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  • Thread Starter Sravan92


    and i found these.. there are around 5 sizes ..

    * Featured images settings
    set_post_thumbnail_size(72, 60, true); // used in many more aspect ratios

    add_image_size(‘motive-grid-slider’, 603, 362, true); // main slider image in grid slider – also used for main higlights
    add_image_size(‘motive-image-block’, 333, 200, true); // gallery sizes used in sidebars and so on – also used in slider at 301×181

    add_image_size(‘motive-alt-slider’, 740, 357, true); // alt slider image size
    add_image_size(‘motive-slider-full’, 1206, 410, true); // alt slider full-width image size
    add_image_size(‘motive-slider-alt-block’, 352, 169, true); // alt slider right slide blocks image

    add_image_size(‘motive-main-block’, 252, 167, true); // main home block – used in 232×154 too
    add_image_size(‘motive-highlight-block’, 359, 201, true); // also used in highlights blocks at 348×195

    so can i delete remaining pics except these ?

    Thread Starter Sravan92


    Hi Steve, Thank for the reply. I have posted my functions.php code in the above reply.

    So, Can you please guide me how to solve this thing ?

    What are the duplicate image sizes that i can delete ?

    Thread Starter Sravan92


     * Motive Theme!
     * This is the typical theme initialization file. Sets up the Bunyad Framework
     * and the theme functionality.
     * ----
     * Code Locations:
     *  /          -  WordPress default template files
     *  lib/       -  Contains the core Bunyad framework files
     *  inc/       -  Theme related functionality
     *  admin/     -  Admin-only content
     *  partials/  -  Template parts (partials) called via get_template_part()
     * Note: If you're looking to edit HTML, look for default WordPress templates in
     * top-level / and in partials/ folder.
    // already initialized? some buggy plugin call?
    if (class_exists('Bunyad_Core')) {
    // initialize Framework
    require_once get_template_directory() . '/lib/bunyad.php';
    // fire up the theme - make available in Bunyad::get('motive')
    Bunyad::register('motive', array(
    	'class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_Motive',
    	'init' => true
     * Main Framework Configuration
    $bunyad_core = Bunyad::core()->init(apply_filters('bunyad_init_config', array(
    	'theme_name' => 'motive',
    	'meta_prefix' => '_bunyad',
    	'theme_version' => '1.2.5',
    	// widgets enabled
    	'widgets'    => array('about', 'latest-posts', 'popular-posts', 'tabbed-recent', 'flickr', 'ads', 'latest-reviews', 'comments', 'twitter'),
    	'post_formats' => array('gallery', 'image', 'video', 'audio'),
    	'shortcode_config' => array(
    		'font_icons' => true,
    		'social_font' => true,
    		'button_colors' => array(),
    	// enabled metaboxes and prefs - id is prefixed with _bunyad_ in init() method of lib/admin/meta-boxes.php
    	'meta_boxes' => array(
    		array('id' => 'post-options', 'title' => __('Post Options', 'bunyad'), 'priority' => 'high', 'page' => array('post')),
    		array('id' => 'post-reviews', 'title' => __('Review', 'bunyad'), 'priority' => 'high', 'page' => array('post')),
    		array('id' => 'page-options', 'title' => __('Page Options', 'bunyad'), 'priority' => 'high', 'page' => array('page')),
     * Motive Theme!
