– where I did the following using semiologic v2.1 (use your ftp program to TEMPORARILY change the permissions for the following files to writeable for everyone [someone help me here- it seems that is necessary if you use wordpress to edit the files…]):
1. In canvas.css –
border-bottom: none;
background: #FFFFFF url(/wp-images/flyingblondecraft.jpg) top left no-repeat;
2. In header.php (in the table with id="header"
) make sure the hieght is right for your image and add valign="top"
to keep the admin menu at the top right of the page –
<table id="header" class="canvas" height="205" >
<tr align="top">
<td id="admin_menu" align="right" valign="top">
<?php if ( function_exists('sem_admin_menu') ) sem_admin_menu(); ?>
Many thanks to WordPress & Denis de Bernardy for such amazing resources. (PS I think thats all i did to make the image header work…)