Forum Replies Created
Thank you very much for answering me, I also proceed from the fact that the plugin has nothing to do with it, something with the settings on the hosting. Is it possible to see in some log what kind of request the plugin was trying to make? I already dream of moving the site to php 7.4, and then 8.2 and wordpress itself to 6.1. This should give a good speed for the resource and be convenient for people. Thanks for your response and time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] Htaccess file questionThanks for the answer, the search engine removed the warning from my site and the plugin had nothing to do with it, apparently I specifically activated the option to create a separate cache for mobile devices earlier and these rules were apparently registered. Once again, thank you.
The option is called Mobile Device Support. (Requires external plugin or theme. See FAQ for more information.)
Mobile browsers
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In reply to: [LightPress Lightbox] WordPress 5.6 break pluginsGood afternoon everyone, the same I really look forward to the new version of the plugin, it is very simple and functional without unnecessary troubles