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  • Thread Starter soulretriever


    Dear Josh,

    Thanks for the tip! I changed the field to text and put the html5 type to date. Works like a charm! It even has a datepicker build in there. ??

    Thread Starter soulretriever


    Aha I just noticed that I can actually select and change the input during loading and then when the page is loaded it seems to be unable to select. Perhaps it’s a minification issue or something like that. Update: I don’t think it’s a minification thing. I just disabled all of that and it still didn’t work.

    Actually I just saw I got an error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined
        at HTMLDocument.cf_jsfields_init (wp-content-plugins-caldera-forms-assets-build-js-caldera-forms-front.min-
        at HTMLDocument.dispatch (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at HTMLDocument.r.handle (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at Object.trigger (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at Object.a.event.trigger (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-migrate.min-1.4.1.js:2)
        at HTMLSpanElement.<anonymous> (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at Function.each (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-1.12.4.js:2)
        at a.fn.init.each (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-1.12.4.js:2)
        at a.fn.init.trigger (wp-includes-js-jquery-jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at calders_forms_check_conditions (wp-content-plugins-caldera-forms-assets-build-js-conditionals.min-

    It seems to be again this parsley thing. Ill check other topics.

    Thread Starter soulretriever


    Also I noticed a bug with the placement of the datepicker. Both the responsive and normal targets are slightly off in height. fixed the issue for me. Great! Happy about the new fields too! ??

    I noticed that I did get a small error though:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: Parsley is not defined
        at nl.js?ver=
    (anonymous) @ nl.js?ver=
    // Validation errors messages for Parsley
    // Load this after Parsley
    Parsley.addMessages('nl', {
      defaultMessage: "Deze waarde lijkt onjuist.",
      type: {
        email:        "Dit lijkt geen geldig e-mail adres te zijn.",
        url:          "Dit lijkt geen geldige URL te zijn.",
        number:       "Deze waarde moet een nummer zijn.",
        integer:      "Deze waarde moet een nummer zijn.",
        digits:       "Deze waarde moet numeriek zijn.",
        alphanum:     "Deze waarde moet alfanumeriek zijn."
      notblank:       "Deze waarde mag niet leeg zijn.",
      required:       "Dit veld is verplicht.",
      pattern:        "Deze waarde lijkt onjuist te zijn.",
      min:            "Deze waarde mag niet lager zijn dan %s.",
      max:            "Deze waarde mag niet groter zijn dan %s.",
      range:          "Deze waarde moet tussen %s en %s liggen.",
      minlength:      "Deze tekst is te kort. Deze moet uit minimaal %s karakters bestaan.",
      maxlength:      "Deze waarde is te lang. Deze mag maximaal %s karakters lang zijn.",
      length:         "Deze waarde moet tussen %s en %s karakters lang zijn.",
      equalto:        "Deze waardes moeten identiek zijn."

    Cheers! ??

    Rollback to fixed it for me. Note that for me still has missing files etc. or whatever it is. I also had tried it with the master version from git, same problem. Hope it helps.

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