Forum Replies Created
Thank you very much! I figured out the Advanced Google reCaptcha was messing with the login for some reason. I thought Ultimate Member could work with it? Is there anyway to implement the recaptcha on ultimate member?
Also I’ve tried disabling the cache and I also deleted the cache and that has not changed anything
I actually figured it out. instead of being on post notifications which I normally am I switched to the newsletter tab and selected what I already had on post notifications. now it’s working!
Also when I added the activation key it said it would send a confirmation email but I never got one. Not in my inbox or spam
Thank you for responding. I did add the custom records required to authenticate my sender domain, two for the CNAME and two for the TXT (dkim and dmarc). It says my activation key is valid and mailpoet sending service is active. My domain propagation status on my hosting site is propagated with a checkmark. Only thing I can think of is I’ve always sent my newsletters out under Post Notfications and scheduled the newsletter out every Sunday. I know there’s been an update with automations. Not sure if I have to have my newsletter moved or what?
I do have the WP Super Cache. My settings are as follows:
Under Easy Tab: Caching is on, The Tester has “Send non-secure (non https) request for homepage” checked.
Under Advanced Tab: Enable Caching is checked. I checked Simple Cache method, disable caching for logged in users, Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors, ?304 Browser caching. Improves site performance by checking if the page has changed since the browser last requested it, Extra homepage checks. (Very occasionally stops homepage caching).
Cache timeout:1800 seconds, 600 seconds is how long cached pages remain fresh. Interval once hourly.
These are always cached filenames: wp-comments-popup.php
wp-locations.phpRefresh preloaded cache files every?600?minutes. Preload mode checked
Is there anything that needs to be changed? I made sure to disable caching for visitors so not sure if anything else is affecting it.