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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Bad Blog TrendsWOW
I came over here for an education and some quiet post reading and after reading this particular thread I did indeed get one and feel compelled to say something.
Okay so I agree with the post of one MaxT.
I suppose my problem is, I am not GREAT with coding and web design, although I’ve learned a few things in my time online (about five years).
In a few rough weeks, Ive managed to pick up all this PHP, CGI, SQL, LOOPING and other nightmarish stuff (on my own), or whatever you need to get this running on your server, and now there’s this hierarchy with design, validation and now -my blog is better than yours mentality- trend? ~ Okay so I concede to utter dorkhood, I have just escaped from the nasty clutches of Microsoft M$N Spaciness. (egads)
It is a serif font? It matters that much?
I am a photographer, perhaps my priorities are a little different.
My code does not validate because of my gallery and I have been scratching my head trying to figure out why, and suddenly, it does not seem that important to me anymore. Is it that important? Does this make me less of a person? I still feel valid.
Yes, I still use Internet Explorer.
Truth be told, I do think it sucks too, but most of my audience still uses it. Tragic.
Rule number one of customer service (even if you are not in it for the money).
Never force the audience to make changes for you.
Sometimes the wisdom of bricks and mortars establishments can be applied online, much to even my own chagrin. (typo-ed too – work in progress)