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  • Can’t activate the plugin??

    I installed, but when I tried to activate, I got this message:

    “The plugin does not have a valid header.”

    This has happened repeatedly. I’ve deleted it and reinstalled it. I’ve installed via the auto install function, and I’ve downloaded the zip file and installed manually.

    This has happened repeatedly on three different websites.

    The version I’m downloading and trying to install is 2.9.3, supposedly the latest.

    Any ideas what’s happening?


    Yes, I, too am having this same problem.

    Does anyone from read this forum? Or is there a “contact” form or phone number anywhere to contact someone who might be able to resolve this.

    It’s apparent that something’s not working right between WP’s coding and the WP themes directory.

    Oh, and BTW — I wish whoever coded the error message knew how to spell a little better. It should say “occurred,” NOT “occured.” (One of those irritating little details that drives a writer or editor bonkers. LOL!)

    Thanks, WebGeek. I’m on my way over to there now.

    FYI — I just went to the blog I’ve been wrestling with regarding this plugin. I made sure wp-spamfree’s green bar telling me it was installed correctly was in place and everything was okay.

    I then deactivated EVERY plugin. I activated wp-spamfree so that it was the only active plugin.

    I cleared my Firefox cache. I tried to post and got the same error message as before:

    “Sorry, there was an error. JavaScript and Cookies are required in order to post a comment.

    “Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser. Then, please hit the back button on your browser, and try posting your comment again. (You may need to reload the page)”

    I then closed Firefox. I went to the blog in IE 8. I tried commenting and got the same error message.

    I don’t know much about coding OR really that much about WP — but it sure seems to me that something’s not right with the current version of wp-spamfree.

    Any further suggestions would be helpful?


    Thanks for the response, WebGeek.

    I’ve gone through the Troubleshooting Guide and the FAQs. I may be missing something, but I still get that “Javascript Cookies Required” error mentioned in the OP of this thread.

    I thought it might be conflict between wp-spamfree’s contact form (which I wasn’t using) and the Easy Contact plugin (which I was using). Disabled that plugin, flushed cache, still no luck.

    I’m pretty sure wp-spamfree was working without problems when I was running earlier versions. I have no way of knowing which version started the problems, as I always auto upgrade with each new version of wp and each new version of the wp-spamfree plugin.

    A couple of people who tried to leave comments in recent weeks alerted me to the error, or I never would have found it.

    Love the hands-off, effective way wp-spamfree works. But guess I’ll have to stick with akismet.

    And, yes, wp-spamfree shows me the green bar that it’s installed properly, too, so I know that’s not it.

    Thread Starter speerga


    Thanks for your help, cais. It seems to work — and now I’ve actually LEARNED something to day, too. I appreciate it!


    Thread Starter speerga


    Hi samboll and others: I pasted the sidebar code for green park2 into the site. Here’s the url for it:

    I’m sure it would be easy to eliminate the bottom of the sidebar stuff, if I knew more php coding. And if I could contact the author — but he apparently is a native German speaker and I speak no German. I tried to use the “Contact” on his website, but his “Contact” page gives this message: “Please note, I don’t provide support for any of my WordPress themes neither via mail, social networks nor twitter. Please leave a comment instead.”

    I simply can’t seem to find where to leave a comment??

    I appreciate many of the free WP themes out there, and I really like this one. Hope I can get this matter resolved.

    Thanks anyone who can help!


    Is there any command or coding or whatever that could be inserted into wp-config.php to do this? It seems to me upgrading to a new version of wp would mean having to re-edit the post.php and post-new.php files every time.

    Of course, a great solution would be if the wp devs would recognize many folks would like to turn off autosave completely and give us that option.

    I, too, would like the option of turning autosave on or off. I’ve been getting an error message something like “are you sure you want to navigate away from this page” on a couple of my blogs anytime I try to save a draft and move around to another part of my dashboard. At least one possibility I’ve found is that the autosave function may be causing this.

    What would be the harm in a simple dashboard button or option under “settings” to allow those of us who are simply bothered by autosave, or suspect it may be acting badly with a plugin or whatever, the option to turn autosave on or off?

    I just started having the disappearing post editing issue today. Discovered it stopped when I deactivated a plugin I installed recently. It was a plugin called the “Kish Manage Multiple WordPress Blogs.”

    After installing that plugin, I could find no way to get the plugin to work, but I hadn’t deactivated it. When I deactivated it, the problem of posts disappearing when I try to edit them stopped.

    Hope that helps someone.

    I just discovered that I’m getting the same error message on my blogs using version of wp-spamfree as “jonhuck” is. A friend who’d tried repeatedly to post a comment on one of my blogs got that message and alerted me via email. When I deactivate wp-spamfree, comments can be left and the error message goes away.

    This was true on 3 blogs that I tested, all three running version of wp-spamfree and wp version 2.8.4.

    For anyone else out there having this problem, I just discovered several of my blogs stopped getting comments and one of my regulars told me about it and about this error message.

    I came here, found this thread, and checked my plugins. I don’t use “CommentLuv” and never have. In my case, running WP 2.8.4, it was the “WP-Spamfree” plugin. I’m using the latest version,

    Or I WAS using that version — I’ve deactivated it for now. And on every blog where I’ve been using wp-spamfree I’ve discovered the comment error message appearing. In each case, deactivating wp-spamfree resolved the issue.

    Thread Starter speerga


    Thanks. I’ll give that a try.

    Thread Starter speerga


    Thanks, samboll, for pointing me back to that reply. That takes care of the “About” box in the sidebar. But there’s a ton of other code below the “About” box and I’m having trouble wading through all of it to eliminate the other stuff I mentioned in my post above.

    I’ll give it another go!

    Thread Starter speerga


    Yeah, since I posted the above opening post, I discovered one of my sites that does the auto plugin update function perfectly, and three or four which give the error and mess up problems I mentioned.

    I’m not bright enough to figure it out. Sure was nice on 2.5, though, because it always worked on all my sites. Got spoiled.

    But since it did, indeed, work on all my 2.5 blogs, I really can’t see why they can’t get it to work that way on 2.6 or 2.6.1?

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