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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Platform Theme Framework FeedbackYes, there is certainly some slightly less-than-open-and-free practices with the development of this theme, the fact that its founder started this thread and now has abandoned it is certainly indicative of something.
Largely the Platform free version seems to be a hook to get people to spend $100 on Platform Pro, which by many accounts throughout this forum, isn’t amounting to be worth the price.
In a community where a large proportion of folks (if not the majority) are working successfully with a free web design platfom, free templates, free plug-ins, and free a free online support network, the developers of most of which are happy to offer assistance in the using of their creations, a vendor coming amidst that same community with a blatant attempt to get money without prior support or courtship is a little brutish, I have to say. Not that anyone is being forced, but there is certainly quite a bit of coaxing at every step with Platform to get you to spend that $100, as well as a lot of ignoring of those who are not willing or able to make that sacrifice. Caveat emptor!
The fact that prospective clients spending time with the free version on a trial basis in order to determine worthiness of the paid product are not offered help by the devs (PageLines’ forums are for purchased products only, and these free and open forums here have been abandoned as pointed out) is reason alone to question the intentions of said developers. Money is always the bottom line with such types, not the users. Whereas the general spirit in this community is free and open dissemination of information and supportive aid to meet that end.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pageline Platform Home page help – ConfusedDon’t know if you got this figured out by now, but I think if you go to WordPress Dashboard, then down to Settings (at the bottom of the left sidebar), then Reading you can set your front page there.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to have a static Main Page?