Forum Replies Created

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  • Hello @harkad17,

    If you’ve attached a screenshot that isn’t available on this ticket, please upload it to Imgur and add the link to this ticket.

    In Elementor, the desktop and mobile headers can be different depending on how they are configured. If the CTA button appears in the desktop header but not on the mobile header, it’s possible that the mobile version does not include the CTA button, or the button is set to be hidden on mobile.

    If the desktop header includes the CTA button but the mobile header does not, then you may need to manually add the button to the mobile header.

    Hello @officeatjoychurch,

    Use Wordfence alongside other anti-spam plugins like Akismet for more comprehensive protection. In Wordfence, identify and manually limit access to suspicious IPs. Additionally, configure the firewall settings to block frequent offenders and restrict access from known spam IPs.

    If you’re not already using it, Akismet is a free plugin that can help detect and block spam submissions. It’s widely used and effective for many types of spam.

    Hello Laura,

    One possible issue could be that if the WordPress installation was initially set up as a multisite network using subdomains, the necessary database tables would have been created specifically for that configuration. Switching to subdirectories by setting SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL to false may cause errors because the required tables for subdirectory-based sites might not be present.

    To check if the correct tables exist, look for tables such as wp_site, wp_blogs, and additional site-specific tables like wp_2_posts in your database.

    I recommend trying this setup first on a staging server to avoid potential issues on your live site. You can refer to this guide as a reference.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Extra URLs created

    Hello @bijnanobijnani,

    Let’s address your concerns step by step.

    1. Are These URLs Concerning?

    While the URLs you mentioned are no longer active on your site, their presence in Google Search Console (GSC) results is primarily an indexing issue rather than a current security threat. But they may still affect your site’s SEO and could lead to confusion for users.

    2. How to Handle the Old URLs in Google Search Console

    To prevent Google from continuing to index these old, invalid URLs, you can:

    • Request URL Removal: Use the “Remove URLs” tool in Google Search Console to request the removal of these specific URLs. This will temporarily hide them from search results.
    • Submit a Clean Sitemap: Make sure to submit a clean sitemap that reflects only the valid URLs on your website.
    • Add 410 (Gone) Status for the Old URLs: You can configure your server to return a 410 Gone status for these URLs, indicating to search engines that the URLs no longer exist and should be removed from the index.
    • Check for Malware or Hacked Content Warning in GSC: If Google detects any remaining signs of malware, you may still see warnings. Make sure to follow Google’s recommendations to resolve these warnings.

    3. How to Tackle These Issues in the Future?

    Fallow security best practices recommended by WordPress

    4. How to check whether any Plugins is causing this? To check if a plugin is causing issues:

    • Temporarily deactivate all plugins.
    • Reactivate them one by one, checking your site after each activation.
    • If the issue reappears, the last activated plugin is likely the culprit.
    • Always use plugins from reputable sources and keep them updated.

    Let me know if this was helpful!

    Hello @haneryjon,

    To ensure data privacy and security, it’s important to check the plugin’s privacy policy and review the plugin settings for how data is displayed and stored. Make sure to control data privacy settings and limit access to specific users.

    For real-time tracking, I recommend these two plugins, as they provide good options for data privacy:

    • Trackserver
    • Geo Mashup

    Both plugins offer settings to help manage and secure GPS tracking data effectively.

    Let me know if this information was helpful!

    Hello @leonkrijnen,

    You can control the frequency of the admin email verification screen using the admin_email_check_interval filter. to adjust this interval past this code in your themes functions.php file.

    To change the interval, use the following code to set it to 2 months:

    function myplugin_admin_email_check_interval( $interval ) {
    return 2 * MONTH_IN_SECONDS;
    add_filter( 'admin_email_check_interval', 'myplugin_admin_email_check_interval', 999 );

    If you want to disable the admin email verification check completely, you can use this code:

    add_filter( 'admin_email_check_interval', '__return_false', 999 );

    Or use a plugin like this to do the job for you

    Let me know if this helps or if you need more information!

    Hello @rudy3107,

    It looks like there may be an issue with the posts under the following categories on your site:

    • docs/
    • docs/category/judgments/

    Check this screenshot, a huge paragraph of text appears either at the top of the page or the bottom of the page which is overlapping with you content.

    Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

    • Try changing the category of the problematic post to see if the issue is related to the category itself or the individual post. If changing the category resolves the issue, it may indicate a problem with the original category setup.
    • The huge paragraph of text is most likely a post on your site, try finding it and deleting the post
    • If you are using caching plugins, clear the cache and refresh the page. Sometimes cached content can cause unexpected behavior.

    Try these steps and let me know if any of them help resolve the issue.

    Hello @simon_a6,

    The G100 and G111 codes in the Google Consent Mode refer to different states of consent:

    • G100 indicates that consent has not been given for ad storage or analytics.
    • G111 means that consent has been granted for both ad storage and analytics.

    To change the code from G100 to G111, the user must explicitly consent to the required categories (ad storage and analytics) through the consent management platform (CMP) you are using. Plugins like CookieYes provides an option to work with Google Consent Mode. But you need to enable this from the CookieYes web app dashboard before using the plugin implemented GCM on your site.

    Let me know if this helps!

    Hello @gwenm,

    The Stack Overflow link you mentioned is referring to the famous WordPress Loop, which is used to display posts on any page, including the homepage. If you want to add the audio player feature to the excerpt on the homepage, you’ll need to find the loop in your theme’s template files.

    The loop can typically be found in one of the following files in your theme’s folder:

    • home.php: This file is often used to display the blog posts on the homepage.
    • index.php: If your theme doesn’t have a home.php file, then the index.php file will be used as the fallback for displaying posts.

    You can customize it to include the audio player in the excerpt. Let me know if you need any further help!

    Hello @magicroomy,

    You might find the WordPress Playground helpful in troubleshooting this issue, as it encounters a similar problem when accessing the plugin or theme directory. There is a related issue discussed on GitHub that outlines potential solutions for this problem.

    You can check out the details and suggested solutions in the GitHub issue for WordPress Playground. This might give you insights into resolving the error with the theme directory/network access in your Docker-based setup.

    Hello @alankar1985,

    • Go to the Media Library.
    • Click on the media item in question.
    • Under “Uploaded to,” see if it is attached to a post, and check the status of that post (draft, published, private, etc.).

    If the media is attached to a draft or private post, try publishing the post to make the media item publicly accessible.

    Hello @nabeel56as,

    WordPress themes provide an option to customize the navigation menu colors. You should be able to adjust the menu colors to match your website’s color scheme there.

    If you can’t find the color settings or if changing the color isn’t working as expected, I recommend reaching out to the theme’s support team or the theme developer for further assistance. They should be able to guide you on how to make the necessary changes.

    Feel free to reach out here if there are any other issues!

    Hello Laura,

    You are correct that WordPress does have a restriction when it comes to creating a multisite network with subdirectories on websites that are older than 30 days due to issues with existing permalinks. The url to some of the pages on your site might be changed and cannot be accessed by you users.

    Before making any changes, make sure to back up your website. This is a precaution in case something goes wrong.

    However, there is a way to work around this restriction and set up a multisite network with subdirectories even for an older site. Add the following line to your wp-config.php file before setting up the network.

    define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);

    This line forces WordPress to use subdirectories instead of subdomains for the multisite network

    Let me know if you have further questions!

    Hello @alankar1985,

    The error message "rest_forbidden" with status 401 indicates that the WordPress REST API is blocking access to certain media items due to permission issues. Here are some of tips that may help

    Go to the Media Library in the WordPress dashboard, check the visibility of the affected media items, and ensure they aren’t set to private or restricted.

    Verify that the current user role has the necessary capabilities to view the media items. Since you’re using administrator credentials, this shouldn’t usually be a problem, but some custom code or plugins could modify default capabilities.

    Hello @vds1dgtl,

    You can use a WooCommerce hook woocommerce_output_related_products_args to add the class programmatically: This function uses WooCommerce’s hook to wrap the related products section with a custom class without having to modify the related.php template.

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_output_related_products_args', 'custom_related_products_class' );
    function custom_related_products_class( $args ) {
    $args['before'] = '<div class="related-products-container custom-class">';
    $args['after'] = '</div>';
    return $args;

    Let me know how it goes or if you need further assistance!

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