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  • Thank you for clarifying the issue Jimaek

    Thank you for checking with JsDelivr, however I don’t think a 10 second timeout is reasonable as it slows down every action (even changing page in admin area) by 10 seconds

    This should only be a beta issue though (I hope) and using beta plugins on production websites isn’t optimal

    Hello, this is an issue with JSDelivr, if you want a quick fix (at least for the horrendous loading times) I suggest you change the timeout (It’s at 10 seconds..) in the files.

    The file is in the path PLUGINS\better-font-awesome\vendor\mickey-kay\better-font-awesome-library and the file itself is better-font-awesome-library.php

    Edit using a program called Notepad++ if you FTP (and not default Notepad) or using the command line editor like Nano in Bash.

    The Timeout function is located at row 115, the string will look like:

    	private $wp_remote_get_args = array(
    		'timeout'   => 10,
    		'sslverify' => false,

    Change 'timeout' => 10, to whatever you desire, I personally changed this to 'timeout' => 1, and saw the site go way faster. This should be a fine intermeditary fix and everything should function as they used to when JSDelivr is back up and running.


    Hello, this is an issue with JSDelivr, if you want a quick fix (at least for the horrendous loading times) I suggest you change the timeout (It’s at 10 seconds..) in the files.

    The file is in the path PLUGINS\better-font-awesome\vendor\mickey-kay\better-font-awesome-library and the file itself is better-font-awesome-library.php

    Edit using a program called Notepad++ if you FTP (and not default Notepad) or using the command line editor like Nano in Bash.

    The Timeout function is located at row 115, the string will look like:

    	private $wp_remote_get_args = array(
    		'timeout'   => 10,
    		'sslverify' => false,

    Change 'timeout' => 10, to whatever you desire, I personally changed this to 'timeout' => 1, and saw the site go way faster. This should be a fine intermeditary fix and everything should function as they used to when JSDelivr is back up and running.


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