Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Thread Starter sonjamarie


    That’s perfect! Thank you ??

    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    Hi Stuart,

    This is the relevant code for the table and hopefully this link may work :

    <table class="woocommerce-table woocommerce-table--order-details shop_table order_details">
    				<th class="woocommerce-table__product-name product-name">Product</th>
    				<th class="woocommerce-table__product-table product-total">Total</th>
    			<tr class="woocommerce-table__line-item order_item">
    	<td class="woocommerce-table__product-name product-name">
    		<a href="">Test Product</a> <strong class="product-quantity">×&nbsp;<del>1</del> <ins>0</ins></strong>	</td>
    	<td class="woocommerce-table__product-total product-total">
    		<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>1</bdi></span>	</td>
    						<th scope="row">Subtotal:</th>
    						<td><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>1</span></td>
    						<th scope="row">Shipping:</th>
    						<td><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>15</span>&nbsp;<small class="shipped_via">via Standard Shipping</small></td>
    						<th scope="row">Tax:</th>
    						<td><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>0</span></td>
    						<th scope="row">Payment Method:</th>
    						<td>Credit Card (Stripe)</td>
    						<th scope="row">Testing</th>
    						<td><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">-<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>16</span></td>
    						<th scope="row">Order Total:</th>
    						<td><del aria-hidden="true">$16</del> <ins><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>1</span></ins></td>
    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    Hi, it occurs on this page for example (I created a test order so the table product table would display):

    [ redundant link removed ]

