Milos Spasic
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Print] Translation isn't workingThanks for the effort.
I have done exactly the same setup on the my test site and translation is working.
This leads me to the conclusion that the problem is in the configuration of my site where the problem occurs.
I will continue to research the causes of the problem …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Print] Translation isn't workingI didn’t mention in first post, the translation worked just fine before I have updated plugin to the latest version. After the update, translation files were deleted, but I have uploaded them again.
I think you have made some changes in the last update that broke translations.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PostRatings] Breaks the site layout after update.I lost a whole day investigating why the layout of my site has broken and now I see this thread… Thanks for the fix.
I have found what was causing the problem. It was PHP locale settings of my web server. When I have set PHP locale to en_US, issue disappeared.
This solved the issue for me:
setlocale( LC_ALL, 'en_US' );
I hope this will help somebody.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-EMail] Block search engines to index send by email pageI have tried it, works perfectly.
Thank you, problem permanently solved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-EMail] Block search engines to index send by email pageI have found the solution for the problem.
Just add this to your theme functions.php file:
//Ad meta tag noindex,nofollow to the head section of WP-Email send page function WP_Email_noindex() { $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $elements = explode('/', $uri) ; $segment2 = $elements[2] ; //For the 2nd segment of the URL if ($segment2 == 'email') { echo "\n" . '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />'; } } add_action('wp_head', 'WP_Email_noindex');
My Permalink Settings are so this works for me.
If your Permalink Settings are different, check out this post: “Get url segment in wordpress” →
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-EMail] Block search engines to index send by email pageI don’t use popup, so please help me to find some solution.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] Custom HTML and CSS in feedsThank you for the replay.
At the end, I came up with this solution:
1) Under the plugin settings find “Add related posts to:” and turn off “Feeds“.
2) Add this to the end of your theme functions.php file:
/* Add related posts to feeds */ function ald_crp_rss_custom($content) { global $post; global $crp_settings; $limit_feed = $crp_settings['limit_feed']; $show_excerpt_feed = $crp_settings['show_excerpt_feed']; $post_thumb_op_feed = $crp_settings['post_thumb_op_feed']; if(function_exists('ald_crp')) { return $content. '<div style="clear:left; padding:15px 0 0 0;">' .ald_crp('is_widget=0&limit='.$limit_feed.'&show_excerpt='.$show_excerpt_feed.'&post_thumb_op='.$post_thumb_op_feed). '</div>'; } else { return $content; } } add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'ald_crp_rss_custom'); add_filter('the_content_feed', 'ald_crp_rss_custom');
I hope this would help someone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] Custom HTML and CSS in feedsCSS can be embedded direct into the HTML.
Short example:
<div class="crp_related" style="clear:left; padding:15px 0 0 0;"> <h3 style="padding:0 0 10px 0;">
And by using ‘is_feed’ conditional tag →, that custom CSS can be displayed only on feed page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Facebook Open Graph protocol] Change og:locale optionI understand that you are doing this at the expense of your free time. Make a modification when you can… Thank you for the efforts.
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Facebook Open Graph protocol] Change og:locale optionHere is the official list of Locales and Languages Supported by Facebook →
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sharebar] Error with WordPress 3.5Fix from e3mobile is working perfectly. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LightPress Lightbox] How to translate WP jQuery Lightbox?I have found the solution.
Open the
and find the following code:function jqlb_js() { if(is_admin() || is_feed()){return;} wp_enqueue_script('jquery', '', array(), false, true); wp_enqueue_script('wp-jquery-lightbox', JQLB_SCRIPT_URL, Array('jquery'), '1.3.3', true); wp_localize_script('wp-jquery-lightbox', 'JQLBSettings', array( 'fitToScreen' => get_option('jqlb_resize_on_demand'), 'resizeSpeed' => get_option('jqlb_resize_speed'), 'displayDownloadLink' => get_option('jqlb_show_download'), 'navbarOnTop' => get_option('jqlb_navbarOnTop'), 'loopImages' => get_option('jqlb_loopImages'), 'resizeCenter' => get_option('jqlb_resizeCenter'), 'marginSize' => get_option('jqlb_margin_size'), 'linkTarget' => get_option('jqlb_link_target'), //'followScroll' => get_option('jqlb_follow_scroll'), /* translation */ 'help' => __(get_option('jqlb_help_text'), 'jqlb'), 'prevLinkTitle' => __('previous image', 'jqlb'), 'nextLinkTitle' => __('next image', 'jqlb'), 'prevLinkText' => __('? Previous', 'jqlb'), 'nextLinkText' => __('Next ?', 'jqlb'), 'closeTitle' => __('close image gallery', 'jqlb'), 'image' => __('Image ', 'jqlb'), 'of' => __(' of ', 'jqlb'), 'download' => __('Download', 'jqlb') )); }
Replace the:
'previous image' 'next image' '? Previous' 'Next ?' 'close image gallery' 'Image ' ' of ' 'Download'
with words on your language, save the file and upload it back to the host.
Edit image
and change the text with the word on your language, save it and upload to the server.You are done, user part of the plugin is translated now.
Solution form link above works like a charm, thanks! ??
I didn’t say that that was the main issue, that was happened on my blog, and I wrote it down in hope that it will help someone.
Try to disable all other plugins, except XML Sitemap Generator. Maybe it has conflict with some other plugin on your blog. If it starts working normally when you disable plugins, enable them one by one. When it stops working, you will find te plugin that is causing problems.