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  • Thread Starter spiralmind


    I’m marking this resolved.

    I only needed to create single-wpm-testimonial.php from the current single.php. This worked using the Cherry Framework 3.1.4

    This thread helped:

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    OK, so I spent some time and figured this out. I had WP set to use a static page and this was causing the pagination to break. From the Codex:

    Static front pages are not intended to be paged. None of the WordPress Previous / Next page link functions work with a static front page. Pagination on a static front page uses the page query variable, not the paged variable.

    Problem is solved. ??

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    I just updated from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3 hoping the problem would go away. It didn’t. Anyone else having pagination problems with this theme?

    This is the first time I’ve had a pagination problem with a theme. I’ll have to resolve this very soon.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    OK. I’ll check out the update soon. Thanks for the fast reply Richie KS.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    Ok, after spending some time tinkering around with this plugin I have some things for consideration for those looking to incorporate it into their own WP installation. If you don’t use captions then this doesn’t apply, but if you do and want the captions to look better… this is for you!

    1) The plugin is using TEMPLATEPATH on line 106 of lightbox-gallery.php, which means it won’t look inside your child theme directory, if you happen to be using a child theme (which is the proper way to be modding a theme in the first place — and something all plugin authors should be expecting!). I hope the author of this plugin changes this in a future version to instead use the stylesheetpath or some other method (there are several others) to look first for the child theme directory, before looking at the parent theme directory. This would be a great improvement and allow overriding of the default css more efficiently. One could easily change this on line 106 but you’d be losing that mod the moment you upgrade (if this author ever upgrades this plugin?).

    2) The workaround for me, because I didn’t want to spend a whole lot of time, was to over ride the CSS using my child theme’s CSS. All i wanted to do was to fix the caption area — which is smooshed in between and behind the previous/next buttons — due to the author using ABSOLUTE positioning in the default styling. I’d recommend changing this behavior in future versions. It makes more sense to have the caption visible to the user in the lightbox, since you are allowing the user to “flip” through photos with the previous/next buttons. The captions are visible on the gallery images in the post… and in the lightbox they are smooshed behind the buttons and look awful, but if you make these simple changes you can improve upon this plugin like I did. Enough chatter… here’s what I did along with a photo where you can see the end results.

    /* for the lightbox plugin, we have to override some css values to show the caption area properly */
    #cboxTitle {
    	color: #fff !important;
    	font-weight: bold !important;
    	bottom: 28px !important;
    	right: 0px !important;
    	left: 0px !important;
    	background: #084A7C !important;
        opacity: 0.7;
        filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
        padding: 10px 5px !important;
        overflow: hidden !important;
    	width: auto !important;

    Just add that to your custom css file and it will over ride the default styling. It simply raises the caption area from where it currently is and applies a nice transparency, background color and auto sizes the width to look good at the bottom of the image. I added extra !important to make sure no future changes over ride this in my theme. Here’s a photo of the improvement. I like the new caption area a lot and i tested it with different size caption text. Maybe the author can include something like this in a future version. It would be a nice addition. Don’t you think?
    See the photo with better captions

    You can probably make more improvements on this, if you do I’d like to hear about it. I was in a hurry and this worked great for me. If there’s a better or easier way, chime in! Thanks to the author for making this plugin, its still a good simple plugin that does what I wanted and still saved me some time. ??

    Try resetting your keys. In otherwords, go back to twitter and reset your keys there. Wait about 15 minutes, then go back into WP and add the new keys (the ones you got from resetting) and save. That’s all I had to do to make it work.

    Kind of weird, but I basically had to do it twice in order for it to work.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    Could be something specific to my installation that has only 3 other plugins running… yes, its a possibility. Installing/using any plugin is like playing a game of chance.

    There’s no guarantee any single plugin will work as expected and the more you start installing that number diminishes. That being said, it didn’t work for me so granted that IS my experience – I justify my rating.

    Yes, version 3.6 . If i have time in the near future I’ll test it on a few other installations and see what results I get there. Anyone else having trouble with this one?

    Ok, now its working. I had to reset my keys for some reason. Seems to be ok now.

    I’m getting this same error, which is how i found this post. I’ve just installed the plugin and immediately hit a wall with it. I verified my keys and secrets are correct. I’m not sure why this is not working.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    In my case, I just needed to remove a widget from the homepage. I didn’t need any other fancy options or features. So it was very easy to just add code to my functions.php and using a hook I was able to add the logic that I needed to remove the widget from the widget array, thereby removing the widget from the homepage. It took about 15 minutes. It would have taken me longer to dig into why your plugin wasn’t working for me. I’m sure your plugin works for others but it simply didn’t work for me on two installations that did not have many plugins installed. Have you tested your plugin with 3.6? I really have no idea why it wasn’t working. Thanks for the fast response though. Keep up your plugin work. ??

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    No offense taken. I tested it on two installations and it didn’t work on either. It’s not “quite a job” to write your own solution. It’s actually quite easy and took less time than fiddling with your plugin. Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    I guess there are no other suggestions or help from the community.

    After studying the problem in more depth, and reviewing other answers (on other sites — not this one because apparently there are no good answers from the wordpress community) it looks like the only real way to handle this problem is to write up your own custom query and avoid the hassles of using any wp related solutions. If anyone has issues with this in the future (I’m sure you will) feel free to contact me and I’ll let you know how I fixed this problem. Thanks for your input again, catacaustic.

    For those interested, the problem seems to be query_posts. It returns the data as a string and so the “built in” sorting is flawed (even if you use meta_value_num it doesn’t make a difference).

    The age old saying still applies… when you want it done right you gotta dig in and just do it/figure it out yourself.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    Hmm. Yes I’ve seen a lot of other people have chosen this method. I’m also seeing other suggestions to use a filter hook on query_post as well. I’m experimenting tonight and tomorrow with some things.

    Thanks, catacaustic, for your input. Meow.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    I wonder why it didn’t work the first time I used it then? I used the link button. I figured it was just blocked out.

    A temporary fix to the problem, for anyone else who discovers this, is to change line 691 in ajax-event-calendar.php to remove “today”. Apparently this line has 3 words, prev,next, today and these are used to generate the nav buttons which show up when you use this as a widget. In my case, the TODAY nav-button (which is disabled but still appears) was being cut off. By removing “today” from that line of code and leaving the rest, my problem is solved for now.

    Of course, any updates to this plugin will overwrite it. I don’t have time to dig further into this plugin to fix this in a better way. Hopefully the original developer will realize this is an issue that should be resolved.

    One nice solution would be to have the widget do something different with that nav area dependent on the width of the widget column.

    I am not marking this as resolved because it really isn’t. There is an issue with the nav area on small width columns. My fix is not the preferred solution.

    Thread Starter spiralmind


    Of course I cannot add the photobucket link here because that would make problem solving helpful. Thanks ??

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