    I would like the adjustment to be both on desktop and mobile.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    If the link can’t be accessed, for more info here’s CSS for one of the cells in the order details table that I’m wanting to edit. I want to edit just the order details section (I can also add the CSS to the widget specifically but I don’t want to affect the other sections only the order details table): {
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table thead tr th, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot th, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot tr td, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot tr td span, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .woocommerce-table--order-downloads tr td:before {
        font-size: 14px;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table tfoot td, .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table tfoot th {
        color: var(--order-details-titles-totals-color,#000);
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table td, .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table th {
        border: 0;
        border-top: var(--tables-divider-border-width,1px) var(--tables-divider-border-type,solid) var(--tables-divider-border-color,#d4d4d4);
        padding-top: calc(var(--order-details-rows-gap, 18px) / 2);
        padding-bottom: calc(var(--order-details-rows-gap, 18px) / 2);
        padding-left: 0;
        padding-right: 0;
    .woocommerce table.shop_table tfoot td {
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    .woocommerce table.shop_table td {
        padding: 0.8em;
        vertical-align: middle;
        text-transform: capitalize;
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce-table--order-details td {
        word-wrap: break-word;
    .elementor *, .elementor :after, .elementor :before {
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    table th, table td {
        padding: 10px;
        text-align: left;
        vertical-align: top;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    :not(input):not(textarea), img {
        -webkit-touch-callout: none;
        -webkit-user-select: none;
        -khtml-user-select: none;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -ms-user-select: none;
        user-select: none;
    td, th {
        padding: 0;
    caption, th, td {
        font-weight: normal;
        text-align: left;
    html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        border: 0;
        outline: 0;
        font-size: 100%;
        font: inherit;
        vertical-align: baseline;
        font-family: inherit;
        font-size: 100%;
        font-style: inherit;
        font-weight: inherit;
    *, *:before, *:after {
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    user agent stylesheet
    td {
        display: table-cell;
        vertical-align: inherit;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table {
        font-size: 14px;
        margin-bottom: 0;
        padding: var(--sections-padding,15px 30px);
        background-color: var(--sections-background-color,#fff);
        border-radius: var(--sections-border-radius,3px);
        border: 1px var(--sections-border-type,solid) var(--sections-border-color,#d4d4d4);
    .woocommerce table.shop_table {
        border-width: 1px;
        border-style: solid;
        margin: 0 -1px 24px 0;
        text-align: left;
        width: 100%;
        border-collapse: separate;
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-spacing: 0;
    table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-spacing: 0;
    user agent stylesheet
    table {
        border-collapse: separate;
        text-indent: initial;
        border-spacing: 2px;
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe {
        --buttons-border-color: #B8B8B8;
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe {
        --confirmation-message-display: block;
        --confirmation-message-alignment: start;
        --order-summary-alignment: start;
        --titles-color: #54595F;
        --general-text-color: var( --e-global-color-text );
        --payment-details-border-type: none;
        --order-details-rows-gap: 15px;
        --order-details-titles-totals-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-items-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-variations-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-product-links-normal-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-product-links-hover-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --button-normal-text-color: #5A5A5A;
        --buttons-border-type: double;
        --button-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary {
        font-size: 14px;
        font-family: Roboto,sans-serif;
        color: #818a91;
    .elementor-element {
        --widgets-spacing: 20px;
    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    In case it helps as I presume the link can’t be accessed, here’s some CSS for one of the cells in the order details table that I’m wanting to edit. I’m specifically wanting to edit just the order details section (I can also add the CSS to the widget specifically but I don’t want to affect the other sections only the order details table): {
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table thead tr th, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot th, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot tr td, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot tr td span, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .woocommerce-table--order-downloads tr td:before {
        font-size: 14px;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table tfoot td, .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table tfoot th {
        color: var(--order-details-titles-totals-color,#000);
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table td, .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table th {
        border: 0;
        border-top: var(--tables-divider-border-width,1px) var(--tables-divider-border-type,solid) var(--tables-divider-border-color,#d4d4d4);
        padding-top: calc(var(--order-details-rows-gap, 18px) / 2);
        padding-bottom: calc(var(--order-details-rows-gap, 18px) / 2);
        padding-left: 0;
        padding-right: 0;
    .woocommerce table.shop_table tfoot td {
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    .woocommerce table.shop_table td {
        padding: 0.8em;
        vertical-align: middle;
        text-transform: capitalize;
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce-table--order-details td {
        word-wrap: break-word;
    .elementor *, .elementor :after, .elementor :before {
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    table th, table td {
        padding: 10px;
        text-align: left;
        vertical-align: top;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    :not(input):not(textarea), img {
        -webkit-touch-callout: none;
        -webkit-user-select: none;
        -khtml-user-select: none;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -ms-user-select: none;
        user-select: none;
    td, th {
        padding: 0;
    caption, th, td {
        font-weight: normal;
        text-align: left;
    html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        border: 0;
        outline: 0;
        font-size: 100%;
        font: inherit;
        vertical-align: baseline;
        font-family: inherit;
        font-size: 100%;
        font-style: inherit;
        font-weight: inherit;
    *, *:before, *:after {
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    user agent stylesheet
    td {
        display: table-cell;
        vertical-align: inherit;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table {
        font-size: 14px;
        margin-bottom: 0;
        padding: var(--sections-padding,15px 30px);
        background-color: var(--sections-background-color,#fff);
        border-radius: var(--sections-border-radius,3px);
        border: 1px var(--sections-border-type,solid) var(--sections-border-color,#d4d4d4);
    .woocommerce table.shop_table {
        border-width: 1px;
        border-style: solid;
        margin: 0 -1px 24px 0;
        text-align: left;
        width: 100%;
        border-collapse: separate;
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-spacing: 0;
    table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-spacing: 0;
    user agent stylesheet
    table {
        border-collapse: separate;
        text-indent: initial;
        border-spacing: 2px;
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe {
        --buttons-border-color: #B8B8B8;
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe {
        --confirmation-message-display: block;
        --confirmation-message-alignment: start;
        --order-summary-alignment: start;
        --titles-color: #54595F;
        --general-text-color: var( --e-global-color-text );
        --payment-details-border-type: none;
        --order-details-rows-gap: 15px;
        --order-details-titles-totals-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-items-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-variations-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-product-links-normal-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-product-links-hover-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --button-normal-text-color: #5A5A5A;
        --buttons-border-type: double;
        --button-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary {
        font-size: 14px;
        font-family: Roboto,sans-serif;
        color: #818a91;
    .elementor-element {
        --widgets-spacing: 20px;
    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    Further to that, some CSS for one of the cells in the order details table that I’m wanting to edit. I’m specifically wanting to edit just the order details section (I can also add the CSS to the widget specifically but I don’t want to affect the other sections only the order details table): {
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table thead tr th, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot th, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot tr td, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .shop_table tfoot tr td span, .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe .woocommerce-table--order-downloads tr td:before {
        font-size: 14px;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table tfoot td, .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table tfoot th {
        color: var(--order-details-titles-totals-color,#000);
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table td, .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table th {
        border: 0;
        border-top: var(--tables-divider-border-width,1px) var(--tables-divider-border-type,solid) var(--tables-divider-border-color,#d4d4d4);
        padding-top: calc(var(--order-details-rows-gap, 18px) / 2);
        padding-bottom: calc(var(--order-details-rows-gap, 18px) / 2);
        padding-left: 0;
        padding-right: 0;
    .woocommerce table.shop_table tfoot td {
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    .woocommerce table.shop_table td {
        padding: 0.8em;
        vertical-align: middle;
        text-transform: capitalize;
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce-table--order-details td {
        word-wrap: break-word;
    .elementor *, .elementor :after, .elementor :before {
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    table th, table td {
        padding: 10px;
        text-align: left;
        vertical-align: top;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    :not(input):not(textarea), img {
        -webkit-touch-callout: none;
        -webkit-user-select: none;
        -khtml-user-select: none;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -ms-user-select: none;
        user-select: none;
    td, th {
        padding: 0;
    caption, th, td {
        font-weight: normal;
        text-align: left;
    html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        border: 0;
        outline: 0;
        font-size: 100%;
        font: inherit;
        vertical-align: baseline;
        font-family: inherit;
        font-size: 100%;
        font-style: inherit;
        font-weight: inherit;
    *, *:before, *:after {
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    user agent stylesheet
    td {
        display: table-cell;
        vertical-align: inherit;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary .woocommerce .shop_table {
        font-size: 14px;
        margin-bottom: 0;
        padding: var(--sections-padding,15px 30px);
        background-color: var(--sections-background-color,#fff);
        border-radius: var(--sections-border-radius,3px);
        border: 1px var(--sections-border-type,solid) var(--sections-border-color,#d4d4d4);
    .woocommerce table.shop_table {
        border-width: 1px;
        border-style: solid;
        margin: 0 -1px 24px 0;
        text-align: left;
        width: 100%;
        border-collapse: separate;
        border-color: #eaeaea;
    table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-spacing: 0;
    table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-spacing: 0;
    user agent stylesheet
    table {
        border-collapse: separate;
        text-indent: initial;
        border-spacing: 2px;
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe {
        --buttons-border-color: #B8B8B8;
    .elementor-10101 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1293bfe {
        --confirmation-message-display: block;
        --confirmation-message-alignment: start;
        --order-summary-alignment: start;
        --titles-color: #54595F;
        --general-text-color: var( --e-global-color-text );
        --payment-details-border-type: none;
        --order-details-rows-gap: 15px;
        --order-details-titles-totals-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-items-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-variations-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-product-links-normal-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --order-details-product-links-hover-color: var( --e-global-color-secondary );
        --button-normal-text-color: #5A5A5A;
        --buttons-border-type: double;
        --button-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    .elementor-widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary {
        font-size: 14px;
        font-family: Roboto,sans-serif;
        color: #818a91;
    .elementor-element {
        --widgets-spacing: 20px;
    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    Additionally, here is the system report:

