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Hi there,
Leadin distinguishes forms based on their CSS selector so adding a unique selector to each form will give you the ability to see them separately in Leadin.
This guide explains how to do that in Contact Form 7.
Hi livelearnventure, thanks for reaching out.
That definitely doesn’t sound good. If possible would you be able to shoot me over an email to [email protected] with the URL of your WordPress website so I can take a look? And if possible an admin login for the WordPress backend? With that we should be able to get to the bottom of why you are seeing blank screens and get you up and running again on Leadin.
Sorry for the trouble!
This is actually something that is not possible at the moment but it is something that we are likely to add in the not super distant future. I can keep you posted as we have updates on this if that works for you?
At the moment if you wanted to achieve this it would be possible to add in some custom CSS to hide the form manually on specific pages but this would be the only way at the moment. If this sounds like something you want to try shoot me a mail to [email protected] with an example page and I should be able to help out.
Cheers ??
Thanks for your review Aaron, we are super glad to hear that you are getting such value out of Leadin.
If you have any ideas about how to make it even better please let me know. You can shoot me a mail to [email protected] ??
Hi Veemo,
Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately the way HelloBar is built Leadin cannot collect contacts that are submitted. The reason for this is that the HelloBar form is inside an iframe which means the Leadin form tracking can’t actually ‘see’ it.
Fortunately we actually provide a top bar popup form within Leadin itself, which Leadin can collect submissions on ??
You can enable this by going to Leadin > Settings > Popup Form then Popup Location, this should be set to ‘Top’.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any follow up questions. Thanks!
We don’t have any plans in the short term to add integrations for things like WooCommerce or Membership integrations but the page view tracking aspects of Leadin should work independently and still provide you with data about things like the product pages that a lead may have viewed prior to, and after, submitting a form on your site. With that being said we do want to continue to grow Leadin and provide even more functionality so integrations or functionality like this may come in the future.
Regarding the comparison to things like ORBTR, some of the features of these types of plugins are things that are in the back of our mind in the short term and we do always love to hear feedback on what users would get the most value out of. We ultimately may provide a ‘premium’ version of Leadin with much more functionality for those power-users who need it, but we have no plans to stop offering a free version either ??
Hi Leokoo, it’s almost like you read our minds! We are actually just days away from releasing a brand new version of Leadin which does exactly that. You can read a little more about it here:
If you wanted to get early access and help us test our local db to cloud data migration there is a CTA at the bottom of that post, you can help us get it into everyone’s hands as soon as possible ??
Let me know if there is anything I can clarify.
Hi Matthew, update for you on this. We were able to take a look at it from our side and confirm that there was an issue with the API Key initially as it had an empty space character at the end which was causing the error. The tool was able to fix it for you and remove the character and we are actually working on updating the settings screen to prevent this error happening again.
Thanks for letting us know!
Hi Matthew, that definitely doesn’t sound right. Let me take a look at this a little further with my team and we’ll see if we can figure out why it wasn’t working for you initially.
We are working hard right now to finish the migration tool from v3.1.9 to v4.0.0. As soon as we have that complete there will be a small update for v4, something like v4.0.1 which will offer the ability to migrate your data that was in v3.1.9 (it still lives inside your MySQL WordPress database even though you deleted the plugin itself), over to version 4.
We will be working hard over the coming months to scale Leadin and hopefully provide even more tools to help our users be successful, however we have no plans to stop offering a free version of Leadin ??
Hi Matthew, we do indeed sync with Campaign Monitor, you’ll just find it in a slightly different place depending on which version of Leadin you are using.
If you are on version 3.1.9 you’ll find Campaign Monitor under Power-ups, in the Leadin sidebar menu.
If you are on version 4.0.0 you’ll find it under Settings, in the Leadin sidebar menu and then under ‘Email Sync’.
You’ll need your Campaign Monitor API Key, this guide should show you where to get that:
Let me know if this doesn’t work for you or if there’s anything I can clarify.
Thanks for reaching out! The current version of Leadin downloadable from is our most up to date v4.0.0 edition. Version 4 is almost a complete rebuild of the Leadin tool to provide a much faster and more stable version of Leadin which we can scale quickly. The version in our documentation is our version 3.1.9. At the moment we are working hard to rebuild all the functionality of v3.1.9 into v4.0.0.
?Currently the main differences between v3 and v4 are that v4 only syncs with MailChimp for email, but the other ESPs Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, and AWeber will be coming very soon. The most notable difference between v4 and v3 (which you have mentioned) is that the ‘Power Ups’ menu is gone. This is actually not because the power ups themselves are gone, we have actually just built them directly into the v4 plugin so the functionality should still exist for you (except for those additional ESPs for the moment).
In v4, you simply navigate to one of your form tags on the sidebar of the Leadin Contacts screen and from here you will see ‘not pushing to MailChimp’ in the top right. If you click on this you will then be able to check the lists you would like to push these contacts into.I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
Hi ginmi, we are very close to releasing the cloud version of Leadin to fully replace the existing version 3.1.9 however there are still a few finishing touches needed.
The main things to be aware of if you would like to try out the cloud version of Leadin (v4.0.0) are:
- We can’t migrate your existing data just yet (the migration process is still being refined).
- The only ESP sync we support right now is MailChimp.
- We’re not compatible with multi-site yet.
If you would like to go ahead and try out Leadin 4.0.0 you can read more about it and download it here: To be able to install it you will first need to deactivate and remove v3.1.9 and then install v4.0.0. This will leave your existing MySQL database tables intact, and once we do have a migration process built you will then be able to migrated your local Leadin data over to the cloud version of Leadin.
I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions about it.
Hi Jollyirishman, just responded to your question over on this initial thread
Hi Jollyirishman!
Could you confirm what version of Leadin you are using? We currently have two live version, v3.1.9 and v4.0.0, and configuring MailChimp is a little different in each. It might be better to pop me a mail over to [email protected] too, regarding the missing stats it sounds like that could be an issue with the requests to your MySQL database and we might need to dig a little further on that one. If you could send me an email with the version of Leadin you are on and also, if possible, an administrative login for your WordPress we should be able to take a look at it on our side to confirm why the stats might be missing