Forum Replies Created
Glad to hear it worked with default themes, thanks for sharing the results. It looks like maybe Simply Static compatibility that was added to the Blocksy theme may need to be updated for the latest version of Simply Static, so you may want to reach out the the Blocksy support team to see if they can add a fix.
Hey tripslip38, sorry to hear you’re having an issue. Is the export able to run correctly when you change to a default WordPress theme?
Hi there, so glad to hear that you’re enjoying the results with Simply Static and finding it easy to use. These files wouldn’t be necessary if you’re not using them. To suppress them, you could try using the “Exclude” feature located in Settings under General. Here’s a bit more information on how it works:
Another option is to try using a hook in your theme’s functions.php to disable feeds in your environment.Hello hoangdajkz12. During the export process, Simply Static creates a standalone version of your website that is decoupled from WordPress. Unfortunately, since WooCommerce requires access to the database and WordPress functions it is not typically compatible with Simply Static.
Hello jeanphilippegrasse. Thank you for your questions. Simply Static Pro has a deployment option for GitHub that allows you to skip the ZIP export and upload directly to your repository. The Pro version of the plugin also contains the option to perform single page/post exports and build (custom group of pages/posts) exports. With the core version of Simply Static your current workflow appears to be the best.
Here is a link to more information about the GitHub integration available in Pro:
Here is a link to more information about single exports:
Hello Harv696. Sorry you are having trouble with your export. As a first step, I would recommend correcting the SSL on your website and trying the export again. If after correcting the SSL the issue remains, try disabling all plugins except Simply Static and changing the active theme to a default WordPress authored one like Twenty-Twenty Four and running a new full export. If the export is able to finish correctly enable each plugin needed by your site one by one running a new full export after each to determine if a compatibility issue exists with a plugin of theme on your site. If you still are experiencing an issue I would recommend contacting a web developer to help.
Hello Carin. Thank you for the question. For Simply Static Pro the free version also needs to be installed.
Hello James. Thanks for the question. Simply Static does not generate a static version of page/posts with a status of draft. During export only pages and post with a status of “published” will be exported.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simply Static - The WordPress Static Site Generator] stuck in redirect loopThanks for the update blazer360. I would also ask that you edit your original post and remove the credentials and remove the ZIP export file from the second post. For the security of your site it is not recommended to post sensitive information on this forum. An overview of the issue occurring and any errors being reported (stripped of sensitive info) should be enough to point you in the right direction.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simply Static - The WordPress Static Site Generator] stuck in redirect loopThank you for the question blazer380. For the security of your site it is recommended that you remove the credentials you shared and change the user password.
Hello niteshloll. I’m sorry you are having a issue exporting your site. I would recommend checking the Diagnostics screen available in the WordPress dashboard by navigation to Simply Static > Settings > Diagnostics. This screen will display items that may have a compatibility issue with Simply Static in your hosting environment. From the error, your site may be having trouble making requests to itself. If so, below is a link to our troubleshooting guide on the topic:
Hello @usernameexists. I’m happy to hear you were able to resolve the URL issue. Thank you for sharing your solution!
Hello jameswithsupersonic. Sorry you are experiencing an issue. You will want to make sure WP cron is able to function correctly in your environment. Simply Static uses the WP cron feature to schedule and track an export.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simply Static - The WordPress Static Site Generator] Icons missingHello ctrlsync. Thank you for contacting us. One option you could try is enabling “Force URL replacements.” This feature is located at the bottom of the Misc tab, under Simply Static > Settings > Misc > Additional Settings.
Hello 1waytoheaven, thank you for your posts. You are correct, unfortunately, Simply Static is not able to work correctly with membership plugins as they require access to WordPress and the database to check a user’s credentials. Since Simply Static creates a version of your website that is decoupled from the WordPress environment, the static version of your site is not able to run this functionality. Hope this information is of help. Have a wonderful day.