES.gif) no-repeat;
    width: 354px;’;
    if( WPLANG == fr_FR)
    echo ‘background: url(‘ . get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/’ . $plugin_dir . ‘/img/logo-fr_FR.gif) no-repeat;
    width: 345px;’;
    else echo ‘background: url(‘ . get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/’ . $plugin_dir . ‘/img/logo-en_US.gif) no-repeat;
    width: 321px;’;
    echo ‘}
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    document.write(\'<style type=”text/css”>.wpsi-contenido{display:none;}<\/style>\’);

    function wpsi_llenar_bd() {
    // Desde aquí se lanzan todos los valores por defecto cuando no tienes nada configurado
    // From here we launch all default values when you don’t have anything set yet
    if ( !defined(‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’) ) $plugin_dir = str_replace( ABSPATH, ”, dirname(__FILE__) );
    else $plugin_dir = dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) );
    $wpsi_configuracion = array(
    ‘wpsi_ruta_img’ => get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/’ . $plugin_dir .’/img/’,
    ‘wpsi_reemp_mini’ => ‘noimg-mini.jpg’,
    ‘wpsi_reemp_medio’ => ‘noimg-med.jpg’,
    ‘wpsi_reemp_grande’ => ‘noimg-big.jpg’,
    ‘wpsi_reemp_full’ => ‘noimg-full.jpg’,
    ‘wpsi_texto_alt’ => __(‘Article image’, ‘wp-smart-image’),
    ‘wpsi_texto_title’ => __(‘Go to article’, ‘wp-smart-image’)
    if ( !get_option(‘wpsi_configuracion’)) add_option(‘wpsi_configuracion’ , $wpsi_configuracion );
    else update_option( ‘wpsi_configuracion’ , $wpsi_configuracion );

    function wpsi_vaciar_options() {
    delete_option( ‘wpsi_configuracion’ );

    function wpsi_vaciar_postmeta() {
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query( “DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘_wpsi_foto_lista'” );

    if($wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_rss’]) {
    add_filter(‘the_content_rss’, ‘wpsi_feed’);
    add_filter(‘the_excerpt_rss’, ‘wpsi_feed’);

    function wpsi_feed($content) {
    $wpsi = wp_smart_image();
    $content = $wpsi.$content;
    return $content;

    function wpsi_cargar_header() {
    // Peque?o javascript agregado para el target_blank
    // A little javascript added for target_blank
    ‘<script type=”text/javascript”><!–//–><![CDATA[//><!–
    function prepareTargetBlank() {
    var className = \’wpsi-blank\’;
    var as = document.getElementsByTagName(\’a\’);
    for(i=0;i<as.length;i++) {
    var a = as[i];
    r=new RegExp(“(^| )”+className+”($| )”);
    a.onclick = function(){;
    return false;
    window.onload = prepareTargetBlank;

    function wpsi_metabox() {
    global $post;
    wp_nonce_field( ‘wpsi_metabox_args’, ‘_wpsi_nonce’, false, true ).”\n”;
    $imagenes = get_children( array(
    ‘post_parent’ => $post->ID,
    ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’,
    ‘post_mime_type’ => ‘image’,
    ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’,
    ‘order’ => ‘ASC’
    echo ‘<div class=”wpsi-fl-contenedor”>’;
    $lista = ‘<table class=”wpsi-fl-tabla”>’;
    if( !empty( $imagenes ) and !empty($post->ID) ) {
    $keys = array_keys($imagenes);
    $num = $keys[0];
    foreach ( $imagenes as $imagen ) {
    $wpsi_postmeta = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_wpsi_foto_lista’, true );
    if ( $item = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $imagen->ID, ‘thumbnail’ ) )
    $grande = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $imagen->ID, ‘full’ );
    $ident = $imagen->ID;
    if ( $wpsi_postmeta ) {
    $foto_lista_checked = $ident == $wpsi_postmeta ? ‘checked=”ckecked” ‘ : ”;
    $lista = str_replace( ‘id=”wpsi-col-‘.$wpsi_postmeta.'”‘ , ‘id=”wpsi-gris”‘ , $lista );
    } else {
    $foto_lista_checked = $ident == $num ? ‘checked=”ckecked” ‘ : ”;
    $lista .= ‘
    <th colspan=”3″>’.__(‘Title’, ‘wp-smart-image’).’: <span class=”wpsi-fl-rojo”>’.$imagen->post_title.'</span></th>
    <tr id=”wpsi-col-‘.$imagen->ID.'” class=”wpsi-col” onmouseover=”\’pointer\’;” onclick=”getElementById(\’boton_’.$imagen->ID.’\’).checked = true;”>
    <td class=”wpsi-fl-input”>
    <input type=”radio” name=”wpsi_foto_lista” id=”boton_’.$imagen->ID.'” value=”‘.$imagen->ID.'” ‘.$foto_lista_checked.’/>
    <td class=”wpsi-fl-img”>
    <img src=”‘.$item[0].'” width=”48″ height=”48″ />
    <td class=”wpsi-fl-datos”>
    <p><span class=”negrita”>’.__(‘Attachment ID’, ‘wp-smart-image’).’:</span> ‘.$imagen->ID.'</p>
    <p><span class=”negrita”>’.__(‘Type’, ‘wp-smart-image’).’:</span> ‘.$imagen->post_mime_type.'</p>
    <p><span class=”negrita”>’.__(‘W:’, ‘wp-smart-image’).'</span> ‘.$grande[1].’px | <span class=”negrita”>’.__(‘H:’, ‘wp-smart-image’).'</span> ‘.$grande[2].’px</p>
    $lista .= ‘
    <th colspan=”3″>’.__(‘Random images’, ‘wp-smart-image’).'</th>
    <tr id=”wpsi-col-aleatorio” class=”wpsi-col” onmouseover=”\’pointer\’;” onclick=”getElementById(\’boton_aleatorio\’).checked = true;”>
    <td class=”wpsi-fl-input”>
    <input type=”radio” name=”wpsi_foto_lista” id=”boton_aleatorio” value=”aleatorio” ‘.$aleatorio_checked.’/>
    <td colspan=”2″>
    <p>’.__(‘If checked, the images will shown randomly. Very useful in some cases, as dynamic headers, backgrounds or widgets’, ‘wp-smart-image’).'</p>
    } else {
    $lista .= ‘
    <tr id=”wpsi-fotolista-no”>
    <p>’.__(‘You have not been uploaded an image yet’, ‘wp-smart-image’).’ ?ID.’&type=image&TB_iframe=true” id=”add_image” class=”thickbox” title=”Add an Image” onclick=”return false;”>’.__(‘Do you want to upload one now’, ‘wp-smart-image’).’?</p>
    <p>’.__(‘Thumbnail will show here next time you refresh this screen’, ‘wp-smart-image’).'</p>
    $lista .='</table>’;
    echo $lista;
    echo ‘</div>’;