     * Anything theme-specific that won't go into the core framework goes here. Rest goes into lib/core.php
    class Bunyad_Theme_Motive
    	public function __construct()
    		// setup plugins before init
    		// init skins
    		add_action('bunyad_core_post_init', array($this, 'init_skins'));
    		// perform the after_setup_theme
    		add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'theme_init'), 12);
    		add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'init_shortcodes'), 5);
    		add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'init_page_builder'), 5);
    		// ready up the custom css handlers
    		include locate_template('inc/custom-css.php');
    	 * Setup any skin data and configs
    	public function init_skins()
    		// include our skins constructs
    		if (Bunyad::options()->predefined_style) {
    			include locate_template('inc/skins/' . sanitize_file_name(Bunyad::options()->predefined_style) .'.php');
    	 * Setup enque data and actions
    	public function theme_init()
    		include locate_template('inc/widgets-output.php');
    		 * Enqueue assets (css, js)
    		 * Register Custom CSS at a lower priority for CSS specificity
    		add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'register_assets'), 11);
    		 * Featured images settings
    		set_post_thumbnail_size(72, 60, true); // used in many more aspect ratios
    		add_image_size('motive-grid-slider', 603, 362, true); // main slider image in grid slider - also used for main higlights
    		add_image_size('motive-image-block', 333, 200, true); // gallery sizes used in sidebars and so on - also used in slider at 301x181
    		add_image_size('motive-alt-slider', 740, 357, true); // alt slider image size
    		add_image_size('motive-slider-full', 1206, 410, true); // alt slider full-width image size
    		add_image_size('motive-slider-alt-block', 352, 169, true); // alt slider right slide blocks image
    		add_image_size('motive-main-block', 252, 167, true); // main home block - used in 232x154 too
    		add_image_size('motive-highlight-block', 359, 201, true); // also used in highlights blocks at 348x195
    		// i18n
    		load_theme_textdomain('bunyad', get_template_directory() . '/languages');
    		// setup navigation menu with "main" key
    		register_nav_menu('motive-main', __('Main Navigation', 'bunyad'));
    		// fix html5 support
    		add_theme_support('html5', array('search', 'gallery', 'caption'));
    		 * Category meta
    		add_action('category_edit_form_fields', array($this, 'edit_category_meta'), 10, 2);
    		add_action('category_add_form_fields', array($this, 'edit_category_meta'), 10, 2);
    		add_action('edited_category', array($this, 'save_category_meta'), 10, 2);
    		add_action('create_category', array($this, 'save_category_meta'), 10, 2);
    		// user fields
    		add_filter('user_contactmethods', array($this, 'add_profile_fields'));
    		 * Reviews Support
    		add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'add_review'));
    		add_filter('bunyad_review_main_snippet', array($this, 'add_review_snippet'));
    		// 3.5 has content_width removed, add it for oebmed
    		global $content_width;
    		if (!isset($content_width)) {
    			$content_width = 740;
    		 * Register Sidebars
    		add_action('widgets_init', array($this, 'register_sidebars'));
    		 * Mega menu support
    		add_filter('bunyad_custom_menu_fields', array($this, 'custom_menu_fields'));
    		add_filter('bunyad_mega_menu_end_lvl', array($this, 'attach_mega_menu'));
    		// menu sticky logo support
    		add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', array($this, 'add_navigation_logo'), 10, 2);
    		 * Posts related filter
    		// custom font icons for post formats
    		add_action('bunyad_image_overlay', array($this, 'add_image_overlay'));
    		// video format auto-embed
    		add_filter('bunyad_featured_video', array($this, 'video_auto_embed'));
    		// add custom category per_page limits, if any
    		add_filter('pre_get_posts', array($this, 'add_category_limits'));
    		// remove hentry microformat, we use
    		add_action('post_class', array($this, 'fix_post_class'));
    		// ajax post content slideshow - add wrapper
    		add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'add_post_slideshow_wrap'));
    		// add image sizes to the editor
    		if (is_admin()) {
    			add_filter('image_size_names_choose', array($this, 'add_image_sizes_editor'));
    		// limit search to posts?
    		if (Bunyad::options()->search_posts_only) {
    			add_filter('pre_get_posts', array($this, 'limit_search'));
    		 * Prevent duplicate posts
    		if (Bunyad::options()->no_home_duplicates) {
    			// add to removal list on each loop
    			add_filter('loop_end', array($this, 'update_duplicate_posts'));
    			// exclude on blocks
    			add_filter('bunyad_block_query_args', array($this, 'add_duplicate_exclude'));
    			// exclude on widgets
    			foreach (array('tabbed_recent', 'popular_posts', 'latest_posts') as $widget) {
    				add_filter('bunyad_widget_' . $widget . '_query_args', array($this, 'add_duplicate_exclude'));
    		// add the orig_offset for offset support in blocks
    		add_filter('bunyad_block_query_args', array(Bunyad::posts(), 'add_query_offset'), 10, 1);
    		// add "more" text for excerpts
    		Bunyad::posts()->more_html = '<span class="read-more"><a href="%s" title="%s">'. __('More', 'bunyad') .'</a></span>';
    		// set dynamic widget columns for footer
    		add_filter('dynamic_sidebar_params', array($this, 'set_footer_columns'));
    		// add comments snippet
    		add_action('bunyad_comments_snippet', array($this, 'comments_snippet'));
    		// add listing meta
    		add_action('bunyad_listing_meta', array($this, 'listing_meta'));
    		// breadcrumbs
    		add_filter('bunyad_breadcrumbs_defaults', array($this, 'breadcrumbs'));
    		// theme update hook
    		add_action('bunyad_theme_version_change', array($this, 'theme_update'));
    		// setup the init hook
    		add_action('init', array($this, 'init'));
    	 * Action callback: Setup that needs to be done at init hook
    	public function init()
    		// init reviews
    		// setup theme-specific shortcodes and blocks
    		// load importer lib if needed
    		if (is_admin()) {
    			include_once locate_template('inc/import.php');
    	 * Action callback: Extend Bunyad Shortcodes
    	public function init_shortcodes()
    		if (!class_exists('Bunyad_ShortCodes')) {
    		// remove original
    		$bunyad_sc = Bunyad_ShortCodes::getInstance();
    		remove_action('after_setup_theme', array($bunyad_sc, 'setup'));
    		// add extended class
    		include_once locate_template('inc/shortcodes.php');
    		add_action('after_setup_theme', array(Bunyad::get('motive_codes'), 'setup'), 10);
    	 * Action callback: Initialize Visaul Composer page builder
    	public function init_page_builder()
    		// plugin is not active?
