Stagger Lee
Forum Replies Created
Hi @bogdanrapaic, I doubt, cannot see this option.
REST API is blocked too but there is a whitelist. For instance for CF7 entry is: contact-form-7.
I don’t know if it can help you somehow.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Stagger Lee.
– Form submission denied (Locked out)
– URL:
– Form submission failed
– URL:
– Spam form submission denied (Bot detected)
– URL: I am logged in this time.
All this happened on sync with child sites in MainWP dashboard.
I know probably it would work OK if I remove Rest API block.Edit: No. it is not Rest API making problem.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Stagger Lee.
– MainWP Dashboard is installed on my Localhost
– MainWP Child is installed on live server, website
– When syncing websites in my Dashboard Cerber blocks my (ISP) IP.
– Later wp-login.php and wp-admin don’t work. Cerber redirects to some error page.
– I did not set in settings to block any of these two.– When this happens have to rename Cerber folder (on each website), with FTP client, just to be able to login, and later rename back.
I mean somehow defeat all purpose of MainWP Dashboard. Point is not to go to all websites and do everything from Dashboard. But when blocekd I have to go to each website and remove IP block.
MainWP is trusted plugin. If you can make some detection and let it through it would be nice. I believe developer of MainWP would help you if asked.
It blocks admin ajax call to MainWP child plugin (installed on all websites).
MainWP (Dashboard) is installed on localhost, so it blocks my own IP address.Would be fine if there is an option to make it work without whitelisting whole IP range. It is much IP addresses. Or several IP ranges. My ISP use several different.
Not only that is problem. Later I have on all those live websites to rename Cerber folder. To be able to login.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Stagger Lee.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Stagger Lee.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exploit Scanner] When will be updated?This link should be in plugin description on main page.
I don’t think IP range would ever work. Works nice so long people have MainWP Dashoard installed on localhost. As soon it is installed on live hosting server difficult to find IP adress, IP range. At least for beginners not so involved with things like that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Comments as bbPress Topics] Can I take over this pluginIt won’t show when Gutenberg is active. Action post_comment_status_meta_box-options is removed from Gutenberg.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Comments as bbPress Topics] Can I take over this pluginMan if I only knew it how. For start make it as Metabox legacy for Gutenberg. (so it does not trigger reverting to the TinyMce when Gutenberg goes stable in core)
So it can show under content, and save values. I will try now if it works at all with Gutenberg.- This reply was modified 7 years ago by Stagger Lee.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] ChangeJust to rise it for 2 stars.
You still have more 1 star than 5 stars.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Please make this a Jetpack module…It won’t be. Because major upgrades are not automatic. Unless owner is curious and login as Admin.
But it is not the point.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Comments as bbPress Topics] Can I take over this plugin@robin, take a look at this abandoned plugin. Online/Offline indicator. As I am aware all major forum scripts and sotware have this option for Users, except bbPress.
This one would be needed done in cooperation with buddyPress, so those 2 installations don’t boycot each other.
Here is it only as indicator of state. Would be nice as option in User profile, as other forums have it.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Stagger Lee.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Comments as bbPress Topics] Can I take over this pluginI see the future, and this plugin has very, very beautiful Gutenberg block. ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Please make this a Jetpack module…Am I the only one see all this different way ?
I do understand arguments of all sides, but….but…It will make huge damage for millions of websites, and only God knows how will it end. And how many new Users WP will attract, or old Users push away. When saying “User” I mean all, developers, owners/Users, webdesigners, webmasters, etc…
This is scenario for millions of websites, it is there, real, and so will it happen:
(for a brief moment we can follow human logic, follow money, and not logic of a coder.)– Web company is done with an website.
– Web company charges huge sum of money from client for an website.
– Client is more than pleased with work, it is done, finished, and he/she does not want to give a single € more for website.
– Then comes Gutenberg.
– It is different, it is something he/she did not agreeded with web company, it is forced upon then.
– Now they have to pay money, per hour, just for any web company to login in backend and check what is happening.
– Of course they wont do it, they will be angry, they will resolut refuse to give any money because of this mess.
– It makes web company very bad. Should I stick with WP, should I move to Drupal, Joomla, something else.Best case scenario is (and also very frightening):
– Web copmpany explain to client they do not need to pay a single €, but just to wait few months for all plugins to catch pace. When client ask can they guarantee this and what is exact time. Web company replies, it can last for years, it can never come.Third alternative is to block any core upgrades in wp-config.php. And just wait for hackers, they will come.
It is all about money. Client will be mad and absolutely refuse to pay anything for this mess to be fixed.
Web company will refuse to deal with this mess for free. Despite web company is more quilty for mess.What it leaves for clients and for web companies after this mess ? To invest many years ahead in WP and experience the same thing ?
Classis Editor plugin is not solution, as all we know it is only prolonging problem. It is just temporary solution.
Worth to add and mention, I am not writing all this because necessarily I will experience this problem, not whole impact of it.
Have not much websites done for money,and I am very lucky that all my clients are acceptable for any of mine advices I give them “for their good and best”. Plus I update all their websites, core and plugin, fix any errors done by updates for free, so they appreciate that.There are web companies that made hundreds, thousands of WP websites for money, and you still do not have any solution whatsoever for them.
In no way those web companies can do as I do. Impossible. They have to charge money for any mess Gutenberg will make.Wont mention now probably bad media coverage when, big and influential, client drags web company to the court.
Client wants mess to be fixed for free. Web company refuses to do it for free.
Website exposes maybe front-end errors, and make client in bad light publicly. If no any front-end problems, client cannot add/edit content anymore as before. For what he/she paid huge money.- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Stagger Lee.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Stagger Lee.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Changing password on changes it here tooJust checked, bbpress password is now forced on too.
I developed easy own system for very long and non-existing in dictionary passwords, and very easy to remember, no matter how many of them there are. But it is dependend of domain name.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Can CF7 be automatically be added to -each- new postJust add shortcode in PHP template:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="1234" title="Contact form 1"]' ); ?>
If you mean to dynamically change fields labels, types, etc. So form is different from Event to Event, It cannot be done so easy.
I just recently solved it by sending with form, Title of Event, URL of Event. Clickable in mail inbox, more than enough to know what Event it is about.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Stagger Lee.