    function wpsi_agregar_metabox() {
    add_meta_box(‘wpsi-metabox’, __(‘Image to show’, ‘wp-smart-image’), ‘wpsi_metabox’, ‘post’, ‘side’, ‘core’);
    add_meta_box(‘wpsi-metabox’, __(‘Image to show’, ‘wp-smart-image’), ‘wpsi_metabox’, ‘page’, ‘side’, ‘core’);

    function wpsi_guardar_metabox( $post_ID ) {
    if ( wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST[‘_wpsi_nonce’], ‘wpsi_metabox_args’ ) ) {
    if ( isset( $_POST[‘wpsi_foto_lista’] ) ) update_post_meta( $post_ID, ‘_wpsi_foto_lista’, $_POST[‘wpsi_foto_lista’] );
    else delete_post_meta( $post_ID, ‘_wpsi_foto_lista’ );
    return $post_ID;

    function wp_smart_image() { // El corazón del plugin | The plugin’s heart
    global $post, $size, $type, $wh, $class, $aclass, $rel, $target, $targetname, $cid, $aid, $mode, $wpsi_configuracion;
    $size = $size == true ? $size : ‘mini’;
    $type = $type == true ? $type : ‘link’;
    $mode = $mode == true ? $mode : ‘echo’;
    $clase = ‘class=”‘.$class.'” ‘;
    $ident = ‘id=”‘.$cid.'” ‘;
    $aident = ‘id=”‘.$aid.'” ‘;
    $relatt = ‘rel=”‘.$rel.'” ‘;
    $tname = ‘target=”‘.$targetname.'” ‘;
    $class = $class == true ? $clase : ”;
    $cid = $cid == true ? $ident : ”;
    $rel = $rel == true ? $relatt : ”;
    $aid = $aid == true ? $aident : ”;
    $targetname = $targetname == true ? $tname : ”;
    if($aclass == true) {
    if($target == ‘js’) {
    $aclase = ‘class=”wpsi-blank ‘.$aclass.'” ‘;
    $targetjs =”;
    } else {
    $aclase = ‘class=”‘.$aclass.'” ‘;
    } else {
    $aclase =”;
    $targetjs = ‘class=”wpsi-blank” ‘;
    $aclass = $aclass == true ? $aclase : ”;
    $textoalt = strip_tags( $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_texto_alt’] );
    $textotitle = strip_tags( $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_texto_title’] );
    $ubicacion = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_ruta_img’];
    $images = get_children(array(
    ‘post_parent’ => get_the_ID(),
    ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’,
    ‘numberposts’ => 1,
    ‘post_mime_type’ => ‘image’,
    ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’,
    ‘order’ => ‘ASC’
    switch ($size) {
    case ‘mini’:
    $tam = ‘thumbnail’;
    $reemp = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_mini’];