    		if (!class_exists('Vc_Manager')) {
    		include locate_template('inc/visual-composer.php');
    	 * Register and enqueue theme CSS and JS files
    	public function register_assets()
    		if (!is_admin()) {
    			// add jquery, theme js
    			wp_enqueue_script('bunyad-theme', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/bunyad-theme.js', array('jquery'), false, true);
    			 * Add CSS styles
    			// add google fonts
    			$style = $this->get_style(Bunyad::options()->predefined_style);
    			$args  = $style['font_args'];
    			if (!Bunyad::options()->image_logo) {
    				$args['family'] .= '|Roboto:900';
    			if (Bunyad::options()->font_charset) {
    				$args['subset'] = implode(',', array_keys(array_filter(Bunyad::options()->font_charset)));
    			wp_enqueue_style('motive-fonts', add_query_arg(urlencode_deep($args), (is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http') . '://'), array(), null);
    			// add core css
    			if (is_rtl()) {
    				wp_enqueue_style('motive-core', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/css/rtl.css', array(), Bunyad::options()->get_config('theme_version'));
    			else {
    				// use stylesheet_uri so that child theme's style.css is loaded
    				wp_enqueue_style('motive-core', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), Bunyad::options()->get_config('theme_version'));
    			// add lightbox to pages and single posts
    			if (Bunyad::options()->enable_lightbox && (is_single() OR is_page())) {
    				wp_enqueue_script('motive-lightbox', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/lightbox.js', array(), false, true);
    				wp_enqueue_style('motive-lightbox', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/lightbox.css', array(), Bunyad::options()->get_config('theme_version'));
    			// add web fonts
    			wp_enqueue_style('motive-font-awesome', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', array(), Bunyad::options()->get_config('theme_version'));
    			// predefined style
    			if (!empty($style['css'])) {
    				wp_enqueue_style('motive-skin', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/' . $style['css'] . '.css', array(), Bunyad::options()->get_config('theme_version'));
    			// responsive
    			if (!Bunyad::options()->no_responsive) {
    				wp_enqueue_style('motive-responsive', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/'. (is_rtl() ? 'rtl-' : '') . 'responsive.css', array(), Bunyad::options()->get_config('theme_version'));
    				// add responsive overrides from skin, if any
    				if (!empty($style['responsive-css'])) {
    					wp_enqueue_style('motive-responsive-skin', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/'. $style['responsive-css'] . '.css', array(), Bunyad::options()->get_config('theme_version'));
    			// owl carousel to the footer
    			wp_enqueue_script('motive-owl-carousel', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/owl.carousel.min.js', array('jquery'), false, true);
    	 * Setup the sidebars
    	public function register_sidebars()
    		// register dynamic sidebar
    			'name' => __('Main Sidebar', 'bunyad'),
    			'id'   => 'motive-primary-sidebar',
    			'description' => __('Widgets in this area will be shown in the default sidebar.', 'bunyad'),
    			'before_title' => '<h5 class="widget-title section-head cf main-color"><span class="title">',
    			'after_title'  => '</span></h5>',
    		// register dynamic sidebar
    			'name' => __('Top Bar (Above Header)', 'bunyad'),
    			'id'   => 'motive-top-bar',
    			'description' => __('Please place only a single widget. Preferably a text widget.', 'bunyad'),
    			'before_title' => '',
    			'after_title'  => '',
    			'before_widget' => '',
    			'after_widget'  => ''
    		// register dynamic sidebar
    			'name' => __('Header Right', 'bunyad'),
    			'id'   => 'motive-header-right',
    			'description' => __('Please place only a single widget. Preferably text-widget. Not available on centered header.', 'bunyad'),
    			'before_title' => '',
    			'after_title'  => '',
    			'before_widget' => '',
    			'after_widget'  => ''
    		// register dynamic sidebar
    			'name' => __('Footer - Top', 'bunyad'),
    			'id'   => 'motive-main-footer',
    			'description' => __('Widgets in this area will be shown in the footer. Max 3 widgets or based on custom settings.', 'bunyad'),
    			'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
    			'after_title'  => '</h3>',
    			'before_widget' => '<li class="widget column %2$s">',
    			'after_widget' => '</li>'
