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My issues were resolved after it was discovered that I still had reCaptcha version 2 on the affected domains, and it was causing a scripting problem for 2FA and login verification. When I updated to reCaptcha version 3 the conflict disappeared and both began to work fine.
The issue is partly resolved. It appears that I needed to update reCaptcha to version 3. Version 2 was messing with the login verification script. Updating that has worked on three domains. Now I will try to get the 2FA to work. Thanks for the reply.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by southerncrosswebs.
Same thing happens for me both on paid wordfence subscriptions domains and free wordfence domains. I have lodged a ticket for the paid wordfence domain but also would like a solution for the free wordfence usage. The only workaround I have at the moment is to disable the Wordfence plugin from the host back end but this is not appropriate for other web sites I assist with that I do not own. Please someone sort this out or update your documentation at because your suggested work around does not work for the issues I am experiencing. Also I am not in a position to use the Health Check & Troubleshooting Plugin as numerous sites are live.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by southerncrosswebs.
Sorry for the alarm. I have since come to realize that avast is doing this to most of my yahoo emails even major corporations and it is obviously their issue with false positives. I couldn’t find a delete button for this entry so I could only add this to the thread.
BIG THANK YOU again for your assistance. All is working now! So relieved I can keep this plugin lol… looking forward to Version 5 ??
I have sent you a request via your contact form. Hopefully this plugin can be sorted out. Thanks again for your assistance.
ps just upgraded to and same issue. I used the send now option in Reports and the Report says the send is completed but still no emails received.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by southerncrosswebs.
Happy to report that post notifications did send without me having to use the send now option. Can also confirm that the confirmation of campaign sent email issued to the admin after all of the emails were sent. Thanks for your assistance. Hopefully this is now resolved ??
- This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by southerncrosswebs.
thanks and appreciate your help
Ok now I just feel bewildered again lol. I reverted one website back to 4.0.06 from 4.0.07 and .08 and the post notifications only went out because I used the send now option from Reports. I have now thoroughly tested another website with .06, .07 and .08 and the post notifications will not send even though the report says completed after they were queued. No confirmation of campaign sent is issued to the admin either if you let the notifications process by themselves being enqueued. With this same site I then triggered another post to be published and then used the send now option in Reports and it too claims to have completed the send (the confirmation page with options to send all the other queued emails came up and I kept selecting the send now link) but no campaign confirmation is sent to the admin and no emails are sent even though the status in the Reports section is now set at completed. The mystery deepens as I then reverted this 2nd website back to and triggered a post notification by publishing a post (previously published, set back to draft and republished) and everything works again. So the summary is this. One website does issue post notifications and all of the confirmations on 4.0.06 BUT ONLY IF YOU USE THE SEND NOW OPTION. The second website (with mostly the same plugins and hosted by the same web server) will not issue post notifications or the confirmations past Both websites are on WP 5.1.1. I do appreciate your efforts to fix these issues but it is taking up a lot of time trying to get this plugin to work and I am afraid I cannot keep doing this for much longer.
Its not working at all I’m afraid. I tested 4.0.08 on 2 different websites. It does not generate a report (on the Reports menu option of the plugin on the wordpress dashboard) so there is just nothing to work with to view the status of the emails or to select a send now option, and no emails go to the subscribers or the admin (campaign sent confirmation). This is based on republishing an older post. I also attempted to publish a brand new post (it was queued as a draft on the auto post scheduler but had never before been posted and I manually published it) and it was the same. No report, no emails (to subscribers and admin). It is pretty late here in Australia so I am going to leave trying to sort this out until tomorrow. Thanks for your assistance in trying to resolve this.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by southerncrosswebs.
Ok am updating now and will do some tests… will get back to you in 5-10 minutes
I rolled back to 4.0.06 on a second site, republished a post (not a new post) the report generated in the dashboard, sent the post notification emails out (which were received as I always send one to myself) and the confirmation of campaign sent email was issued to the admin. So 4.0.06 does work in WordPress 5.1.1 and with no CRON command entered for the website on CPanel. So maybe 4.0.07 has issues with WP 5.1.1?
New post is still queued so yet to confirm if new post has sent emails to subscribers and confirmation of campaign sent to admin.
i just posted a new post, it has generated a report but the emails are still queued. The republished one from 30 or so minutes ago seems to be stuck in “sending” status. Do you want them to go thru the queue or do you want me to use the send now option? (for the new post)
- This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by southerncrosswebs.
I should also say that I noticed that in 4.0.07 that the default Maximum Emails Send In An Hour (Email Sending settings) was 100, and in 4.0.06 is was 50. I have changed it back to 50 in the last few tests to see it that was the problem, but hasn’t made any difference. I only have 60 subscribers so when it was all working there wasn’t much waiting in the queue.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by southerncrosswebs.