Stefan Sebechlebsky
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Suggestion: separate question and answers in CSV votes export@yourownprogrammer well, I have meant that each answer should be in a separate cell (column). But now I understand…, you mean the details ??
Approach 1:
Perhaps, there could be a separate column per each answer in the exported table, even in case of single answer per question allowed. Of course, there is one column also for the question. Instead of “Vote data” the headings should be: “Question”, “Answer1”, “Answer2”, etc. The values in the table body would correspond to the text (string) of the question and each answer selected by the voter. Unselected answer would be represented by empty cell (no value). Example:… Username … Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3
… MyVoter1 … How_are? <empty> poorlyo <empty>
… MyVoter2 … How_are? perfect <empty> lovelyo
… MyVoter3 … How_are? perfect <empty> <empty>So this would be universal for both single and multiple answers per question allowed and clearly seen which answer(s) chosen by each voter and what was the question he answered.
Approach 2:
Mention the question and all possible answers (give a number to each one) before the table heading and in the table body use “1” per each answer selected, and empty cell <e> if not selected. Question column not necessary:Question: How are you feeling baby right now?
An1: Perfectly drunk.
An2: Completely tired.
An3: Absolutely happy.
… Username … An1 An2 An3
… MyVoter1 … <e> -1- <e>
… MyVoter2 … -1- <e> <e>
… MyVoter3 … <e> <e> -1-This way admin can easily sum the votes per answer automatically.., although not all clearly seen at first sight how who voted.
If you could make it optional to the admin when exporting the table whether he choose Approach 1 or Approach 2 that would be perfect.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Use the %VOTER-EMAIL% tag as recipient of notificationGreat! Tried and confirm it works. Many thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Ban by username does not workYes, I have done a few testing attempts and all seems working well. Many thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Use the %VOTER-EMAIL% tag as recipient of notificationMany thanks, I can confirm it works.
Perhaps, you could also enable all the new tags: %VOTER-FIRST-NAME%, %VOTER-LAST-NAME%, %VOTER-EMAIL%, %VOTER-USERNAME% in the Subject field of the notification emails. Sory that I did not suggest this before, I am finding just now.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Ban by username does not workI have done several testing trials and I can confirm that banning by username, as well as by email, works now. However, there is still a little bug: The bans (both ‘by username’ and ‘by email’) work globally, i.e. for all polls, even if they are set for particular poll only. So we cannot set a ban per poll, the bans are always active for all polls even if set per particular poll.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Use the %VOTER-EMAIL% tag as recipient of notificationYes, that is what I mean – in my case for registered wordpress users voters.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Ban by username does not workVote Permissions: WordPress
Block Voters: by user ID
Block Period: Forever
Limit Number Of Votes per User: Yes
Votes per user: 1- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Stefan Sebechlebsky. Reason: typo
Many thanks! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CSV to HTML] Some typing errors in the code</body>?
You mean
No, there is </body> at line 1049 and this tag should just be removed. Search for the string if you don’t see it at that line number.
Previously I saw double the number of lines because there was an extra empty line inserted after each original one, somewhere in the process of my downloading the file from Linux to Windows and opening in editor on Windows.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CSV to HTML] Some typing errors in the codeHi,
you still forgot the unappropriate </body> at line 1049 (formerly 2097).
Perhaps, you could also add:
at the end of the <table> statement on line 1022 to keep responsiveness compatibility.
So far I have your plugin just on a testing site. I am using it in conjunction with
for provisioning of DataTables script and css style ( to format and control how the table is displayed. The two plugins complement each other very well ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP DataTable] Using data from Excel or csv file as inputFound this little plugin:
which works together with WP DataTable – place shortcodes of both of them in the same page/post.
Just add html_id=”ID” in the csv-to-html shortcode. In case of csv created by Excel, also add csv_delimiter=”;”Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TaskBreaker - Group Project Management] No email notificationsI tried to reinsstall BP emails (Tools – BuddyPress – Reinstall emails) and it has helped. Now the email notifications are being sent properly.
Thanks…I believe there is a way with a little help from our friends – the “Company / Usergroups” addon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System] Email NotificationsI agree, it is a hard to accept decision that the basic email notifications have been moved to the paid version although personally I am not so unhappy because for me email piping is a core feature so I had already chosen the paid option. On the other way, there are quite some other free features here which are paid at others, and here the paid option is rather affordable and contains all addons while others, e.g. Awesome require to pay additional affordable amount for each little addon feature resulting in a hardly affordable sum. Hopefully, Pradeep will keep the policy and not learn from those. Otherwise we would have to switch to some other solution, maybe even out of WP space like OTRS or OsTicket.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyDrive] Buddy drive PRIVACY PREFERENCES.Yes, @hbrack , I know exactly what you mean, this is a bug waiting to get resolved by the developer. Unfortunately, he is not responding. I meant my advice as a workaround.