    		// register dynamic sidebar
    			'name' => __('Footer - Middle', 'bunyad'),
    			'id'   => 'motive-mid-footer',
    			'description' => __('Widgets in this area will be shown below the top footer. Max 3 widgets.', 'bunyad'),
    			'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
    			'after_title'  => '</h3>',
    			'before_widget' => '<li class="widget column %2$s">',
    			'after_widget' => '</li>'
    		// register dynamic sidebar
    			'name' => __('Footer - Lower', 'bunyad'),
    			'id'   => 'motive-lower-footer',
    			'description' => __('Prefer simple text widgets here.', 'bunyad'),
    			'before_title' => '',
    			'after_title'  => '',
    			'before_widget' => '',
    			'after_widget'  => ''
    		// "Custom Sidebars" by WPMUDEV - add plugin defaults for compatibility
    		if (is_admin() && class_exists('CustomSidebars')) {
    			if (!get_option('cs_modifiable')) {
    				update_option('cs_modifiable', array('modifiable' => array('motive-primary-sidebar')));
    	 * Filter callback: Override breadcrumbs defaults
    	 * @param array $options
    	public function breadcrumbs($options = array())
    		$options = array_merge($options, array(
    			'show_current' => (is_single() ? 0 : 1), // 1 - show current post/page title in breadcrumbs, 0 - don't show
    			'delimiter' => '<span class="delim"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span>',
    			'home_before' => '',
    			'home_after' => '',
    			'text' => array_merge((array) $options['text'], array(
    				'category' => '%s',
    		return $options;
    	 * Action callback: Save custom meta for categories
    	public function save_category_meta($term_id)
    		// have custom meta?
    		if ($_POST['meta'] && is_array($_POST['meta']))
    			$meta = $_POST['meta'];
    			// editing?
    			if (($option = Bunyad::options()->get('cat_meta_' . $term_id))) {
    				$meta = array_merge($option, $_POST['meta']);
    			// save to _bunyad_cat_meta
    			Bunyad::options()->update('cat_meta_' . $term_id, $meta);
    			// clear custom css cache
    	 * Setup and recommend plugins
    	public function setup_plugins()
    		if (!is_admin()) {
    		 * Packaged plugins info - save in registry to be used by plugin updater
    		$plugins_info = array(
    			'bunyad-shortcodes' => array(
    				'version' => '1.0.6',
    			'bunyad-widgets' => array(
    				'version' => '1.0.5',
    			'js_composer' => array(
    				'version' => '4.11.2',
    		Bunyad::registry()->set('packaged_plugins', $plugins_info);
    		// load the plugin activation class and plugin updater
    		require_once get_template_directory() . '/lib/vendor/tgm-activation.php';
    		require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/plugin-update.php';
    		// recommended and required plugins
    		$plugins = array(
    				'name'     	=> 'Bunyad Shortcodes', // The plugin name
    				'slug'     	=> 'bunyad-shortcodes', // The plugin slug (typically the folder name)
    				'source'   	=> get_template_directory() . '/lib/vendor/plugins/', // The plugin source
    				'required' 	=> true, // If false, the plugin is only 'recommended' instead of required
    				'force_activation' => false, // If true, plugin is activated upon theme activation and cannot be deactivated until theme switch
    				'version'   => $plugins_info['bunyad-shortcodes']['version'],
    				'name'     	=> 'WPBakery Visual Composer',
    				'slug'     	=> 'js_composer',
    				'source'   	=> get_template_directory() . '/lib/vendor/plugins/',
    				'required' 	=> true,
    				'force_activation' => false,
    				'version'   => $plugins_info['js_composer']['version'],
    				'name'      => 'Bunyad Widgets',
    				'slug'      => 'bunyad-widgets',
    				'source'    => get_template_directory() . '/lib/vendor/plugins/',
    				'required'  => true,
    				'force_activation' => false,
    				'version'   => $plugins_info['bunyad-widgets']['version'],
    				'name' => 'Custom sidebars',
    				'slug' => 'custom-sidebars',
    				'required' => false,
    				'name' => 'WP Retina 2x',
    				'slug' => 'wp-retina-2x',
    				'required' => false,
    				'name'   => 'Contact Form 7',
    				'slug'   => 'contact-form-7',
    				'required' => false,
    				'name'   => 'Social Count Plus',
    				'slug'   => 'social-count-plus',
    				'required' => false,
    		tgmpa($plugins, array('is_automatic' => true));
    	 * Any layout blocks that are layout/page/theme-specific will be included to extend
    	 * the default shortcodes supported by the Bunyad Shortcodes Plugin.