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL):
    Site address (URL):
    WC Version: 6.6.1
    REST API Version: ? 6.6.1
    WC Blocks Version: ? 7.6.2
    Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.4.0
    Log Directory Writable: ?
    WP Version: ? 5.9 - There is a newer version of WordPress available (6.0)
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 512 MB
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: –
    Language: en_US
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 7.4.28
    PHP Post Max Size: 516 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 60
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    cURL Version: 7.81.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    MySQL Version: 5.6.41-84.1
    Max Upload Size: 512 MB
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    DOMDocument: ?
    GZip: ?
    Multibyte String: ?
    Remote Post: ?
    Remote Get: ?
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    Total Database Size: 76.26MB
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    RmJ_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 1.52MB + Index: 0.08MB + Engine InnoDB
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    WP Memory Limit: by WPDeveloper – 0.1.0
    AddressFinder: by AddressFinder – 1.4.9
    All in One SEO: by All in One SEO Team – 4.2.2
    Bluehost: by Bluehost – 2.10.1
    Easy Auto SKU Generator for WooCommerce: by Dan Zakirov – 1.1.2
    Elementor Pro: by – 3.7.1
    Elementor: by – 3.6.6
    Essential Addons for Elementor - Pro: by WPDeveloper – 5.1.2
    Essential Addons for Elementor: by WPDeveloper – 5.1.6
    Flexible Shipping: by Octolize – 4.11.9
    Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: by MonsterInsights – 8.6.0
    JetSmartFilters: by Crocoblock – 2.2.3
    JetWooBuilder For Elementor: by Crocoblock – 1.12.4
    JetProductGallery For Elementor: by Crocoblock – 2.1.2
    Jetpack: by Automattic – 11.0
    Mailchimp for WooCommerce: by Mailchimp – 2.6.2
    Ocean Extra: by OceanWP – 2.0.2
    Out of Stock Message for WooCommerce: by coderstime – 1.0.6
    WooCommerce Currency Converter: by WooCommerce – 1.6.25
    WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing: by Element Stark – 3.1.26
    WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 6.1.0
    WooCommerce Instagram: by Themesquad – 3.5.0
    WooCommerce Payments: by Automattic – 4.0.2 (update to version 4.4.0 is available)
    WooCommerce Product Add-ons: by WooCommerce – 4.1.0
    Product Filters for WooCommerce: by WooCommerce – 1.2.5
    WooCommerce Shipping Per Product v2: by WooCommerce – 2.3.13
    WooCommerce Social Login: by SkyVerge – 2.11.0
    WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping: by WooCommerce – 3.0.30
    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 6.6.1
    WP Mail SMTP: by WPForms – 3.4.0
    Smush: by WPMU DEV – 3.10.2
    ### Inactive Plugins (6) ###
    Elementor Header & Footer Builder: by Brainstorm Force
    Nikhil Chavan – 1.6.11
    HT Mega - Absolute Addons for Elementor Page Builder: by HasThemes – 1.7.3
    User Menus: by Code Atlantic – 1.2.7
    WooCommerce New Zealand Post: by WooCommerce – 2.1.1
    WooCommerce PayPal Payments: by WooCommerce – 1.6.4 (update to version 1.9.0 is available)
    WooCommerce Xero Integration: by WooCommerce – 1.7.37
    ### Dropin Plugins (2) ###
    db-error.php: db-error.php
    maintenance.php: maintenance.php
    ### Must Use Plugins (3) ###
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    Endurance Page Cache: by Mike Hansen – 2.2
    SSO: by Garth Mortensen
    Mike Hansen – 0.4
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    Shop base: #386 - /shop/
    Cart: #48 - /cart/
    Checkout: #49 - /checkout/
    My account: #50 - /my-account/
    Terms and conditions: #575 - /support/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: OceanWP
    Version: 3.1.2 (update to version 3.3.3 is available)
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ? – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme
    WooCommerce Support: ?
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    Overrides: oceanwp/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
    ### Admin ###
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    Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2022-02-11 07:31:01 +00:00
    Options: ?
    Notes: 81
    Onboarding: completed
    ### WooCommerce Payments ###
    Version: 4.0.2
    Connected to WPCOM: Yes
    Blog ID: 195074809
    Account ID: -
    ### Social Login ###
    Facebook: ? Available
    Twitter: Disabled
    Google: Disabled
    Amazon: Disabled
    Linkedin: Disabled
    Paypal: Disabled
    Disqus: Disabled
    Yahoo: Disabled
    Vkontakte: Disabled
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Complete: 114
    Oldest: 2022-06-07 09:16:18 +0000
    Newest: 2022-07-08 02:40:44 +0000
    Pending: 4
    Oldest: 2022-07-08 02:55:44 +0000
    Newest: 2022-07-12 05:56:00 +0000
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-07-08 02:51:53 +00:00
    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    This is the message I’m getting below with the SMTP plugin but I don’t understand it if someone could enlighten me. I don’t have any authenticator plugins on the site that I’m aware of.

