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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: child theme not workingHi there. Have you managed to resolve this?
It could be caused by problems with the relative path of your parent theme. i.e. your child theme can’t find the parent theme’s stylesheet. Probably due to hosting file locations.
Rather than using “@import” in your child stylesheet, try enqueuing the parent theme stylesheet. This will ensure it is loaded at the right time.
You can do this by editing the functions.php (backup first!). You don’t need ftp for this, you can either edit directly in appearance, or in your test environment, then zip everything.
So in your case, try this code in your functions.php:
/** * Enqueue parent and child theme stylesheets */ define ('PARENT',get_template_directory_uri()); define ('CHILD',get_stylesheet_directory_uri()); function child_enqueue_scripts(){ wp_register_style('parent-style',PARENT.'/style.css','','all'); wp_register_style('child-style', CHILD.'/style.css','','all'); wp_enqueue_style('parent-style'); wp_enqueue_style('child-style'); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts','child_enqueue_scripts');
It seems like a lot to do, just to add a stylesheet, but it will help you do the following:
1. You can now delete the @import line from your child theme css
2. Remove any references to parent, or child theme css in your header.php
3. Gives you a framework for enqueueing other scripts and styles, including javascript.You can read more about enqueuing scripts and styles here: this helps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: One column e-commerce themeYou might be looking for a custom solution. You can get a one column layout using the “Twenty Eleven” theme. Then set a static home page.
You can adjust the theme layout using CSS, so it looks just like you want.
For an order form, you can use “Contact Form 7”. You can also adjust the fields, as desired.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to make my theme a "child theme"Hi there. The orange color used in customizr is #f78c40.
In fact, you can see the entire orange skin if you look in your theme folder/inc/css. All the skins are listed there, and you can examine them.A child theme is a good idea. to create one, you essentially create a new folder, then add a file named “style.css”. In that file, you must include a line within the header comments, specifying the parent template, e.g.: “Template: customizr” . If you need additional functionality, e.g. special page templates, you can add those to the folder as well.
Here is a really good introduction to Child themes here:
In addition, you might be interested in finding out more about the template heirarchy, here:
And if you are thinking of extending your parent theme, you probably should read this too:
Hope this helps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Removing date, time byline from a postI would like to remove the date, time and byline from my posts
for “Spun” theme.
I wonder if you managed to get this resolved yet. The code I offered earlier will definitely do the job. I have confirmed this on a fresh copy of the theme.
If it doesn’t work for you, try inspecting the meta content, using chrome developer tools, or firefox firebug. It will show you the exact name of the class, as well as the style rules being applied. If you need to hide it, just add a “display:none”.
As always, use a child theme. Especially if you are just practicing. Makes it easier to roll back, if you break something unintentionally.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Removing date, time byline from a postHi there. Are you using the default WordPress theme?
Depending on how the by-line has been implemented in your particular theme, you may need to style “.entry-meta”.
Just as @wpyogi suggested, always setup a child theme before making any changes.
The WordPress codex has a comprehensive article about child themes. Please digest it first, before making any changes to your theme files:
For instance, in twentythirteen, you can hide the by-line by adding this CSS style:
.entry-meta{ display:none;}
If you are running WP version 3.6, you can use the “Custom CSS” option in the Appearance section of your Admin Area to make this edit. Saves you having to edit theme files.
Hope this helps.
Hi there. You have probably resolved this issue @ibilic. However, for anyone else having this problem, like I did, here’s one solution:
- In functions.php, set a thumbnail size. You can do this during theme setup, viz:
function my_theme_setup(){add_theme_support('post_thumbnails'); add_image_size('featured_preview',640,480,TRUE);} add_action('after_setup_theme','my_theme_setup');
This will make your featured preview thumbnail size available to your theme.
- Within your theme templates, you can then retrieve a post thumbnail sized accordingly, by using:
<?php echo the_post_thumbnail('featured-preview'); ?>
Hope this helps someone. Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Move Main Sidebar in Twenty TwelveThanks for a simple, but effective answer, @alchymyth. I had simply targeted .site-content, and .widget-area in the past. I think I prefer your approach of getting a hold of the @media query portion as well. More complete, in my opinion. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocommerce – Star RatingsGood job, Forest Skills. Thank you, you’ve saved me a ton of time! ??
I observed within the woocommerce.css that the star ratings has two main styles that affect their appearance.
- .star-rating:before – I found this to affect the stars outline
- .star-rating span – works as described above by Forest Skills. This will affect the actual star font itself, i.e. the filling.