    	public function setup_shortcodes()
    		if (!is_object(Bunyad::options()->shortcodes)) {
    			return false;
    		// default attributes shared amongst blocks
    		$default_attribs = apply_filters('bunyad_default_block_attribs', array(
    				'title'       => '',
    				'title_type'  => '',
    				'view_all'    => 1,
    				'main_color'  => '',
    				'posts'       => 5,
    				'type'        => '',
    				'cat'         => '',
    				'tags'        => '',
    				'sort_by'     => '',
    				'sort_order'  => '',
    				'taxonomy'    => '',
    				'offset'      => '',
    				'link'        => '',
    				'post_type'   => '',
    				'term_ids'    => '',
    				'post_format' => '',
    				'no_thumbs'   => 0,
    				'excerpt_len' => '',
    		// register blocks
    			// file based
    			'blog' => array('render' => locate_template('blocks/blog.php'), 'attribs' => array_merge($default_attribs, array(
    				'pagination' => 0, 'posts' => 6
    			'highlights' => array('render' => locate_template('blocks/highlights.php'), 'attribs' => $default_attribs),
    			'slider' =>  array('render' => locate_template('blocks/slider.php'), 'attribs' => $default_attribs),
    			'review' => array('render' => locate_template('blocks/review.php'), 'attribs' => array('position' => 'bottom')),
    			'main_highlights' => array('render' => locate_template('blocks/main-highlights.php'), 'attribs' => $default_attribs),
    			'news_bar' => array('render' => locate_template('blocks/news-bar.php'), 'attribs' => $default_attribs),
    			'multimedia' => array('render' => locate_template('blocks/multimedia.php'), 'attribs' => array_merge($default_attribs, array(
    				'per_slide' => 3
    			'latest_gallery' => array('render' => locate_template('blocks/latest-gallery.php'), 'attribs' => array_merge($default_attribs, array(
    				'per_slide' => 3, 'show_nav' => true, 'title_pos' => ''
    			// string based
    			'main-color' => array('template' => '<span class="main-color">%text%</span>', 'attribs' => array('text' => '')),
    		// setup shortcode modifications
    		add_filter('bunyad_shortcodes_list', array($this, 'shortcodes_list'));
    		add_filter('bunyad_shortcodes_list_styles', array($this, 'shortcodes_list_styles'));
    	 * Styles and skins
    	public function get_style($style = '')
    		$styles = array(
    			'magazine' => array(
    				'font_args' => array('family' => 'Source Sans Pro:400,600,700|Open Sans:400,400italic,600,700'),
    				'css' => 'layout-magazine',
    			'news' => array(
    				'font_args' => array('family' => 'Lora:400,700|Open Sans:400,600,700|Volkhov:400'),
    			'creative' => array(
    				'font_args' => array('family' => 'Oswald:400,700|Lato:400,400italic,700|PT Serif:400italic'),
    				'css' => 'layout-creative',
    				'responsive-css' => 'responsive-creative'
    		if (empty($styles[$style])) {
    			return array();
    		return $styles[$style];
    	 * Action callback: Add form fields to category editing / adding form
    	public function edit_category_meta($term = null)
    		// add required assets
    		wp_enqueue_style('bunyad-cat-options', get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/css/cat-options.css');
    		// add media scripts
    		wp_enqueue_script('bunyad-theme-options', get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/js/options.js', array('jquery'));
    		// get our category meta template
    		include_once get_template_directory() . '/admin/category-meta.php';
    	public function shortcodes_list($list)
    		return $list;
    	public function shortcodes_list_styles($styles)
    		$styles['arrow-right'] = $styles['arrow'];
    		return $styles;
    	 * Filter callback: Custom menu fields
