Forum Replies Created
No there haven’t been any new registrations without a purchase. It only happens rarely, maybe a few times per year. It’s not a big problem, just an annoyance. I appreciate you trying to figure it out. I really don’t know what else to try.
No. I just checked and do not have a user account with the name Pratik and there is no record of any transaction.
No the user role for all new accounts on my site is just “Subscriber”. That was the role for this invalid account, and it is also the role assigned to everyone who purchases and gets an account the correct way.
Thanks for your reply! Yes, that is correct. In reviewing the Payment History screen from EDD, there are no associated transactions — including no transactions that were pending, processed, refunded, revoked, failed, abandoned, preapproved, or any other status. I also checked with the logs of my payment processor, and that showed the same. No record of any attempted transaction at all.
So the admins moved this thread from the general wordpress topic to the EDD topic, which I think was wrong of them. If anything, this is a general wordpress issue not specific to EDD. Nevertheless, here we are. I recognize what I’m attempting is not a feature specific to EDD. I’m merely trying to figure out how anyone is bypassing my 201 redirects and managing to create wordpress user accounts, when the only other way to do that (I thought) is by making a purchase (where EDD will automatically create the user account).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Instant Articles for WP] Pages Show Up As Instant ArticlesYes, I’m still getting the problem too. Not being a coder myself, I won’t be able to contribute to a change or fix. But it’s a big problem for me. Facebook doesn’t want to approve my submissions because they include pages that don’t comply with instant article rules. But I don’t want my pages to comply with instant article rules, nor be submitted to facebook.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Browser] Not working with WP 4.1.1Happy to help. I also received an email this morning from Mark Barnes, the creator of Sermon Browser. He indicated that he is now able to work on the plugin, and that within a week or so he thinks they may have the plugin officially updated.
If/when that happens, I’d just like to point out to everyone that it is possible to donate to the Sermon Browser plugin. I personally do believe in trying to contribute monetarily to these developers since I can’t contribute in terms of labor (I’m not a coder!). So I’d ask active users of the plugin to consider that, as I know our organization will as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Browser] Not working with WP 4.1.1David,
Thanks again for your help despite your busy schedule, that worked perfectly for us and we’re up and running again.
For others on the thread who have been using Sermon Browser, I’d be interested to hear if you are using something different now and how the switch has gone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Browser] Not working with WP 4.1.1At this point, I’m looking to hire a developer who can update this plugin or save our data and migrate it into some other solution. We just have so many sermons, the thought of starting over is terrible. And it’s not working at all right now. Are any other users now encountering that “missing argument 2” error?
Anyway, if anyone with plugin development experience would like to discuss doing this job, please post a way that I can contact you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Browser] Not working with WP 4.1.1I’ve been struggling with this issue too. We had the first problem mentioned in this thread, and solved it by removing sermon browser and then installing it again from the zip file David Anderson graciously posted above, which he designated as version It was working well on PHP 5.6.
That fixed the problem for a while. But now, seemingly out-of-nowhere, on our “Add Sermons” Page in the admin, we have this error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in {PATH}sermon-browser/sb-includes/admin.php on line 2238 and defined in {PATH}/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1210
(above, I’ve inserted {PATH} in place of our actual absolute path to those files).Any thoughts? Or has anyone else had this happen?
I know we’re going to need a long term solution, I just don’t know what it is yet. We have thousands of sermons and the idea of switching to a new plugin is daunting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to know why something is in wp_footer?Yes! Fixed! Solved the problem and I learned some things too. I appreciate your help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to know why something is in wp_footer?And I failed to mention that in that same file, the next section down, is this:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to know why something is in wp_footer?Ok, so in my parent theme folder, there was a file called enqueue.php, which does seem to contain the problem line:
wp_register_script('jquery.tweet', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/twitter/jquery.tweet.js','jquery','1.2', true );
So I think that must be the problem.
Now what to do? I assume I can just delete this line from that file? Or is the better practice to copy that file to the child theme and delete the line there?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to know why something is in wp_footer?Thanks! I did go into the functions.php file and search for “wp_enquene_script” and I also searched for “tweet.js” but neither one exists in that file. And actually I checked both the functions.php of the child theme I’m using as well as that of its parent theme. I’m just stumped.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EWWW Image Optimizer] Issues with Optimize Everything ElseI think I am having the exact problem that kb959fl posted here, and would like to resolve it if possible.
I followed the steps you outlined above, nosilver4u. I first made the change to ewww-image-optimizer.php, then turned on debug, and then let the “Optimize Everything Else” run for a few minutes. This is the resulting debug log file: https://pastebin.com/siSGQ0y6
After that, I turned off debug mode and then went back to the Bulk Optimize page, enabled JavaScript Console in Chrome, and started the “Optimize Everything Else” process again. Within a couple of seconds, I got this error in JavaScript Console: https://pastebin.com/5HUb0ejD
I disabled ALL plugins except EWWW, and returned to the Bulk Optimize page and repeated the above, but got the exact same error even with all plugins disabled.
Do you have any thoughts on this or a troubleshooting direction I should head next? Thanks for your help.