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  • I have done this numerous times on various GD accounts and have never had an issue by just exporting the db using phpMyAdmin and the default export settings, that is:

    – start phpMyAdmin
    – select database from the left side panel
    – click the Export tab
    – Export Method: Quick – display only the minimal options
    – Format: SQL
    – click GO
    – the .sql file starts downloading

    At the new hosting account:

    – create a new database
    – start phpMyAdmin
    – select the new db from the left side bar
    – click the Import tab
    – File to import: click
    Choose file, navigate the downloaded .sql file, select it, click Open
    – leave all other options as-is
    – click Go
    – as long as your exported .sql file is under the Max file size indicated in the File to import section, the db will import in ” a bit” ??

    The only time I have had an issue is moving a site with a very large exported file. I have never had success using any of the compression methods, so I just set up the new db to accept remote connections and then use NaviCat for MySQL to do the job. This has successfully worked for db exports exceeding 2GB (eFront LMS sites).




    Those are indeed the correct values for the default database user for MAMP on Windows.

    Database Name: wordpress
    User Name: root
    Password: root
    Database Host: localhost
    Table Prefix: wp_

    From the MAMP Control Panel, if you click on Open Start Page and you get the MAMP home page, then indeed both servers are up and running (both boxes on the control panel should also be ‘solid’).

    The primary reason to still get the connection error is if the values in wp-config are not entered correctly.

    Did you manual enter the values in wp-config or were they entered in the database screen during the WP installation process? For example, a space after root will give you this error ??

    Quadruple check the values in wp-config ??




    Try this … it’s what worked for me ??

    Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > scroll to the bottom and right click on World Wide Web Publishing Service > select Properties

    – click Stop
    – in Startup type: select Manual
    – click Apply and then OK




    You are trying ‘too hard’ ??

    1. Navigate to My PHP Admin on MAMP, select my database, select export.

    2. Quick – display only the minimal options

    3. Go!

    This works for me first time, every time ??




    I am getting the same error on activation with the latest version available from my CodeCanyon Account, 7.7.1

    This is on an up to date shared Linux account with HostGator which indicates it is using PHP 5.4.43




    Alternatively, if you are using a Windows based computer, you can use Windows Live Writer 2012. It is a free download.

    On the Mac OS, I am not aware of a similar good, free app, but I use MarsEdit on my MacBook Pro.

    I create the majority of my posts with these two apps; no internet connection required. You can add images, etc. and they will be uploaded to your server to the correct location when you do finally publish the post.

    An additional benefit is that you have a local copy of your posts; a great ‘automatic’ backup ??



    Let’s back up a bit ??

    – was the editor EVER working?
    – if so, do you recall what you did to the site when it stopped working?

    What you may want to try is:

    – remove that disallow entry from your wp-config file
    – make a backup of the site, files and database … always a good idea ??
    – download a fresh WP Zip, un-Zip it, and upload the wp-includes folder after FIRST deleting the existing one.

    One troubleshooting item you missed, although I will have to add ‘sing a happy tune’ to my own list, is to try one of the default WP twenty-something themes with all plugins deactivated ??

    When you enter a new password for a user via phpMyAdmin, you also HAVE to set the varchar(64) value to `md5′ … then click Go ??

    Try it again but also do this step.

    In the first screenshot, at the bottom, center, see where it says Your Projects and there is a folder icon with the name wordpress ? ??

    To access your local site, you enter into your browser:


    This will being the WP install.

    But before you do that, also on that page, see the phpMyAdmin link under Tools? Click that and then create a new, empty database and name it wordpress

    You need to have the database created before you begin the install.

    Using the above name, and for WAMP, at the Database Connection page of the install, enter these values:

    – Database Name: wordpress
    – Database User: root
    – Database Password: <empty> do not put ANYTHING in this field
    – Host Name: localhost
    – Table Prefix: wp_ <leave as-is>

    Sorry, I misunderstood the original post ??

    If your host has updated the URL to your proper domain, then you should be able to log into the Dashboard on your live site:

    Once logged in, install and run this plugin to update the remaining URLs (links) that are stored in the database:

    You have to do this (including what your host did to the siteurl and home fields in the wp-options table in your database) any time you move a site and the domain name changes.

    Leave your local MAMP ‘site’ out of the equation for now ??

    If you purchased your domain name through WP.COM, that is no problem. Simply choose your new host (BTW, Bluehost and HostGator are owned by the same company ?? ) and when signing up and asked if you want to buy a new domain or use an existing one, choose the latter and supply your current domain name,

    Once your new hosting account is set up, you will then have to change the nameservers for your domain ( at WP.COM) to the nameservers for your new hosting account. Your new host will have these names available to you, generally in the sign up email you will receive or in the hosting control panel somewhere.

    See this article:

    And this topic:
    Change name servers to point the domain outside of

    Do NOT start editing those files! No need to ??

    To have a static home page, create the page as a ‘Page’ (not a ‘Post’), name it Home.

    Then go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Front page displays and choose A static page (select below) > Front page > and select Home > Save Changes

    That is correct; just let it be ??

    No need to get fancy with the name for the new one; just that it is different. And no spaces in the name either.

    For example, when I am installing multiple copies of WP in a local server (MAMP or otherwise) I just name them wp1, wp2, wp3, etc. That’s it ??

    MAMP is for Mac and WAMP is for Windows

    There has been a Widows version of MAMP for some time now, hence the question ??

    Regarding the db, you really do not need to delete the existing one; just create a new one and use that when you run the new install.

    You can have as many databases in there as your hard drive has room for ??
    Having the first one still there will have no impact on the system.

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