    	public function custom_menu_fields($fields)
    		$fields = array(
    			'mega_menu' => array(
    				'label' => __('Mega Menu', 'bunyad'),
    				'element' => array(
    					'type' => 'select',
    					'class' => 'widefat',
    					'options' => array(
    						0 => __('Disabled', 'bunyad'),
    						'category' => __('Category Mega Menu (Subcats, Posts)', 'bunyad'),
    						'category-featured' => __('Category Mega Menu (Subcats, Featured & Recent))', 'bunyad'),
    						'normal' => __('Mega Menu for Links', 'bunyad')
    				'parent_only' => true,
    				'locations' => array('motive-main'),
    		return $fields;
    	 * Filter Callback: Add our custom mega-menus
    	 * @param array $args
    	public function attach_mega_menu($args)
    		 * @todo when not using a cache plugin, wrap in functions or cache the menu
    		// category mega menu
    		if ($item->mega_menu == 'category') {
    			$template = 'partials/mega-menu/category.php';
    		else if ($item->mega_menu == 'normal') {
    			$template = 'partials/mega-menu/links.php';
    		else if ($item->mega_menu == 'category-featured') {
    			$template = 'partials/mega-menu/category-featured.php';
    		if ($template) {
    			include locate_template($template);
    			$output = ob_get_clean();
    			return $output;
    		return $sub_menu;
    	 * Filter callback: Add logo to the sticky navigation
    	public function add_navigation_logo($items, $args)
    		if (!Bunyad::options()->sticky_nav OR !Bunyad::options()->sticky_nav_logo OR $args->theme_location != 'motive-main') {
    			return $items;
    		if (Bunyad::options()->image_logo_nav) {
    			$logo = '<img src="' . esc_attr(Bunyad::options()->image_logo_nav) .'" />';
    		else {
    			$logo = do_shortcode(Bunyad::options()->text_logo); // pre-sanitized with kses - valid html
    		$items = '<li class="sticky-logo"><a href="'. esc_url(home_url('/')) .'">' . $logo . '</a></li>' . $items;
    		return $items;
    	 * Filter callback: Add theme-specific profile fields
    	public function add_profile_fields($fields)
    		$fields = array_merge((array) $fields, array(
    			'bunyad_twitter' => __('Twitter URL', 'bunyad'),
    			'bunyad_gplus'   => __('Google+ URL', 'bunyad'),
    			'bunyad_facebook' => __('Facebook URL', 'bunyad'),
    			'bunyad_linkedin' => __('LinkedIn URL', 'bunyad'),
    			'bunyad_dribbble' => __('Dribbble URL', 'bunyad'),
    			'bunyad_public_email' => __('Public Email', 'bunyad'),
    		return $fields;
    	 * Action callback: Add the image overlay based on post-type
    	public function add_image_overlay($term = '')
    		// which icon?
    		switch (get_post_format()) {
    			case 'image':
    			case 'gallery':
    				$icon = 'fa-picture-o';
    			case 'video';
    				$icon = 'fa-youtube-play';
    			case 'audio':
    				$icon = 'fa-music';
    				$icon = 'fa-file-text-o';
    			<span class="image-overlay"></span>
    			<span class="meta-overlay">
    				<span class="meta">
    				<span class="post-format <?php echo esc_attr(get_post_format()); ?>"><i class="fa <?php echo esc_attr($icon); ?>"></i></span>
    	 * Filter callback: Auto-embed video using a link
    	 * @param string $content
    	public function video_auto_embed($content)
    		global $wp_embed;
    		if (!is_object($wp_embed)) {
    			return $content;
    		return $wp_embed->autoembed($content);
    	 * Filter callback: Add custom per page limits where set for individual category
    	 * @param object $query
    	public function add_category_limits($query)
    		// bail out if incorrect query
    		if (is_admin() OR !$query->is_category() OR !$query->is_main_query()) {
    			return $query;
    		// permalinks have id or name?