So in my style.css, I used this:
.woocommerce .star-rating:before,.woocommerce-page .star-rating:before{color:#FFC435;} .woocommerce .star-rating span,.woocommerce-page .star-rating span{color:#FFC435}
There are other settings that can be changed here as well, such as padding, positionting, etc., as in Forest Skills’ example.
I added these styles to my styles.css file. If that doesnt work for your site, it might be because the woocommerce stylesheet needs to be overridden.
In which case, click this link for more info:
Hope this helpsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocommerce 2.0 Mystile theme questionI’ve encountered this sort of issue before, and in many cases, you can safely ignore, although there is a potential for layout problems, etc. as a result.
Within the purple notice box, you can click on “Theme Integration Guide” button to see how WooThemes suggests that you solve this issue. This is the link:
Essentially there are 2 routes to consider:
1. Using woocommerce_content() on a custom template
2. Using hooks (recommended).The guide explains it all, and it has helped me solve this issue in the past.
Initially I thought there was nothing to worry about, and there usually isn’t. But when I started having layout problems, I was forced to read the link I posted above.
Hope this helps others in a similar situation. Post back if you have further questions.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't change h1 color or font size in child themeIf you’re new to firebug, it can be daunting, unless you take extra time to figure out how everything works. As for the h1 font size and color on twentytwelve child theme, what I tried (and it worked) is this:
header.entry-header > h1.entry-title { font-family: Georgia; font-size: 24px; color: #2B62AA; }
Maybe the css is too fine-grained, but it works as a quick fix, at least. You can also do similar for other headings, e.g. h2, etc.
An interesting note for twentytwelve child themes is how the font sizes are recommended to be used. You can read the parent theme style.css for more detail, but it is suggested there to set a rem fallback, in which case the css above can also be written as:
header.entry-header > h1.entry-title { font-family: Georgia; font-size: 24px; font-size: 1.714285714rem; //note the second rem fallback for font-size color: #2B62AA; }
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocomerce – thanks for clarifying things, although, I came here to seek help, not spread alarm. I’m not sure how using uppercase words at me, as you did earlier, helps. But ok. I accept what you’re saying, and I’m not here to cause problems, just to get help.
Please here is a quote from the developers themselves (Woo):
For the most part, WooCommerce templates will integrate nicely with most WordPress themes. Where you may run into problems is when the default WooCommerce content wrappers do not match your chosen themes. This will manifest itself by breaking your layout on WooCommerce pages and shifting your sidebars into incorrect positions.
This problem can potentially affect the shop page, the single product page and the taxonomy pages (categories and tags) because WooCommerce uses templates of its own to display these pages (and its impossible for WooCommerce to know exactly what markup your theme uses)
I got that quote from this url:
This URL describes the problem, as well as offers their recommendations. So you see, I wasn’t just making things up to “scare people”, as you say.
@novellis – If you have purchased a premium theme, you would be better off contacting Woo support before making any changes. If you are working with a free theme, please consider the link I presented above, in addition to the other advise you have received from everyone here.
In case you don’t have a developer to help, take a look the Woo recommendations at the bottom of the page I have linked to:
If all else fails…
If you cannot work out the above methods, and don’t have access to a developer, we strongly recommend looking at our WooCommerce Themes which work out of the box as a hassle free solution.This is their own words, not mine. What I consider strange is that my client was using a WooCommerce Theme. I’m not sure what that says about the developers and their products. I’m all for quick fixes and so on, but for busy business people who are not developers (e.g. creative fashion designers), it can be a real problem when things don’t work as they should after you’ve paid for them.
Having said all that, I don’t think Woo-Themes are supported by forum, anyway, so there.
Thanks to everyone for their support and help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocomerce – thanks again. but I think the message is a warning about theme incompatibility with woo-commerce. Some clients have noticed that page layout has been affected whenever this message was seen. In my opinion, it is a heads up that there’s a potential problem. Maybe not a stop error, but definitely important, if it affects someone’s business. To say the message does not mean anything is not very helpful, to be honest.
@crdunst – thanks, I’ve taken a look at the page, and I’ll try to implement their recommendations from there. I’ll report back here with my findings.
I find it strange that the theme in use is a Woo-Commerce theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocomerce plugin@novellis: I feel you. I am experiencing same problem on a client’s website. I will let everyone know how I get on. thanks for the tip, but I think we should be worried. An error message means something afterall.
- In functions.php, set a thumbnail size. You can do this during theme setup, viz: