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  • @firoz2456 – REST is required because the entire Gutenberg interface is built using javascript.

    @maximebj – Thanks – this is very helpful. I can test out how my existing custom post type edit screens will look like under Gutenberg now.

    No resolution to this yet? I tried turning on learning mode and then switching back after doing the required actions. Learning mode or disabling the plugin allows the AJAX posts temporarily, but the URLs don’t end up in the whitelist section (I have a few other URLs marked as “Source: Whitelisted while in Learning Mode.” but no admin-ajax.php urls).

    I also tried adding it to the whitelist manually. Here’s my code:

        url : '',  // generated from php admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' );
        type : 'post',
        data : {
            action : 'my_custom_callback',
            mydata : myDataArray
        // etc...

    And here’s what I tried adding to the whitelist:

    URL: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    Param Type: POST BODY
    Param Name: my_custom_callback

    The error I get is a “400 bad request” error.

    I am not using any caching or compression plugins or systems.

    Seems a pity to abandon using WordFence altogether because of this issue. I see lots of people who still seem to be having trouble with this. Let me know if there is a good solution.

    I think there’s a bunch of background info missing on why these plugins work the way they do in this thread:

    Automattic (WordPress company) recently bought WooCommerce and they have been merging the services since (for example you need a login for now). Knowing this and knowing that JetPack is an Automattic plugin makes the connection make more sense.

    The WooCommerce Services plugin is not total BS as some have indicated here. If you like the services it offers like keeping your sales tax rates up to date automatically for the area you ship out of, then turn it on and connect it w/ JetPack. If you don’t need those things, just turn it off…

    The last thing that I discovered in learning more about this is how flexible and powerful carefully configured JetPack is. It really is pretty crappy and intrusive out of the box, but if you go to this settings screen, you can turn on only the features you want and disable the rest:
    (this is available from the debug settings page too. not sure why they make this so hard to find!)

    If you like WooCommerce Services but think JetPack is too annoying and intrusive, try turning off all or almost all of the jetpack modules as suits your needs.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [FlippingBook] Fake review

    This is not helpful. Converting a print-ready PDF into a viable HTML5 display is actually a very difficult task. Flipping book has a decent service and they charge what they think it’s worth. The plugin is for flipping book customers. If you’re not their customer already, don’t use the plugin.

    Bravo @chesio – way to propose a solution instead of just complaining!

    This would be a great fix for Flamingo.

    Thread Starter squarecandy


    For now, replace line 553 with the code above in /wp-content/plugins/xili-tidy-tags/xili-tidy-tags.php

    Hopefully the plugin author will make the correction in the next update and we’ll be good to go from there…

    FYI, using the Stripe gateway, it has javascript that depends on seeing the <input type="radio" ... so I had to apply CSS to hide it instead of changing it to a hidden input.

    Thread Starter squarecandy


    added these to the $invalid array:

    ' '=>'-',

    And changed line 91 to

    $sanitized_filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]/', 'x', strtolower($sanitized_filename));

    This seems to produce much more useful results, even if filenames with a bunch of x’s look odd.

    I’m working on a plugin that uses google calendar api v3, outputs HTML5 and has a bunch of options. I’ve uploaded to the plugin site… I’ll keep you posted about when they publish it. See here if you want to check it out right away. Would love to hear your feedback:

    Nice Adrian – thanks for identifying the issue – that was stumping me. Appears to be a problem with regular the_content() too if you get something like <p style="text-align: justify;"></p> in your html saved in the database.

    I found deleting and redoing the copy and paste on a single line in the editor now works.

    Also, if you want to use the code above, there’s a small typo. Use:

    str_replace(array('<p>','</p>'), '', $tabContent)

    Thread Starter squarecandy


    Ok – solved it:

    field_date_v2.php, line 382:

    function edit_save($values = null) {
        if ( empty($values["gui_selected_date"]) ) {
            return "";
        } elseif ( is_array($values) && isset($values["saved_date_time"]) && !empty($values["saved_date_time"]) ) {
            return trim($values["saved_date_time"]);
        } else {
            return "";

    Would be nice to add this to the next release…

    This seems to be solved in the current version. The “Choose a file” button puts uploads straight into the woocommerce_upload folder and is properly protected.

    Thread Starter squarecandy


    Oh, awesome – thanks that worked. I really thought I tried that before, but I guess not or I was doing something wrong…

    Yeah, I posted the jsfiddle because I’m working on the site locally and I wanted a solution I could implement in several different places/situations.

    Anyways, thanks for your help alchymyth!

    Uggg! Thanks for the tip iamfriendly… Was messing with that for a long time.

    Do we know if this is something that should be reported as a bug, or if it works this way by design for some odd reason?

    I’m still having the issue in 3.1.2

    dantdr –
    Sounds like you’re not quite in the right place w/ this thread.
    Try rendering the whole menu with the regular wp_nav_menu function and then hiding what you don’t want to see w/ some CSS.

    ul.sub-menu {display:none;}
    li.current-menu-ancestor ul.sub-menu {display:block;}

    something like that.

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