    		if ($query->get('cat')) {
    			$category = get_category($query->get('cat'));
    		else {
    			$category = get_category_by_slug($query->get('category_name'));
    		// category meta
    		$cat_meta = (array) Bunyad::options()->get('cat_meta_' . $category->term_id);
    		// set user-specified per page
    		if (!empty($cat_meta['per_page'])) {
    			$query->set('posts_per_page', intval($cat_meta['per_page']));
    		return $query;
    	 * Add review/ratings to content
    	 * @param string $content
    	public function add_review($content)
    		if (!is_single() OR !Bunyad::posts()->meta('reviews')) {
    			return $content;
    		$position  = Bunyad::posts()->meta('review_pos');
    		$shortcode = do_shortcode('[review position="'. esc_attr($position) .'"]');
    		// based on placement
    		if (strstr($position, 'top')) {
    			$content =  $shortcode . $content;
    		else if ($position == 'bottom') {
    			$content .= $shortcode;
    		return $content;
    	 * Filter callback: Add theme's default review snippet
    	 * @param string $content
    	public function add_review_snippet($content)
    		if (!Bunyad::posts()->meta('reviews') OR !Bunyad::options()->review_show) {
    			return $content;
    		// reviews enabled?
    		if (Bunyad::posts()->meta('reviews')) {
    			// star style reviews?
    			if (Bunyad::options()->review_style == 'stars')
    				return '
    					<span class="review-meta stars">
    						<span class="main-stars"><span style="width: '. Bunyad::reviews()->decimal_to_percent(Bunyad::posts()->meta('review_overall')) .'%;">
    							<strong class="rating">' . Bunyad::posts()->meta('review_overall') . '</strong></span>
    			if (Bunyad::options()->review_style == 'percent') {
    				$rating = Bunyad::reviews()->decimal_to_percent(Bunyad::posts()->meta('review_overall')) . '<span class="percent">%</span>';
    			else {
    				$rating = floatval(Bunyad::posts()->meta('review_overall')) . '/' . Bunyad::reviews()->rating_max;
    			return '<span class="review-meta"><span class="number">' . $rating . '</span></span>';
    	 * Filter callback: Remove unnecessary classes
    	public function fix_post_class($classes = array())
    		// remove hentry, we use
    		$classes = array_diff($classes, array('hentry'));
    		return $classes;
    	 * Filter callback: Add a wrapper to the content slideshow wrapper
    	 * @param string $content
    	public function add_post_slideshow_wrap($content)
    		if (is_single() && Bunyad::posts()->meta('content_slider')) {
    			return '<div class="content-page">' . $content . '</div>';
    		return $content;
    	 * Filter callback: Add custom image sizes to the editor image size selection
    	 * @param array $sizes
    	public function add_image_sizes_editor($sizes)
    		global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
    		if (empty($_wp_additional_image_sizes)) {
    			return $sizes;
    		$motive_images = array('motive-grid-slider', 'motive-main-block', 'motive-highlights-block', 'motive-image-block', 'motive-slider-alt-block', 'motive-alt-slider', 'motive-slider-full');
    		foreach ($_wp_additional_image_sizes as $id => $data) {
    			if (in_array($id, $motive_images) && !isset($sizes[$id])) {
    				$sizes[$id] = __('Theme - ', 'bunyad') . ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $id));
    		return $sizes;
    	 * Filter callback: Limit search to posts only
    	 * @param object $query
    	public function limit_search($query)
    		global $wp_query;
    		// not in admin and not on bbpress search
    		if (!is_admin() && $query->is_search && empty($wp_query->bbp_search_terms) && (!function_exists('is_woocommerce') OR !is_woocommerce())) {
    			$query->set('post_type', 'post');
    		return $query;
    	 * Action callback: Add to list processed posts to handle duplicates
    	 * @param object $query
    	public function update_duplicate_posts(&$query)
    		// the query must enable logging
    		if (empty($query->query_vars['handle_duplicates']) OR !did_action('bunyad_pre_main_content')) {
    		// add to list
    		foreach ($query->posts as $post)
    			$duplicates = (array) Bunyad::registry()->page_duplicate_posts;
    			array_push($duplicates, $post->ID); 
    			Bunyad::registry()->page_duplicate_posts = $duplicates;
    	 * Filter callback: Enable duplicate prevention on these query args
    	 * @param array $query  query arguments
    	public function add_duplicate_exclude($query)
    		if (!is_front_page()) {
    			return $query;
    		if (!is_array(Bunyad::registry()->page_duplicate_posts)) {
    			Bunyad::registry()->page_duplicate_posts = array();
    		$query['post__not_in'] = Bunyad::registry()->page_duplicate_posts;
    		$query['handle_duplicates'] = true;
    		return $query;
    	 * Action callback: Output comments overlay
    	public function comments_snippet() {
    		if (true /* have_comments() */):
    			<a href="<?php echo esc_attr(get_comments_link()); ?>"><span class="comment-count"><?php echo get_comments_number(); ?></span></a>
    	 * Action callback: Output common meta for listings
    	public function listing_meta($type = '')
    		// default options
    		$defaults = array('type' => '', 'review' => Bunyad::options()->listing_meta['review']);
    		if (!is_array($type)) {
    			$type = array('type' => $type);
    		// override options
    		$options = array_merge($defaults, $type);
    		echo '<span class="listing-meta">';
    		// add the category meta? don't show on small type listings
    		if (!strstr($type, 'small') && Bunyad::options()->listing_meta['category']) {
    			// object has category taxonomy? i.e., is it a post?
