Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Album thumbnail link to post, not pageBy change I mean, make a change in the images or the name or something in the gallery. Solved it though.
delete rownumber: 374-375 in manage.php
if ( nggGallery::current_user_can( 'NextGEN Edit gallery page id' )) $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare ("UPDATE $wpdb->nggallery SET pageid= '%d' WHERE gid = %d", (int) $_POST['pageid'], $this->gid) );
Otherwise it will override the linked page id on save.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Album thumbnail link to post, not pageThis works great, however, When a change is made in the gallery the link is destroyed. How can this be fixed?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsHi, yeah I guess that would be the easiest. It doesn’t work though. The function doesn’t exist. I activate the plugin on blog 1, and switch to blog 1 then try to run the function.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Media Library importThanks for taking the time to answer Frederick.
There’s no log file created.
“Total posts” says 0.
The images are available.
url’s look like this:
/getBlob.php?type=reportage&name=FImage1&id=252It’s a multisite installation and I have the plugin activated and trying this on the main blog.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsThanks, I figured it out! had to change some things in the plugin..
get_option() to get_blog_option() to get the correct url’s.However now that I override sidebars_widgets with
add_filter( 'pre_option_' . 'sidebars_widgets', 'override_sidebars_widgets' );
I can’t use any widgets on the blogs independently.
Thought the solution was to use pre_update_option but that didn’t work.
Is it possible to just add the sidebar_widgets without completely overriding?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsSo you’re using a plugin shortcode in a text widget? and that works ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bannerize] [Plugin: WP Bannerize] Making banners sitewide in multisitesome update on this issue in this thread:
HereNo success yet though. All help is very much appreciated =)
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsOk, so I’ve got it working with the text-widget but can’t get it to work with the plugin. Guess it doesn’t fetch the banners from the plugin correctly cause the options is there, echoed them with
<pre><?php print_r(get_blog_option('4','widget_wp_bannerize') );?></pre>
Did you have any success justinbriggs1?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsOk so here’s what I’ve tried:
function override_sidebars_widgets() { $bar = get_blog_option('1','sidebars_widgets'); return $bar; } function override_widget_wp_bannerize() { $bar = get_blog_option('1','widget_wp_bannerize'); return $bar; } global $blog_id; if($blog_id != '1') { add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . 'sidebars_widgets', 'override_sidebars_widgets' ); add_filter( 'pre_option_' . 'widget_wp_bannerize', 'override_widget_wp_bannerize' ); }
pre_update_option since I still want to use widgets independently on the sub blogs, right? I’ve also tried with pre_option_ on both but it doesn’t work and all the other widgets of the sub blog disappears.
So in the main blogs widget_wp_bannerize column is:
a:4:{i:2;a:0:{}i:3;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:0:"";s:5:"group";s:5:"right";s:6:"random";s:0:"";s:5:"limit";s:2:"10";s:10:"categories";N;s:16:"container_before";s:4:"<ul>";s:15:"container_after";s:5:"</ul>";s:6:"before";s:10:"<li %alt%>";s:5:"after";s:5:"</li>";s:9:"alt_class";s:3:"alt";s:10:"link_class";s:0:"";}i:4;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:0:"";s:5:"group";s:5:"right";s:6:"random";s:0:"";s:5:"limit";s:2:"10";s:10:"categories";N;s:16:"container_before";s:4:"<ul>";s:15:"container_after";s:5:"</ul>";s:6:"before";s:10:"<li %alt%>";s:5:"after";s:5:"</li>";s:9:"alt_class";s:3:"alt";s:10:"link_class";s:0:"";}s:12:"_multiwidget";i:1;}
And in the sub blogs widget_wp_bannerize is:
I’ve put the wp_bannerize widget in a dynamic sidebar called ‘ad-widget-area’ which I’m calling the same way in both the parent and the child theme.
<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'ad-widget-area' ); ?>
Should the plugin be activated on the network, separately on each blog or just on the main blog?
Tried all three however and didn’t work either way.
Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong? Thanks a lot!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsBoth blogs using the same theme?
The above snippet pasted into the functions.php of that same theme?
The main blog id is ‘1’?
You’ve added the text widget to blog 1?I just tried these steps again and it works for me with twentyten.
Well the sub-blogs uses a child-theme of the main-blog. It’s built on starkers 3 which is built on twenty-ten.
Main blog id is ‘1’ and I’m adding the text-widget to blog 1.
Might have something to do with the child-theme? though it should use the same function.php file as I don’t have one in the child-theme, and even if I did it would just extend the main theme functions.php, right?get_blog_option is as generic as get_option except you can specify which blog you get the options from. You’ll need to look into your db wp_options table to see what options are there to dupe. Could be thousands to choose from, hundreds anyway.
Oh ok, I will look into that, thanks!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsHey, thanks for the reply.
So I tried that with just a textwidget, couldn’t get the main blogs widgets to show up on the sub blogs though.I’ve looked in the codex on “get_blog_option” and can’t find any argument for ‘sidebar_widgets’..
Any ideas?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Sub-blogs use the main blog widgetsI have a similar problem. I want to use a function from a plugin installed on the main blog on the sub blogs.
restore_current_blog();It just shows up blank on the sub blogs but works on the main blog.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bannerize] [Plugin: WP Bannerize] "Error while copying" with swf filesHi thanks for your reply, the problem was that I’m using multisites and by default .swf isn’t allowed.
Thanks! great plugin