    Heads up! The last email your site attempted to send was unsuccessful.

    Email Source: WP Core
    Mailer: Google / Gmail
    “error”: {
    “code”: 401,
    “message”: “Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See;,
    “errors”: [
    “message”: “Login Required.”,
    “domain”: “global”,
    “reason”: “required”,
    “location”: “Authorization”,
    “locationType”: “header”
    “status”: “UNAUTHENTICATED”,
    “details”: [
    “@type”: “”,
    “reason”: “CREDENTIALS_MISSING”,
    “domain”: “”,
    “metadata”: {
    “service”: “”,
    “method”: “caribou.api.proto.MailboxService.SendMessage”
    For more details please try running an Email Test or reading the latest error event.

    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    Apologies, somehow in my preview earlier I couldn’t see any of the previous responses. I’ve just tried this suggestion and unfortunately it hasn’t worked but I’d still re-post this question as it’s an essential I’ll need resolved. I appreciate any input. I’ve already scoured the net for possible solutions and tried myself so I’m out of ideas.

    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    Oh right! Somehow I missed it sorry. Thanks it’s worked!!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by sonjamarie.
    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    This is still unresolved and my question has not been responded to by anyone nor any advice on who could possibly look into it.

    Thread Starter sonjamarie


    This is still unresolved and my question has not been responded to by anyone nor any advice on who could possibly look into it.

Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)