    case ‘med’:
    $tam = ‘medium’;
    $reemp = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_medio’];
    case ‘big’:
    $tam = ‘large’;
    $reemp = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_grande’];
    case ‘full’:
    $tam = ‘full’;
    $reemp = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_full’];
    case $size:
    $tam = $wpsi_configuracion[‘custom_compat’] == true ? $size : ‘medium’;
    $reemp = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_medio’];
    $tam = ‘thumbnail’;
    $reemp = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_reemp_mini’];
    switch ($target) {
    case ‘blank’:
    $targetatt = ‘target=”_blank” ‘;
    case ‘self’:
    $targetatt = ‘target=”_self” ‘;
    case ‘parent’:
    $targetatt = ‘target=”_parent” ‘;
    case ‘top’:
    $targetatt = ‘target=”_top” ‘;
    case ‘js’:
    $targetatt = $targetjs;
    $targetatt = ”;

    if($targetname == true) $target = ”; else $target = $targetatt;

    $linklist = $rel . $target . $targetname . $aclass . $aid;
    $img_def = ‘<img src=”‘.$ubicacion . $reemp.'” ‘.$class . $cid.’ alt=”‘.$textoalt.'” title=”‘.$textotitle.'” />’;
    $img_def_link = ‘‘.$img_def.’‘;
    if($images) {
    foreach( $images as $image ) {
    $wpsi_postmeta = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_wpsi_foto_lista’, true );
    $wpsi_metabox = $wpsi_configuracion[‘wpsi_activar_metabox’];
    $alt_img = $image->post_excerpt;
    $titulo_img = $image->post_title;
    $ruta = ”;
    $weburl_img = ”;
    if($wpsi_metabox and $wpsi_postmeta) {
    $ruta = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $wpsi_postmeta, $tam );
    $weburl_img = wp_get_attachment_link( $wpsi_postmeta, $tam );
    } else {
    $ruta = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image->ID, $tam );
    $weburl_img = wp_get_attachment_link( $image->ID, $tam );
    $weburl = $ruta[0];
    $directurl = str_replace(‘<a href’ , ‘<a ‘. $linklist .’href’ , $weburl_img);
    $alt_img = $alt_img == ” ? $altern = ‘alt=”‘.$textoalt.'” ‘ : $altern = ‘alt=”‘.$alt_img.'” ‘;
    $titulo_img = $titulo_img == $image->post_title ? $titulo = ‘title=”‘.$textotitle.'” ‘ : $titulo = ‘title=”‘.$titulo_img.'” ‘;
    switch ($wh) {
    case ‘html’:
    $wh = ‘width=”‘.$ruta[1].'” height=”‘.$ruta[2].'” ‘;
    case ‘css’:
    $wh = ‘style=”width: ‘.$ruta[1].’px; height: ‘.$ruta[2].’px;” ‘;
    $img_list = $class . $cid . $wh . $titulo . $altern;
    $img_single = ‘<img src=”‘.$weburl.'” ‘.$img_list.’/>’;
    $img_link = ‘‘.$img_single.’‘;
    switch ($type) {
    case ‘link’:
    $imagen = $img_link.”\n”;
    case ‘single’:
    $imagen = $img_single.”\n”;
    case ‘direct’:
    $imagen = $directurl;
    case ‘url’:
    $imagen = $weburl;
    $imagen = $img_link.”\n”;
    } else {
    switch ($type) {
    case ‘link’:
    $imagen = $img_def_link.”\n”;
    case ‘single’:
    $imagen = ”.$img_def.”.”\n”;
    case ‘direct’:
    $imagen = ‘‘.$img_def.’‘.”\n”;
    case ‘url’:
    $imagen = $ubicacion . $reemp;
    $imagen = $img_def_link.”\n”;
    if($mode == ‘return’) return $imagen; else echo $imagen;

    I installed the SEO Booster Lite on my site

    This was on Sept 5, 2009. Almost immediately, my bounce rate went from 85% to 40%. That lasted for about 3 weeks. Then suddenly the bounce rate went back to 85%.

    How can I trouble shoot what happened?



    I’m having the same problem. I wanted to upgrade from WP 2.6. My website is hosted on a remote site server. I followed the instructions for upgrading although I was a bit concerned that the instructions stated that it was assumed “that your blog’s URL is;. I suspect this is the source of my problem. My site is hosted on a third party server. But I couldn’t find any instructions for upgrading an existed WP site that is hosted on a third party server. After uploading all of the new files the application returns a blank page when it tries to run upgrade.php and I’m unable to access the admin page.

    Thread Starter smkyle1


    Does anyone have a clue why the SEO Title Tag Plugin is not fully funcitonal on my site. I am using the Revolution News Theme.

    I’m using the SEO Title Tag plugin with WordPress v 2.6.5

    It runs well when I add tags to everything except post titles. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter smkyle1


    I figured out what I had done. The decrease in Google Adsense page impressions had nothing to do with the plugin. It has been resolved. I made a dumb mistake.

    Thank you,


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Can’t write to
    Thread Starter smkyle1


    thank you. I have accomplished it.

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