    			if (in_array('category', get_object_taxonomies(get_post_type()))) {
    				// custom label selected?
    				if (($cat_label = Bunyad::posts()->meta('cat_label'))) {
    					$category = get_category($cat_label);
    				else {
    					$category = current(get_the_category());
    				echo '<a href="'. get_category_link($category) .'" class="category main-color cat-color-'. esc_attr($category->term_id) .'">' . esc_html($category->cat_name) . '</a>';
    		// add the date meta?
    		if (Bunyad::options()->listing_meta['date']) {
    			echo '<time datetime="' . esc_attr(get_the_date(DATE_W3C)) . '" itemprop="datePublished">' . get_the_date() . '</time>';
    		if ($review && ($type != 'small-widget' OR Bunyad::options()->review_show_widgets)) {
    			echo apply_filters('bunyad_review_main_snippet', '');
    		echo '</span>';
    	 * Filter callback: Set column for widgets where dynamic widths are set
    	 * @param array $params
    	 * @see dynamic_sidebar()
    	public function set_footer_columns($params)
    		static $count = 0, $columns, $last_id;
    		if (empty($columns)) {
    			$columns = array(
    				'motive-main-footer' => $this->parse_column_setting(Bunyad::options()->footer_cols_upper),
    				'motive-mid-footer'  => $this->parse_column_setting(Bunyad::options()->footer_cols_middle)
    		 * Set correct column class for each widget in footer
    		$id = $params[0]['id'];
    		// reset counter if last sidebar id was different than current
    		if ($last_id != $id) {
    			$count = 0;
    		// skip everything but these
    		if (in_array($params[0]['id'], array('motive-main-footer', 'motive-mid-footer'))) {
    			if (isset($columns[$id][$count])) {
    				$params[0]['before_widget'] = str_replace('column', $columns[$id][$count], $params[0]['before_widget']);
    		$last_id = $id;
    		return $params;
    	 * Action callback: Runs when theme version changes in admin
    	 * @see Bunyad_Admin_Options::check_version()
    	public function theme_update()
    		// foce WordPress to re-check for plugin updates
    	 * Parse columns of format 1/2+1/4+1/4 into an array of col-X
    	 * @param   array  $cols
    	 * @return  array  Example: array('col-6', 'col-3', ...)
    	public function parse_column_setting($cols)
    		$columns = array();
    		foreach (explode('+', $cols) as $col)
    			$col = explode('/', trim($col));
    			if (!empty($col[0]) && !empty($col[1])) {
    				$width = number_format($col[0] / $col[1], 2);
    				// pre-parsed map to save computation time
    				$map = array(
    					'0.08' => 'col-1', '0.17' => 'col-2', '0.25' => 'col-3', '0.33' => 'col-4',
    					'0.42' => 'col-5', '0.50' => 'col-6', '0.58' => 'col-7', '0.67' => 'col-8',
    					'0.75' => 'col-9', '0.83' => 'col-10', '0.92' => 'col-11', '1.00' => 'col-12'
    				if (array_key_exists($width, $map)) {
    					array_push($columns, $map[$width]);
    		return $columns;
    	 * Get relative width for current block, based on parent column width in
    	 * relation to the whole container.
    	 * @return  float  column width in percent/100, i.e. 30% will be returned as 0.3
    	public function block_relative_width()
    		// set current column width weight (width/100) - used to determine image sizing
    		$col_relative_width = 1;
    		if (isset(Bunyad::registry()->layout['col_relative_width'])) {
    			$col_relative_width = Bunyad::registry()->layout['col_relative_width'];
    		// adjust relative width if there's a sidebar
    		if (Bunyad::core()->get_sidebar() != 'none') {
    			$col_relative_width = ($col_relative_width * (8/12));
    		return $col_relative_width;
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